Rad Tech Minutes 2022-02-07-11

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  • Virtual
  • Via Zoom

Meeting Directory


  • Interactive Multimedia Reporting (55%)
  • AIR Datasets and Root Results (30%)
  • Maintenance (25%) (for this meeting we will work at 15% for Maintenance)

Notes to Explain Agenda

  • (Number in parentheses is cumulative total hours for week)
  • One action item that came out from the retrospective meeting is try to schedule some ‘editorial time’ vs ‘discussion time’.
    • Discussion Time: Focus on the actual design discussion
    • Editorial Time: Smaller group discussion with focus on getting the text in a good shape

Monday, February 7, 2022

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR) (1.5)
    • Finished first pass and Kevin will post today's version to Google Folder and resume with comments and improvements on Tuesday.
    • Will work through technical committee questions tomorrow.
  • S2: 10:45am-12:45pm: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) (2.0)
  • A2: 1:15pm-1:45pm: Administrative time not needed; used to start IMR early
  • S3: 1:45pm-2:45pm: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) (3.5)
    • Work in progress.

Tuesday, February 8

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Introductions (Name and IHE Member Organization)
    • IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
    • IHE International Member Organizations
      • Brian Bialecki, ACR
      • Wim Corbijn, Philips
      • Kinson Ho, Arterys
      • David Kwan, Insygnia Consulting
      • Chris Lindop, GE
      • Weber Marett, IBM Watson Healthcare
      • Steve Nichols, GE
      • Kevin O'Donnell, Canon Medical
      • Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers
      • Khaled Younis, Philips
    • Non-voting Attendees
      • Daniel Bach, Smile CDR
      • Seth Berkowitz, MD
      • Sean Doyle
      • Lynn Felhofer, IHE Radiology Technical Project Manager
      • Rob Horn
      • Nichole Knox, RSNA
      • TeRhonda McGee, RSNA
      • Neil Tenenholtz
      • Sophie Tekeste, Smile CDR
    • IHE Patent Disclosure
  • S1: 9:00am-11:00am: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) (5.5)
    • Continue to work on modeling the IMR FHIR resources.
  • S2: 11:15am-12:45pm: Maintenance (1.5)
    • SOLE CPs
      • CP-RAD-458-xx - SOLE: Add codes for AI and AIW-I (Chris)
        • Chris presented slides representing the decisions of the AI group on audit codes and AI-related event details, including a details spreadsheet of events.
        • NEXT STEP: Chris will translate today’s discussion into CP-RAD-448 with edits/additions to SOLE
      • CP-RAD-457-07 - SOLE: update to enable ITI-20 FHIR Feed semantics (Lynn)
        • - Lynn led a review of decisions that RAD Tech previously made regarding the requirements for the Event Reporter and Event Repository. Previously, we decided that the Repository shall support both syslog and FHIR semantics, and the Event Reporter could choose either (no options). Today we decided to follow the ITI/ATNA model and introduce ATX: FHIR Feed and ATX: TLS Syslog options for both the SOLE Reporter and Repository actors
        • NEXT STEP: Lynn will make those edits this week.
    • Prioritize Maintenance topics (see below)
  • S3: 1:15pm-2:45pm: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR) (3.0)

Wednesday, February 9

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Introductions (Name and IHE Member Organization)
    • IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
    • IHE International Member Organizations
      • Wim Corbijn, Philips
      • Matt Hayes, Radiology Partners
      • Kinson Ho, Arterys
      • David Kwan, Insygnia Consulting
      • Chris Lindop, GE
      • Yi-Hwa Liu
      • Weber Marett, IBM Watson Healthcare
      • Steve Nichols, GE
      • Kevin O'Donnell, Canon Medical
      • Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers
      • Jonathan Whitby, Canon Medical
      • Khaled Younis, Philips
    • Non-voting Attendees
      • Daniel Bach, Smile CDR
      • Seth Berkowitz, MD
      • Lynn Felhofer, IHE Radiology Technical Project Manager
      • Nichole Knox, RSNA
      • TeRhonda McGee, RSNA
      • Sophie Tekeste, Smile CDR
    • IHE Patent Disclosure
    • Check w/AIR team about switching Friday's session to Thursday am maintenance time slot
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) (7.0)
    • Finish reviewing constraints on diagnostic report and dependent resources
    • Start reviewing transactions.
  • S2: 10:45am-12:45pm: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR) (5.0)
    • Continue working on updates from committee discussion and be prepared to review on Thursday.
  • A2: 1:15pm-1:45pm: Prioritize RAD's outstanding maintenance work? What can we accomplish this week? (2.0)
  • S3: 1:45pm-3:15pm: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) (8.5)

Thursday, February 10

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Introductions (Name and IHE Member Organization)
    • IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
    • IHE International Member Organizations
      • Wim Corbijn, Philips
      • Kinson Ho, Arterys
      • David Kwan, Insygnia Consulting
      • Chris Lindop, GE
      • Weber Marett, IBM Watson Healthcare
      • Steve Nichols, GE
      • Kevin O'Donnell, Canon Medical
      • Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers
      • Michael Kelm, Siemens Healthineers
      • Khaled Younis, Philips
    • Non-voting Attendees
      • Lynn Felhofer, IHE Radiology Technical Project Manager
      • Nichole Knox, RSNA
      • TeRhonda McGee, RSNA
    • IHE Patent Disclosure
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR) (10.0)
  • S2: 10:45am-12:45pm: Maintenance (4.0)
  • A2: 1:15pm-2:15pm: Administrative Time
    • Nichole will email the IHE Rad Tech Committee asking their preference for switching the April meeting from the week of the 11th to the 25th. Preference deadline 2/17.
  • S3: 2:15pm-3:15pm: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR) (6.0)

Friday, February 11

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
    • Introductions (Name and IHE Member Organization)
    • IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
    • IHE International Member Organizations
      • Wim Corbijn, Philips
      • Matt Hayes, Radiology Partners
      • Kinson Ho, Arterys
      • David Kwan, Insygnia Consulting
      • Andrei Leontiev, Visage Imaging
      • Chris Lindop, GE Healthcare
      • Kevin O'Donnell, Canon Medical
      • Antje Schroeder, Siemens Healthineers
      • Steve Nichols, GE Healthcare
      • Weber Marett, IBM Watson Healthcare
      • Jonathan Whitby, Canon Medical
      • Khaled Younis, Philips
    • Non-voting
      • Seth Berkowitz, MD
      • Lynn Felhofer, Radiology Technical Project Manager
      • Nichole Knox, RSNA
      • TeRhonda McGee, RSNA
      • Sophie Tekeste, Smile CDR
    • IHE Patent Disclosure
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR)
  • S2: 10:45am-12:45pm: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR)
  • A2: 1:15pm-1:45pm: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR)
  • S3: 1:45pm-2:45pm: Administrative (voting)
    • Decisions to move to public comments
    • Tcon scheduling
    • Wrap-up assessment
  • Sx: 2:45pm-3:15: Maintenance

PC-Prep Closing Assessments

Expectations (Copied from Guidance)

  • PC Prep Meeting (Januaryish)
  • Arrive with a draft Public Comment version of the document
  • Committee will review in detail and vote it ready for public comment if it meets the following criteria
  • All parts of the profile are written (not in stone, but the parts are all in place)
  • All questions where you want or need input/confirmation/consent from the wider community are listed in the Open Issues section
  • Issues that have been decided but you want to avoid rehashing with the email reviewers who didn’t hear the discussion are documented in Closed Issues
  • Reviewers are permitted to re-open closed issues but they had better introduce new facts/considerations beyond what’s documented in the closed issue.
  • Goal: Leave with a ready to publish for PC (possibly after some remaining tidy-up edits)

  • Profile Name: AI Results+ (AIR+)
    • Did we line-by-line the entire document
      • Basically yes. (Except for some of the examples)
    • How ready is it to go out for PC: Completely, Almost, Soonish, Hmmm
      • Almost Completely?
    • Which open issues are risky, and why
    • Are all open issues phrased to solicit the needed information to close them?
    • Which use cases need more input
      • Comments on display/navigation of trees is welcome
    • Which issues from the Kickoff Closing Assessment are still unresolved
    • What significant debates in PC-prep were not anticipated in the Kickoff
    • Review ALL "uncertainty points" in the evaluation. Are all now resolved?
    • Review ALL "complexity points" in the evaluation. Did each get appropriate text coverage/resolution?
    • Review the "effort points" in the evaluation. Still seems right? Need more?
    • How does the scope feel in terms of being a useful chunk of work? (Needs more? Just right? More than enough?)
    • How is the work fitting in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)
    • Did the Breakdown of Tasks accurately reflect the work? What extra tasks arose?
    • Looking forward, if you had to reduce scope to hit TI, what would you drop
    • Have the promised resources manifested
    • What vendors are engaged (for each actor)
    • When will we have sample data/objects
    • Who should specifically be targeted for Public Comment feedback
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the start of the PC meeting (See "PC Prep Meeting" above), if not what was the gap
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the end of the PC meeting, if not what was the gap
    • How many tcons would you like between now and PC Publication
    • Do you need any tcons before TI Prep Meeting
  • Profile Name: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR)
    • Did we line-by-line the entire document
    • How ready is it to go out for PC: Completely, Almost, Soonish, Hmmm
    • Which open issues are risky, and why
    • Are all open issues phrased to solicit the needed information to close them?
    • Which use cases need more input
    • Which issues from the Kickoff Closing Assessment are still unresolved
    • What significant debates in PC-prep were not anticipated in the Kickoff
    • Review ALL "uncertainty points" in the evaluation. Are all now resolved?
    • Review ALL "complexity points" in the evaluation. Did each get appropriate text coverage/resolution?
    • Review the "effort points" in the evaluation. Still seems right? Need more?
    • How does the scope feel in terms of being a useful chunk of work? (Needs more? Just right? More than enough?)
    • How is the work fitting in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)
    • Did the Breakdown of Tasks accurately reflect the work? What extra tasks arose?
    • Looking forward, if you had to reduce scope to hit TI, what would you drop
    • Have the promised resources manifested
    • What vendors are engaged (for each actor)
    • When will we have sample data/objects
    • Who should specifically be targeted for Public Comment feedback
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the start of the PC meeting (See "PC Prep Meeting" above), if not what was the gap
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the end of the PC meeting, if not what was the gap
    • How many tcons would you like between now and PC Publication
    • Do you need any tcons before TI Prep Meeting