GDC Minutes 2019-04-24

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Revision as of 08:01, 25 April 2019 by Juergenbrandstaetter (talk | contribs) (Created page with "== Welcome == * Participants :* Jürgen Brandstätter :* Stephane Spahni :* Karlien Erauw :* Paul Whitehead :* Lapo Bertini :* Bruno Laffin :* Steve Nichols :* Claudio Saccavi...")
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  • Participants
  • Jürgen Brandstätter
  • Stephane Spahni
  • Karlien Erauw
  • Paul Whitehead
  • Lapo Bertini
  • Bruno Laffin
  • Steve Nichols
  • Claudio Saccavini
  • Samrend Saboor
  • Approval of agenda
  • Approved

IHE World Summit 2020 Concept Planning

  • Planning Google doc
  • Discussion
  • Calculation
  • Jürgen Brandstätter: The price levels developed in the first meeting were based on the pricing of the IHE Symposium of 2018, which was 200 € for a one-day event
  • -> about the double of that price was assumed for the designed 2-day event
  • Samrend Saboor: the assumption of 150 participants might be realistic, but that the calculation should rather work with the lowest assumed participation
  • -> the numbers were lowered from 150 participants to 100
  • As a consequence the travel budget had to be lowered to 4000 € to get a zero balance
  • Lapo Bertini: the presented pricing is much too high and should be based on an analysis of price levels of similar events. This event shall be seen as a "product", for which the market price has to be determined by a market survey (how much are people willing to pay for this)
  • -> the pricing was lowered to 290 / 190 / 50 € (about the price level of this years symposium)
  • As a consequence the balance gets negative by 12k EUE
  • The group saw no chance to reduce costs sufficientlyn to get the balance to zero
  • -> Sponsorship would be needed
  • The discussion had to be interrupted due to the end of the meeting
  • Decision
  • Due to time, no solution for the negative balance in the calculation could be found
  • Decision: This result will be presented to the IHE EU SC on May 2nd for open discussion
  • A quick market survey for price levels of compareable events will be researched as supporting material

Next meeting

  • tbd

Global Deployment Coordination Committee