GDC Minutes 2020-11-04

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  • Meeting Recording Link (to be inserted)
  • Participants
  • Mike Nusbaum, IHE Canada (co-Chair)
  • Pedro dos Santos, IHE Switzerland
  • Dewinder Bhachu, IHE UK
  • Jamie Dulkowski, RSNA
  • Approval of agenda

National Deployment Committees

  • Major challenges: Aligning with major healthcare systems and implementation
  • Motion: Approve report for presentation to IHE International Board. Motion carried.
  • New Reports
  • Waiting for representation from IHE Germany to present report

IHE World Summit 2020

  • Status update (Jürgen)

Engagement of Deployment Committees

  • General to work-items
  • Result of: Confirmation of work-item approvals with whole GDC committee by email (Jürgen)
  • Work item: Interesting presentations could be included in the agenda on a regular basis
  • Purpose: "US/Asia/Europe slots" for such presentations of "interesting topic of the country" (maybe 3/6 times a year)
  • Expected result: more participation in GDC calls
  • Process: Call for presentations to DCs -> make long-term presentation schedule -> do proper advertising and invite (also board)
  • Status work item
  • Active
  • Pending confirmation
  • Work item: Activity measurements
  • Purpose: Find activity measurements (fees, reporting, ...) for distinguishing active from passive Deployment Committees and find a concept for Deployment Committees not paying their membership fees
  • Status work item
  • On hold waiting for IHE Europe input, results brought to this group as base for staring the work-item
  • Pending confirmation
  • Status Action Items
  • Report IHE Europe status and outcomes (Jürgen)
  • Work item: How can we support national Deployment Committees?
  • "Good experiences" is an important way to support, develop a guideline of success factors, any help regarding getting membership
  • e.g., by setting up work-items/activities/etc. on International level, which are "so interesting" for countries, to that they can use it to advertise local membership
  • Status work item
  • On hold waiting for IHE Europe input, results brought to this group as base for staring the work-item
  • Pending confirmation
  • Status Action Items
  • Report IHE Europe status and outcomes (Jürgen)
  • Work item: Sharpening the role and purpose of Deployment Committees
  • Purpose: Upgrade the governance document, not sure, if hard constraints can be applied, but at least some more guidance, what we expect from a Deployment Committee
  • Status work item
  • Not started yet due to bandwidth, pending other work-items to finish first
  • Pending confirmation

Any other business

  • Discuss 2021 meeting schedule
  • Participation is reportedly low with staggered schedule meant to accommodate various regions/timezones

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, December 2, 2:00-3:00 AM CT (Asia / EU friendly time)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee