WIC FT Evaluation

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Web-based Image Capture has been nominated for advancement to Final Text. (Advocate: Kinson Ho)

Per the Final Text Process, Items in blue text below warrant Committee discussion.

TC Checklist

  • Are all significant CPs against the profile "closed"?
[Kinson] Yes
  • Are all significant CPs against the underlying standards "closed"?
[Kinson] No pending CPs for underlying standards
  • Have all significant comments been CP'd or rejected?
[Kinson] Yes.
  • Have all open issues listed in the Supplement been closed?
[Kinson] Yes.
  • Have all significant issues at Connectathon been dealt with?
[Kinson] Yes.
  • Gather feedback from implementers via a formal questionnaire to Connectathon participants
[Kinson] DICOMweb store capability are well adopted in implementations. Some of the named options have not been tested at Connectathon.
  • Has the Connectathon Project Manager been queried and significant issues addressed?
[Kinson] Yes. No issues.

TC Conclusion

The core of WIC have been tested, as well as many named options, but there appears to be no interest in some of the defined named options. Tech Cmte proposes to move forward publishing WIC as final text, including the named options. In case implementors are interested in testing the named options in the future and identified new requirements, then new named options can be defined if necessary.

PC Checklist

  • Put Final Text Decision on the planning committee agenda
  • Has the profile been through a Connectathon in at least two regions?
Successfully tested at 4 EU Connectathons, 3 NA Connectathons, and the joint NA/EU CAT in 2022
  • Has the profile been successfully tested with all actors at least at one Connectathon?
Yes, see above
  • Have different implementations of each actor in the profile been tested?
Image Capturer (11 different vendors successfully tested)
Image Manager (11 vendors successfully tested)
  • Have all the options been tested successfully at at least one Connectathon?
WIC options:
DICOM Instance Storage - tested
Evidence Doc Storage - tested
JPEG Storage - tested
PNG Storage - never tested
MPEG4 Storage - one Image Capturer vendor registered for Trieste, but no partner
  • Is there IHE-provided software testing infrastructure that addresses all aspects of the profile?
No test tools for RAD-108 transaction in WIC.
  • Have the standards underlying the profile been implemented? In similar use cases? In healthcare? In general IT?
DICOMweb STOW-RS have been widely implemented in healthcare in similar use cases.
  • (Do you have concrete reason to believe that this works robustly in the Real World) / (Are any products available for purchase that implement the profile?)
Many vendors (open source and commercial) have DICOMweb STOW-RS capability in production systems. Orthanc, dcm4chee, Agfa, Google Cloud Platform, Change Healthcare, etc.
  • Have all issues that may have been raised about the profile been resolved?
Yes. Web-based Image Capture

PC Conclusion