Rad Tech Minutes 2024-04-15-19

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Meeting ID: 850 2675 3117 Passcode: 434350

Monday, April 15, 2024

Attendees: Andrei Leontiev (Visage), Kinson Ho (Tempus), Sean Doyle (Hyperfine), Shiokawa (Salt) Yasunari (JAHIS, IHE-J), David Kwan (IHE Canada, Insygnia), Wim Corbijn, Khaled Younis (Philips), Antje Schroeder (Siemens), Kevin O'Donnell (Canon), Steve Nichols (GE), John Paulett, Jason Malobicky (Rad AI), Jaime Dulkowski, TeRhonda McGee, Chris Carr (RSNA), Lynn Felhofer (IHE RAD TPM)

  • A1: 8:45am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Agenda Review - agenda will be modified in the afternoon. Takeaway: create a first draft of the next meeting agenda at the end of this one.
  • S1: 9:00am-11:00am: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Goal for this week is to prepare IDR for public comment publication
    • Public comment resolution is planned for an 'extra' RAD Tech meet during the Trieste Connectathon June 3-7 (perhaps half days)
    • Kevin walked through Vol 1 content to lay a roadmap for this week's discussions
    • Begin review of Vol 3 report content encoding specification
  • S2: 11:15am-12:15pm: Maintenance
    • CP Ballot 2024A comment resolution
      • 2024A CPs were reviewed, updated based on comments, and moved to Final Text status. The comment sheet is in the folder linked here.
      • The 4 CPs in Ballot 2024A are now Final Text status.
  • A2: 1:00pm-1:30pm: Administrative Time - agenda updated
  • S3: 1:30pm-3:00pm: Reject Analysis (RAM)
    • Progress on resolving public comments in Vol 1 content
  • S4: 3:15pm-5:00pm: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue Vol 3 discussion, with focus on Impressions

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Attendees: Ana Kostadinovska (Philips), Kevin O, David K, Wim C, Antje S, Khaled Y, Andrei L, Kinson H, Steve N, TeRhonda M, Jamie D, Lynn F (also members of DICOM WG20 for morning discussion of IDR issues)

  • S1: 9:00-11:00am: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue review of IDR; gather topics for discussion with WG20
  • 10:00-11:00am - Joint Session with DICOM WG20
    • Discussion of FHIR-related open issues to seek guidance from members of WG20
  • S2: 11:15am-12:15pm: Reject Analysis (RAM)
    • Continue resolving public comments
  • S3: 1:30pm-3:00pm: Imaging Diagnostic Report (IDR)
    • Continue fleshing out Vol 3 content, with focus on impressions, recommendations.
  • S4: 3:15pm-4:45pm: Maintenance
    • Finish evaluation of candidate profiles for promotion & deprecation: See rows 16-25 of the 2024 republication plan
      • Antje's profile evaluation forms for SMI, CXCAD, and MAWF are in this folder in google drive
    • Assign editors & dates in 2024 Republication Planning
    • Discussion of Retired vs Deprecated profile status
      • Retired = Stale technology. The profile is no longer maintained by IHE. Could be applied to TI or FT profiles.
      • Deprecated = Do not implement this. The profile is removed from the TF publication; remains in the archive. Could be applied to TI or FT profiles.
    • CP-RAD_473 (Final Text) will be moved to Cancelled status when MAWF is approved for retirement.
  • A3: 4:45pm-5:00pm: Administrative Time

Maintenance topics for the week

Link to RAD CP Tracking sheet

Link to RAD TF Maintenance folder in google drive

Maintenance topics:

  • CP-related discussion topics for committee deliberation
    • CP-RAD-513-02 SWF.b: Clarify Intermittently Modality behavior in RAD-10 Storage Commitment (Steve, Sean) - Reworked as discussed.
    • CP-RAD-423 Add specificity to IOCM (unreject) (Steve)
    • CP-RAD-501- FT - review small update to this WIA FT CP, suggested by Lynn
  • Other CPs ready for committee review:
    • CP-RAD-463 - Add RDSR Display option in REM (Kevin)
    • CP-RAD-496-01 - Missing arrow in in SWF.b actor/transaction diagram (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-478-01 - Remove out-of-date references to DICOM and supplement (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-515-01 - Vol 2x: Fully integrate SWF.b into Appendix D (Lynn) -- cmte input needed
    • CP-RAD-483-00 - Deprecate PWF transactions (Lynn) -- get go-ahead from RAD Tech to do this
    • CP-RAD-305-02 - Revise profile dependencies (grouping) in Vol 1) (Lynn) -- cmte input needed; do it, or kill it...
    • CP-RAD-436-02 - Fix inconsistencies in IOCM actor / transaction and grouping requirements (Lynn) -- cmte input needed
    • CP-RAD-410-03 - XCA-I is out of date for Async (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-491-01 - Code Mapping WP update (Lynn)
  • Review / update Top Ten CP list
    • Finalize content and timing of next CP ballot