
From IHE Wiki
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A wiki is basically a website you can edit.

To edit a page, click the edit tab at the top, edit the material in the input box then click the Save page button at the bottom.

Create a user account so we can keep track of who is doing what.

How to edit

Wiki pages are mostly plain text with a few basic formatting characters.

Read this tutorial:

In about 2 pages it explains the basic concepts & formatting characters. It also has loads of good links you can come back to later when you want to know more.

How to write

Writing a web page is different than writing a document.

These links provide some useful insight.

Text Conventions

<These are just provisional and should be discussed>

Use bold text to emphasize topics.

Use <italic text in angle brackets> for instructions to editors, i.e. text that should be replaced and explains what goes there, such as in a template

Use <bold italic text in angle brackets> when adding in-line comments about the contents of a page.

How to use MediaWiki

The links that are always available along the left and across the top provide a lot of useful features.

Recent Changes

The Recent Changes link in the navigation box takes you to the Recent Changes page. Every edit to any wiki page is listed from newest to oldest. Clicking on the (diff) link lets you see what the edit changed. Clicking on the page link itself lets you see that version. Clicking on the (hist) link lets you see the history of changes to that page.

You can also see past versions from the history tab on each page.


The search box on the left lets you do keyword searches on the site contents. You can change the scope of the search in your preferences.

Special Pages

<Need to explain Categories and Category Pages, watchlists, my contributions and look into My Talk as well as some of the really handy pages under Special Pages>

Discussion Page

If you feel it useful/necessary, explain the purpose of the page or the rationale of it's structure here.

If you are about to make a major change to a page, check the Discussion page to make sure you aren't misunderstanding the page. If you are going ahead with a major change, consider documenting your rationale.

User Page

Click on a user name (yours appears up at the top, others appear on history pages, etc) to get to their personal page.

Consider this template when creating your User Page.

Tips & Tricks

Quoting Text

To quote text without applying the wiki formatting rules use:

<nowiki> ... </nowiki>

Within a nowiki section, only HTML-quoting of special characters (<>&) will occur--no other formatting rules will be applied.

Text Size

To change the font size from the normal size to larger or smaller use:

<big> ...text </big>
<small> ...text </small>

Text Color

To change the color of the font being displayed use:

<font color=red> ...text </font>

Line Formatting

To force a hard Carriage-Return/Line-feed in the displayed document, use:

<br />

To center a text line, or all text between start HTML Tag and end HTML tag, use:

Definition (bolded term with indented definition)

is accomplished by:

;Term:Definition (bolded term with indented definition)

Using Templates

We may have templates for some types of pages (maybe referenced in the See Also section). To use the template, click it's link, click "Edit", and select and copy all the text in the edit window. Then go to your new page, and paste the template text into the edit window.

Table of Contents

All pages with more than two headers include a Table of Contents at the top of the page with each of the section headers included as links.

To move the TOC, insert the text __TOC__ at the point in the page where you would like it to appear.

To remove the TOC, insert the text __NOTOC__ at the start of the page.

Combined Pages

To combine several existing pages into a single meta page when it makes sense to do so for viewing or printing, create a new page with the following syntax:

==Optional Heading==
{{:Page page1}}
{{:Page page2}}
and so on

Printing Pages

To get a printable page with BIG HEADERS:

  • click on Printable View in the toolbox on the left
  • print from the browser.

To get a document formatted for paper:

  • click on Printable View in the toolbox on the left
  • select and copy all the text in the Printable View
  • open an empty Microsoft Word document
  • paste the text into the Word document
  • File->Page Setup-> reset the margins
  • Tools->Templates and Add-ins
  • <still need to explain how to import/overwrite the appropriate paragraph styles>
  • print from Word


There are client side spell checkers that will check what you edit:

Uploading Files

To avoid the broken link icon at the link to your uploaded file, add a : at the start of the link. E.g. [[:Media:NameOfYourFile.doc | link text]]

Task Lists

The MediaWikiTasks plugin supports managing task lists.


The EasyTimelines plugin supports displaying annotated timelines.

Converting Pages to HTML Files

mw2html is a tool for doing just this. Right click on this link and "Save Target as.."

It can be run with a Python binary package.

You will also need to get the htmldata module. Do a "Save Target As..." on the newest version link on that page. I don't remember off-hand how I got it to compile.

Once it's ready, try: " out -f"

Note: you may have a problem becausee it doesn't seem to use the login cookie cached for the browser so is an anonymous user so it only gets logon pages for pages that anonymous users don't have permission to view.

PDF Export

Combining articles into a single PDF for printing. It needs htmldoc (open source utility) to take multiple HTML pages and turn them into a PDF file. All pdf files stored on wiki server's folder called /printouts.

The coding is very simple and works like this: (we'll call this page "Test Print")

Put articles that will appear in sequence in curly braces: {Index_of_Work_Items | Feature_Proposals_Index | Index_of_Trend_Reports}

and put articles to combine into a single set of curly braces separated by the | pipe symbol. {Index_of_Work_Items | Feature_Proposals_Index | Index_of_Trend_Reports} These articles will not have a page break in the PDF file. This is really useful for articles that are short and related, such as a function list. Then add a link to this page:

Print these articles

Now when a user browses to this page on your site and clicks the above link, the page will re-output through the special PrintArticles.php file instead of index.php. The page will be changed from looking like this:

{Index_of_Work_Items | Feature_Proposals_Index | Index_of_Trend_Reports}

Print these articles

to this:

{Index_of_Work_Items | Feature_Proposals_Index | Index_of_Trend_Reports}

Print these articles

Creating: (Index_of_Work_Items)

Creating: (Feature_Proposals_Index)

Creating: (Index_of_Trend_Reports)

Test Print

Known Problems:

  • HTMLDOC can import images when running from command line but not reliable when spawn from wiki.
  • Quotes print out as: a with an accent
  • Funky caching issues

See Also

The IHE Wiki is built on MediaWiki software. The MediaWiki User's Guide is an excellent reference.

MediaWiki and Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia provide more information and examples of using MediaWiki.

Wiki Introduction provides a short video outlining the use of Wiki's for collaboration