DEV Domain F2F Apr 2022 San Diego

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Meeting Objectives

These face-to-face meetings have a number of objectives depending on the programs and committees involved:
  • DEV Domain level Discussions
  • DEV PCD Program Discussion
  • DEV PCH Program Discussion
  • DEV DPi Program Discussion
Planning Committee: Review, plan and initiate PCD activities; contribute to planning of the HIMSS Interoperability Showcase and other Showcases and events; recruit vendors and users.
Technical Committee: Review and adopt brief profile proposals; Adjourn Joint PC&TC meeting. contribute to Connectathon test tools, tests, and procedures.

Location & General Schedule

Location: BD Headquarters | 3750 Torrey View Court, San Diego, CA 92130
Zoom Info:
- Meeting ID: 963 2190 9634
- Passcode: 200295
  • Tuesday : Session 1: Pump Meeting - Session 2: Point-of-Care Identity Management
  • Wednesday : PCD Planning Committee
  • Thursday, : PCD Technical Committee
  • Friday, : Joint DEV Domain meeting (PCD+DPi+PCH)(9am to 1pm Pacific)
The schedule is proposed; actual meeting times may change during the week.
Daily Schedule - All times Pacific Daylight Savings Time
  • 09:00 - 11:00 Session #1
  • 11:15 - 13:00 Session #2

Agenda Suggestions

Please submit suggestions for agenda topics here or through emails to the committee co-chairs.

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