GDC Minutes 2024-05-01

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  • Participants
  • Michael Nusbaum, IHE Canada, co-Chair
  • David Kwan, IHE Canada
  • Mary Kratz, IHE USA
  • Vince McCauley, IHE Australia
  • John Moehrke, IHE USA
  • Tone Southerland, IHE USA

  • Agenda Approval
  • Approved

  • Permission to record this session
  • Approved

National/Regional Deployment Committee Reports

  • IHE Australia: Vince and Peter will work to have an updated report by the June GDC meeting
  • IHE Canada: David will work with Attila to prepare a report, and commits to submitting by May 1, 2024
  • IHE USA: Tone will work with Christina to have a report ready for the June GDC meeting
  • An agenda item at future GDC meetings will call out overdue reports, and solicit commitments to have these submitted

Special Presentation

  • Role of IHE Benefactors and the relationship to the National/Regional Deployment Committees (Mike) (Slides)
  • A vibrant discussion was had that recognized the need for Deployment Committees to work with Benefactors in order to reach mutual benefits.
  • Benefactor activities (and benefits) need to be articulated BY THE BENEFACTORS, who are encouraged to meet as a group to discuss. Deployment Committees are eager to support Benefactors in their work.
  • IHE Australia raised a misconception that the ADHA is expecting their financial contribution to support Deployment Committee activities, which of course is not the case. Vince asked that this be raised at the Board Operations Committee to address expectations - Mike to follow up
  • Tone suggested that the Benefactors create a "Playbook", articulating activities and expected outcomes. Deployment Committees are willing to assist as necessary.
  • The group discussed how Benefactors can provide a link between "implementation experience" and IHE Development. John advised of work underway to strengthen the production and publication of TF "Volume 4" for each domain, to maximize use and ease of communication. John agreed to present progress at the next GDC meeting - Mike to schedule.

Future Special Presentations and tentative schedule 2023

  • IHE Catalyst Update (Lapo Bertini)
  • Netherland's setting up of a National Test and Validation Center (3rd quarter 2024)
  • UK Special Interest Group: Digital Pathology (Robin Breslin, IHE UK)

Open Forum (informal information sharing)

Other business

  • F2f Meeting at HIMSS24 feedback - those who attended thought it was very positive, and should be repeated wherever (and whenever) the opportunities arise
  • Interest in meeting f2f @ HIMSSS24 Europe May 29-31, 2024?? - GDC members supported this

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, May 1, 2024, 9:00 AM CT (US/EU friendly time)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee