Pharm Plan Minutes 2019.10.28

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Revision as of 03:57, 8 November 2019 by Michael tan (talk | contribs)
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Louis Pradel Hospital
meeting room n° 3, 10th floor
Groupement Hospitalier Est
59 Boulevard Pinel
69677, BRON Cedex, Lyon


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Ibis Lyon Est Bron, situated 36, avenue du Doyen Jean Lépine, 69500 BRON (Téléphone : +33472133300).


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WebEx Online: 233 300 764

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10:00-11:00 Opening and Committee work

  • Participants
    • Simon Letellier
    • Jacqueline Surugue
    • Jose Costa Teixeira
    • Stephane Spahni
    • Esther Peelen (remote)
    • Leonidas Tzimis (remote)
    • Marc Robberecht (remote)
    • Michael Tan
  • Review Agenda
    • Agenda adjusted to add medication list profiles and reschedule Robot Visit.

  • Review previous meeting notes:
    • Minutes of technical call have been approved.
  • Schedule
  • New version: Schedule v2
  • F2F meeting October/November
  • Meeting in spring will be combined with Connectathon in Brussels
  • Leonidas has a concurring EAHP congres in March in Goteborg
  • Esther has another GS1 congres in Paris.
  • Stephane will ask room with Karlien

  • Strategic approach on our information on the Wiki
  • Review and update Wiki
  • Roadmap
    • ITI does not work on a fixed calendar schedule with a one year fixed plan. Rather they have a asynchronous plan, where you can start a new project at any time. This makes the August period also much easier for Mary Jungers.
    • It is important to stick to a strict schedule. Otherwise we will not finish any projects.
    • Discussion whether we should still keep working on old fashioned whitepapers. Jose suggests to convert to the way FHIR publishes it's profiles.
  • The schedule has been reviewed and updated.

11:00 - 12:30 Strategic Topics

  • International Patient Summary`
    • FHIR profiles have been published. Difference of opinion on the meaning of summary in discussion at Atlanta.
    • What is important is how to filter information of an IPS. For example on the medication list.
    • We will pick up this topic on the Medication List.
  • IHE_QRPH_WP_Opioid_Epidemic_Rev1-0_PC_2019-09-23
    • Andrea Fourquet is active with this profile. Andrea has consulted with Jose and Jurgen on Pharmacy profiles.
    • This is a US problem. In Europe the use of Opiods, such as Oxycodon is much more restricted due to tight prescribing.
  • Vaccination Programs
    • HL7 Europe has submitted for the tender of the Europeam Commission to study feasability of a European Vaccination Card
    • Analyse the needs and status in different countries
    • Switzerland has a vaccination card. There is a CDA version of the card.
    • Netherlands uses HL7v3 messages to report administrations.
    • A Vaccination has much common with medication administration. However there are also extra requirements such as batchnumbers and the duration of validity of the vaccination.
    • Discussion on the GDPR of public health requirements.

12:30 - 13:30 --- Lunch ---

13:30 - 15:30 Strategic Topics

  • Strategic discussion on IDMP, Medication knowledge and supporting HL7 resources
  • International Board asked us to think about IDMP
  • We could expect that IHE profiles could be usedful on the medication knowledge transactions. Rik Smithies is now specifying FHIR resources, such as medication knowledge resources in FHIR for this purpose. Convincing Rik Smithies to approach IHE Pharmacy is not easy. He would rather proceed to use FHIR profiles and use FHIR connectathon for certifying vendors.This can only be done if EMA demands a certification from IHE.
  • Unicom project outcome of tender?
  • No news.
  • Discussion on the future of IHE Pharmacy.
  • HL7 is stepping in the workfield of IHE profiles. This is partly because of funding of ONC and NCPDP for project in community pharmacy. FHIR implementation guides and profiles are being set up. The US based team are not familiar with IHE Pharmacy and see no reason to approach IHE Pharmacy.
  • HL7 and FHIR have also a different approach how to attract new companies and new business by providing free material and tools. Licences and costs are only applied when business has been established.
  • On the other hand we see many countries experimenting with FHIR implementation guides like Germany and Norway.
  • Switzerland is performing work on FHIR profiles. Stephane will raise this topic in a company he is working with to create interest in IHE Pharmacy.
  • Besides Switzerland also Belgium might have interest on FHIR profiles. How do we combine these initiatives into IHE Pharmacy new work items? Our strategy should be, that stakeholders should ask IHE Pharmacy to create IHE profiles, instead of us creating profiles that no one has asked for.
  • investigate if external parties are interested in a functional profile and FHIR profiles of medication lists.
  • We should make a promotional tour at the EAHP congres, or Connectathon.

16:00 - 17:00 --- Swiss logic Robot---

Explanation and visit of the Swiss Logic Robot in the Pharmacy department. This robot services 600 patients on a individual basis. Each pouch contains one singel dose unit and is collected per patient and bound on a plastic ring. The system is about 10 years old and seems vulnerable. 4 persons are occupied in the operations of the machine. .

18:00 - Adjourn

Pharmacy Technical Committee