Pharm Tech Minutes 2023.03.03

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Meeting Venue

Oude Middenweg 55
2491 AC Den Haag
Virtual Meeting Room :Teams

9:00 Welcome

  • Sylvia Stein GS1
  • Hernany Silva Costa Melo Nictiz
  • Michael Tan Woxingtan
  • Jose Costa Teixeira Path
  • Stephane Spahni Geneva
  • Rutt Lindstroem ( Estonia)
  • Anne van Berkel Meier GS1 (on line)
  • Juergen Brandstaetter
  • Leonidas Tzimis EAHP( on line)
  • Marc Robberecht Dedalus (on line)

10:00 - 13:00 Medication List

  • Jurgen asks whom to invite for the call.
  • The work item is about E-Presctipion in native FHIR MPD using RESTfull concept.
  • It is a Gemini project and there it is open for HL7 participants.
  • The publication will also be open for ballot for HL7. The uestion is which ballot procedure will we follow.
  • The ballot procedures of HL7 and IHE are different. HL7 is extensive and uses Jira.
  • Juergen is in favor that the ballot procedure of the hosting organization should prevail.
  • We will assemble a list of candidate participants and send it to Juergen.

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00- 15:30 Supply

15:30- 16:00 Break

16:00- 17:30 ISO projects

Revision of ISO/TS 19293 ‘Requirements for a record of a dispense of a medicinal product’
Revision of ISO 17523 ‘Requirements for electronic prescriptions

18:00 Adjourn