Rad Tech Minutes 2022-02-07-11

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  • Virtual
  • Via Zoom

Meeting Directory


  • Interactive Multimedia Reporting (55%)
  • AIR Datasets and Root Results (30%)
  • Maintenance (25%) (for this meeting we will work at 15% for Maintenance)

Notes to Explain Agenda

  • (Number in parentheses is cumulative total hours for week)
  • One action item that came out from the retrospective meeting is try to schedule some ‘editorial time’ vs ‘discussion time’.
    • Discussion Time: Focus on the actual design discussion
    • Editorial Time: Smaller group discussion with focus on getting the text in a good shape

Monday, February 7, 2022: 8:30am - 3:15pm Central Time (CT)

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
  • S1: 9:00am-10:30am: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR)
    • Finished first pass and Kevin will post today's version to Google Folder and resume with comments and improvements on Tuesday.
    • Will work through technical committee questions tomorrow.
  • S2: 10:45am-12:45pm: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR)
  • A2: 1:15pm-1:45pm: Administrative time not needed; used to start IMR early
  • S3: 1:45pm-2:45pm: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR)
    • Work in progress.

Tuesday, February 8

  • A1: 8:30am-9:00am Administrative Time
  • S1: 9:00am-11:00am: Interactive Multimedia Reporting (IMR)
    • Continue to work on modeling the IMR FHIR resources.
  • S2: 11:15am-12:45pm: Maintenance
    • SOLE CPs
      • CP-RAD-458-xx - SOLE: Add codes for AI and AIW-I (Chris)
        • Providing answers for questions & events on troubleshooting the AI infrastructure and confirming it is running smoothly.
      • CP-RAD-457-07 - SOLE: update to enable ITI-20 FHIR Feed semantics (Lynn)
        • Spent time in 2021 talking about this but been a long time and wants to bring people up to speed.
    • Prioritize Maintenance topics (see below)
  • S3: 1:15pm-2:45pm: AIR Datasets and Root Results (AIR)