GDC Agenda 2023-09-06

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  • Participants
  • Agenda Approval
  • Permission to record this session

National Deployment Committees

Future Special Presentations and tentative schedule 2023

  • Oct 4, Asia/US: Medinfo23 Update; Australia Standards Workshop (/Macisaac/McCauley) - NEW
  • Nov 1, US/EU: UK Special Interest Group: Digital Pathology (Wallhouse) - NEW
  • Dec 6, EU/Asia: Netherland's setting up of a National Test and Validation Center (Tie)
  • Jan 3, Asia/US: Joint Korea-Japan Connectathon Report (Salt) - NEW

Special Presentation

  • European EEHRxF and EHDS and its implications on the EU member states (Jürgen)

Global Consortium for eHealth Interoperability Update

  • Reporting as required

Open Forum (informal information sharing)

Other business

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, Oct 4, 2023, 06:00-7:00 PM CDT (Asia/US friendly time)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee