AI Results - Brief Proposal

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1. Proposed Workitem: AI Results (AIR) Profile

  • Proposal Editor: Kevin O'Donnell
  • Editor: Kevin O'Donnell
  • Contributors: DICOM WG-23, David Clunie
  • Domain: Radiology

2. The Problem

Applying AI methods (deep learning, etc) to the analysis of medical images is an area of significant interest and activity, which raises related needs...

Interoperable results: The results of such AI analysis need to be presented to radiologists in their reading environment. This depends on interoperability between AI result generation products and radiology reading workstation systems/software.

Effective presentation:

Study Integrated results: Radiologists interpreting studies likely expect AI-generated results to supplement rather than replace traditional image analysis results and thus a given study will be composed of acquired images, AI results, & traditional clinical data.

Convergence of result encoding: Many AI results are results a human could otherwise have produced, and those human results may be used as training data for the AI, and AI results may be used by other AIs in an adversarial network. AI and non-AI results need to be handled together. Also want to facilitate data pooling and sharing between sites.

For AI to productively live up to it's promise, results and data must be reliably, and conveniently, assembled, managed and presented.

3. Key Use Case

Goal: AI packages store AI results that are retrieved and presented consistently by a variety of imaging display systems.

The display presents the result in the context of the medical imaging study to which it applies.

To minimize implementation complexity for displays, and avoid needing different software for each new AI result, compose AI results from a reasonable set of primitives.

This fits the IHE model of profiles as tools for convergence.

  • Display products that support those primitives can declare they are “AI-Ready”
  • AI products that output results using those primitives know a variety of displays can present their results
  • Users motivate display vendors to be AI-Ready by requiring conformance
  • Users motivate AI vendors to conform since it simplifies deployment for the users

4. Standards and Systems

  • AI algorithms - running in PACS, cloud, processing servers, standalone workstations, etc. (Result Creators)
  • PACS, VNA, etc.
  • Reading workstations, Image Displays
  • Databases, clinical analysis, report creators (import results)



DICOM Segmentations

DICOM Sup XXX Simplified SR in JSON for AI

  • David Clunie has a significant draft that will be presented at WG-06 in September. He has also been working on tooling to test/confirm the transcoding logic.
  • This work is what really makes this accessible to the AI community, and bridges into the existing radiology infrastructure

AIM - Annotation and Image Markup

RSNA CDE (Common Data Elements)

  • helps with longitudinal data and automation logic for reporting and decision support

IHE Evidence Documents Profile

  • Should review to see if there anything we should borrow/revive

IHE Query for Existing Data for Mobile

  • consider using this to query the EHR for diagnostic reports and observations about the patient

IHE Results Distribution

  • consider the critical results status flags since AI results may be used to prioritize reading worklists

5. Technical Approach

A basic store and retrieve Profile that establishes a baseline for encoding, display behaviors/conventions, and data management (where do AI results belong/where do you find/use them).

There are many other radiology applications of AI that are not about processing images. This proposal is image-centric.

Existing actors

  • Image Manager/Archive - store AI segmentations and measurements alongside human segmentations and measurements
  • Image Display - present AI results together with the associated images
  • Evidence Creator - AI algorithms running in PACS, cloud, processing servers, standalone workstations, etc.
  • Imaging Document Consumer - systems that consume AI results rather than display them (databases, clinical analysis, report creators)

New actors

Existing transactions

  • Store: Re-use [RAD-43] Store Evidence Documents
  • Query: Re-use [RAD-129] QIDO-RS Query & [RAD-44] Query Evidence Documents
  • Retrieve: Re-use [RAD-107] WADO-RS Retrieve & [RAD-45] Retrieve Evidence Documents

New transactions (standards used)

  • Display AI Result - technically a behavior spec. rather than a transaction
  • STOW AI Result - store JSON-coded result using REST

Impact on existing integration profiles

  • If SR-based then most other Radiology profiles apply - XDS-I, XCA-I, IRWF.b, PDI, IDEP, IOCM, WIA, ATNA-Rad, etc.

New integration profile

  • AIR - AI Results

Breakdown of tasks

  • Re-use the following transactions for DIMSE Store/Query/Retrieve
  • [RAD-43] Evidence Document Stored - add line for template
  • [RAD-44] Query Evidence Document - note Issue below
  • [RAD-45] Retrieve Evidence Document - no change
  • Develop use cases around how displays/users navigate available results
  • If mostly client side interactions, then existing patient/accession/TID filtering likely adequate
  • If server side filtering, add query fields to [RAD-44] & QIDO Query transactions
  • Consider "Filtering Strategies" text cloned from RAD-64 Query Dose Information
  • Draft/Review "transaction" for Display AI Result
  • General baseline behavior, displays can augment and may pursue the varied preferences of their users
  • New work - define for all primitives in WG-23 work
  • Clone "transaction" for DICOMweb STOW AI Result based on RAD-63 Submit Dose Information
  • Uses STOW-RS to carry JSON-encoded SR payload
  • Reference DICOM Sup on Simplified SR in JSON for AI
  • Reference DICOM TID 1500 for measurements/observations
  • Reference DICOM Segmentation IOD
  • Re-use the following transactions for DICOMweb Query/Retrieve
  • [RAD-129] QIDO-RS Query
  • [RAD-107] WADO-RS Retrieve - no change

6. Support & Resources

  • DICOM WG-23 is engaged on the topic of AI Results and has completed work useful to this activity

<Identify anyone who as indicated an interest in implementing/prototyping the Profile if it is published this cycle.>

7. Risks

  • The JSON SR supplement could get hung up on technical hitches.
  • Debates on alternative standards
  • Scope creep - AI is a large space and there is much fun to be had
  • Strategy: Focus this work on a) results of image analysis that b) informs the radiologist during reading of the study
  • AI that analyzes things outside of imaging, and results that are applied elsewhere like worklist prioritization or patient risk stratification, are useful but will be out of scope for this particular effort.

8. Open Issues

<Point out any key issues or design problems. This will be helpful for estimating the amount of work and demonstrates thought has already gone into the candidate profile.>

  • Issue: How will displays/users navigate available results? (See above)
  • Issue: What are sensible default presentation behaviors for each type of primitive?

9. Tech Cmte Evaluation

<The technical committee will use this area to record details of the effort estimation, etc.>

Effort Evaluation (as a % of Tech Cmte Bandwidth):

  • xx% for ...

Candidate Editor:

Kevin O'Donnell