Pharm Plan Minutes 2019.10.28

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Meeting details =


Louis Pradel Hospital
meeting room n° 3, 10th floor
Groupement Hospitalier Est
59 Boulevard Pinel
69677, BRON Cedex, Lyon


Public transport

Not available


Ibis Lyon Est Bron, situated 36, avenue du Doyen Jean Lépine, 69500 BRON (Téléphone : +33472133300).


WebEx details:

Webex link

WebEx Online: 233 300 764

Audio : +44-203-478-5289 UK Domestic Toll

Entry code: 233 300 764 Local country numbers:


10:00-11:00 Opening and Committee work

  • Simon Letellier
  • Jacuqeline Surugue
  • Jose Costa Teixeira
  • Stephane Spahni
  • Esther Peelen
  • Leonidas Tzimis
  • Michael Tan
  • Review Agenda
  • Agenda adjusted to add medication list profiles and reschedule Robot Visit.

  • Review previous meeting notes:
    • Minutes of technical call have been approved.
  • Schedule
  • Current version: Schedule v0.3
  • F2F meeting October/November
  • Meeting in spring will be combined with Connectathon in Brussels
  • Leonidas has a concurring EAHP congres in March in Goteborg
  • Esther has another GS1 congres in Paris.
  • Stephane will ask room with Karlien

  • Review and update Wiki
  • General
  • Roadmap
  • Strategic goals
  • Profile status discussion (public comment, final text, deprecated)
  • Which profiles profiles could be set to "Final text"? Candidates? Criteria?

11:00 - 12:30 Strategic Topics

  • International Patient Summary
  • IHE_QRPH_WP_Opioid_Epidemic_Rev1-0_PC_2019-09-23
  • Vaccination Programs
  • Analyse needs and status in different countries
  • e.g. Switzerland, Netherlands
  • European Vaccination Card
  • Update GS1 topics and marketing from IHE

12:30 - 13:30 --- Lunch ---

13:30 - 15:30 Strategic Topics

  • Strategic discussion on IDMP, Medication knowledge and supporting HL7 resources
  • International Board asked us to think about IDMP
  • EU Horizon 2020 project: "Upscaling the global identification of medicines"
  • Work-item "Pre-Prescription"
    • Work and Change Proposal
  • Discussion to engage in a webinar-series (Esther)
  • Work on webinar concept (Esther)

15:30 - 15:45 --- Coffee break ---

16:00 - 17:00 Marketing and Promotion

  • How to attract more people to IHE Pharmacy
  • Broadcast our message from IHE Pharmacy

17:30 - Adjourn

Pharmacy Technical Committee