PCD Profile Alert Communication Management

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PCD Profile Alert Communication Management

Current Documents

Brief Profile Proposal

Detailed Profile Proposal

Supplement for Public Comment

Drafts of Supplement Prior to Public Comment Version

Original Framework Supplement for Trial Implementation 2008-08-22 (MSWord .doc)

Original Framework Supplement for Trial Implementation 2008-08-22 (.pdf)

ACM now in the published IHE PCD Technical Framework as of 11 Oct 2013

Documents Containing Comments to the Supplement for Public Comment

ACM Working Documents

Alarm Semantics & State Models

The states of a particular alarm condition are modeled as being: off (alarm condition does not currently exist), active (alarm condition currently exists), or latched (alarm condition formerly exists, does not now exist but is 'latched' so that clinicians can be informed of transient but significant conditions). The valid state transitions are diagrammed below.

Top Level State Chart.PNG

<Add: analysis of alarm semantics from alarm sources>


2009-07-09 Webex

See also

Google Groups

(ACM) IHE PCD Alarm Communication Management Technical Working Group
(ACM) IHE PCD Alarm Communication Management Planning Working Group

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