DEV Transaction List

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Revision as of 14:10, 2 December 2022 by Kelliason (talk | contribs)
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ID PCD ID Transaction Title Profile Source Actor Receiving Actor Notes
DEV-01 PCD-01 Communicate PCD Data DEC Device Observation Reporter (DOR) Device Observation Consumer (DOC)
DEV-02 PCD-02 Subscribe to PCD Data SPD Device Observation Consumer (DOC) Device Observation Filter (DOF)
DEV-03 PCD-03 Communicate Infusion Order PIV Infusion Order Programmer (IOP) Infusion Order Consumer (IOC)
DEV-04 PCD-04 Report Alert (Alarm) ACM Alert (Alarm) Reporter (AR) Alert (Alarm) Manager (AM) Formerly ACM-01
DEV-05 PCD-05 Report Alert (Alarm) Status ACM Alert (Alarm) Manager (AM) Alert (Alarm) Reporter (AR) Formerly ACM-02
DEV-06 PCD-06 Disseminate Alert (Alarm) ACM Alert (Alarm) Manager (AM) Alert (Alarm) Communicator (AC) Formerly ACM-03
DEV-07 PCD-07 Report Dissemination Alert (Alarm) Status ACM Alert (Alarm) Communicator (AC) Alert (Alarm) Manager (AM) Formerly ACM-04
DEV-08 PCD-08 (Reserved) ACM      
DEV-09 PCD-09 Communicate IDC Observation IDCO Device Observation Reporter (DOR) Device Observation Consumer (DOC) IDC WG Web Page
DEV-10 PCD-10 Communicate Infusion Pump Event IPEC Device Observation Reporter (DOR) Device Observation Consumer (DOC)  
DEV-11 PCD-11 (Reserved) ACM      
DEV-12 PCD-12 Retrospective Data Query RDQ Retrospective Data Consumer (RDC) Retrospective Data Reporter(RDR)  
DEV-13 PCD-13 Retrospective Data Reply RDQ Retrospective Data Reporter(RDR) Retrospective Data Consumer (RDC)  
DEV-14 PCD-14 (Reserved)        
DEV-15 PCD-15 Device Management Information Observation (DMIO) MEMDMC Device Management Information Reporter (DMIR) Device Management Information Consumer (DMIC)  
DEV-16 PCD-16 Report Location Observation (RLO) MEMLS Location Observation Reporter (LOR) Location Observation Consumer (LOC)  
DEV-17 PCD-17 Assert Device-Patient Association PCIM Device-Patient Association Reporter (DPAR) Device-Patient Association Manager (DPAM) Deprecated, use DEV-51;
DEV-18 PCD-18 Assert Device-Patient Disassociation PCIM Device-Patient Association Reporter (DPAR) Device-Patient Association Manager (DPAM) Deprecated, use DEV-51;
DEV-19 PCD-19 Query Device-Patient Associations PCIM Device-Patient Association Consumer(DPAC) Device-Patient Association Manager (DPAM)  
DEV-20 PCD-20 Register Device PCIM Device-Patient Association Reporter (DPAR) Device-Patient Association Manager (DPAM)  
DEV-21 Communicate FHIR PHD Data POU Device Observation Reporter Device Observation Consumer Formerly PCH-01;
DEV-22 Communicate RESTful PHD Data POU Device Observation Reporter Device Observation Consumer Formerly PCH-02;
DEV-23 ... 50 (Reserved) SDPi     Note: Current SDPi (1.0) transaction count is 22; more highly possible for this version!
DEV-51 (Naming TBD) PCIM
DEV-52 (Naming TBD) PCIM

NOTE: Hyperlinks need to be updated