Pharm Tech Minutes 2023.03.02

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Meeting Venue

Oude Middenweg 55
2491 AC Den Haag
Virtual meeting room : Teams

10:00 Welcome, planning, approve agenda

  • Tie Tjee IHE NL vendor co-chair
  • Sylvia Stein GS1
  • Hernany Silva Costa Melo Nictiz
  • Michael Tan Woxingtan
  • Jose Costa Teixeira Path
  • Stephane Spahni Geneva
  • Rutt Lindstroem ( Estonia)
  • Anne van Berkel Meier GS1 (on line)
  • Leonidas Tzimis EAHP( on line)
  • Sofia Franconi ( on line)
  • Marc Robberecht Dedalus (on line)
  • Alexander Berler ( IHE Europe)
  • Juergen Brandstaetter

Agenda topics

  • Brief updates from ISO, HL7 (Logical models, FHIR releases)
  • WHO Smart Guidelines and other work
  • Refresh current work items / roadmap overview (5m)
  • UNICOM (Alexander Berler & Sofia Franconi)
  • eHDSI, Gravitate (ePI?) project, JA09
  • Co-chair positions & elections, vacancy
  • Secretary position and activities (open since Simon left)
  • Call schedule (PATH can host future Teams calls)
  • Update Planning of season 2022-2023
  • Marketing and communication plan
  • How to use the input of IHE international
  • Financial topics of pharmacy (Sponsors)
  • IHE and EU specification maintenance
  • Repositories and change process (esp. for new authors)
  • Review DCC report
  • Approve NWI proposals?
  • Incoming CPs ?
  • Work items
  • Prescription / Dispense
  • Medication Record
  • Catalog/Product discovery

Reflection on Strategy and role of IHE Pharmacy

  • Reflection of organizations of the involved parties on the role of IHE Pharmacy
  • Switzerland
    • FHIR has resources but they are too much optionality.
    • IHE Pharmacy should reduce the resources.
    • Geneva will contribute to this effort
    • Oliver Egger is willing to cooperate, but will not invest in IHE Pharmacy
    • The government is thinking of enforcing regulations on the standards.
  • IHE Europe
    • Should align with European efforts
    • Focus on tracks where Connectathons could help with testing and certifying interoperability
    • For example Unicom. Should have a demonstration in September at the Connectathons in Rennes
    • Gravitate project. See how we can adjust available profiles in a testable profile.
  • IHE NL
    • misses the users. But in the scope of pharmacy the users are still unaware of what they are missing.
    • Netherlands do have a legal track called Wegiz. This could also lead to opportunities for Pharmacy.
    • Marc looks at the different European countries. Dedalus would like to have one integrated set of profiles, because now they have to conform to different flavors of each country.
  • Nictiz
    • Where does IHE fit in the program of Nictiz.
    • What can we do with the profiles.
    • Is Nictiz willing to contribute and provide experts to write the technical specifications?
    • Jurgen is will also contribute to e-P next generation.
  • Unicom
    • For UNICOM there are several milestones:
    • Milestone 1 : Connectathon 2023 in Rennes with the UNICOM day: Conference + more hands-on/hackathon (with Gravitate)
    • Milestone 2: Connectathon 2024 in Trieste (June 2024) UNICOM will be over so it will be more formally testable
    • Milestone 3: Look at the XeHealth and eHDSI eP/eD specifications to adapt them to IHE Methodology, and planning a support to the EHDS regulation (the eP and eD documents will have to be certified in 2025 or 2026?)Establish a collaboration between EU-Affairs Committee and IHE Pharmacy to align on the work.
  • Some specifications are already ready. Nno need to do everything from scratch
  • That's why the collaboration between IHE Pharmacy and EU-Affairs, we have budget for UNICOM, but yes there is the need to have someone that can write the specifications
  • EAHP
    • The hospital pharmacists are keen on publishing the supply profiles and make it testable.
    • Jose mentions that supply is also important for the supply in low income countries for example on the vaccinations.

12:30-12:45 Lunch

12:45 - 13:15 Planning

  • F2F a summer meeting. Either Porto or Chania
  • Call for elections for the position of IHE Pharmacy user co-chair in month of April.
  • There is no user profile.
  • Action Jose boradcast the call for co-chair
  • Also a call for a secretary ( since Simon Letellier left).

13:15- 15:30 E-Prescription/ CMPDm

  • eP/eD process in Austria (Jürgen) + Gemini project
  • ePrescription in Belgium (José)
  • CMPD is running in Austria
  • In Switzerland they are transferring to FHIR in 2 stages.
    • stage 1 intermediate fase (FHIR combined with CDA).
    • Stage 2 Full blown FHIR with RESTful concept.
  • The intent in Austria is a trial for stage 2, that will also include a HAPI server in the middel.
  • The role of pharmceutical advisor will be reviewed in the new environment.
  • Stephane argues that a medication treatment plan is necessary for the therapeutical evaluation.
  • the Gemini project will involve HL7 Pharmacy, HL7 Workflow, Unicom
  • Are there also transactions to request (for change) in a prescription? This is a requirement in some countries.
  • Which version of FHIR will Austria use (R3, R4 or R5)? This has to be investigated still.
  • You also need to think about the envelope and how you relate between prescriptions, dispense.
  • Is administration also in the picture? Not yet,
  • In Estonia a patient centric medication treatment platform is already available. This is used by hospital and community prescribers and it is called a medication schema. Belgium also calls this a medication schema.
  • The medication treatment ( as used in Switzerland) is actually a level higher. This is more or less comparable with Netherlands where they call the treatment a therapeutical component.
  • Proposition to start with 2 actors: an order placer and dispense placer.
  • If you have placer than you should have also consumer/filler. The business actor and the technical actor must be distinct.
  • we will finalize these naming conventions in the next call of this topic, combined with a diagram.
  • The intention is not to dictate strict workflows. Rather we will call the use case as patterns.
  • Next call will be on Monday 20th March 10:00-12:00.
  • Juergen will act as project manager and taking care of actions, minutes, agenda.
  • Juergen will organize the call.


  • The supply profile is available. Leonidas has reviewed the content.
  • See supply profile.
  • What we still need are capability statements.
  • Jose suggests to release the transactions without the inventory counting. This is only possible with FHIR R5.
  • The group agrees to proceed with the material that is now already published.
  • The next step is to make testable profiles, that could be used in a Connectathon. This is the tasks of IHE Catalysts. They will prepare the testmaterial.
  • We should think of demo material. The FHIR IG and profiles are suitable for internal orders.
  • It should not replace the existing GS1 standards. Action Anne, Sylvia, Jose.
  • The question is which user group are willing to implement these transactions?

Unicom/ eHDSI

  • UNICOM and eHDSI prescription work and specifications (José, João, Rutt)
  • Catalog / Product discovery - align with IDMP and recent FHIR evolution
  • Narrow the scope to implementable scenario's. An example could be the cross border exchange of Medication data ( IDMP).
  • In practiable sense: How do I identify the product.
  • Proposition to focus on 2 transactions
    • Update the master product tables.
    • Lookup of a comparable medication corresponding with certain parameters.
  • In Unicom examples have been set up using FHIR resources.
  • You can find the link her.
  • The problem is that the IDMP data is scattered over different FHIR resources.
  • A logical model has been set up for the IDMP data model. The link can be found here.

16:00- 17:00 Break

18:00 Adjourn