MESA/Report Creator

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Report Creator Tests


We invent the term Diagnostic Reporting Station for use in this document. This is not an IHE term, but we use it to describe workstations that are used to create reports in the context of the user reviewing other evidence first (such as images). This term will be used to designate tests that are mandatory for your system. This does not imply that your system must display images.

We use the term Measurement Station to describe a device that creates original data (such as numeric measurements in an Ultrasound report). Again, this is not an IHE term but is needed to document test requirements.

If your Report Creator is not described by either category, you should contact the Technical Project Manager and describe your application. This will allow us to construct reasonable tests for your system. For more details on this template, please reference Supplement 53: DICOM Content Mapping Resource.

Integration Profiles and Test Procedures

This document lists a number of tests for Report Creator Systems. You may not be responsible for all of these tests. Please refer to the Connectathon web tool to list the required tests for your system. The web address of this tool depends on the year and project manager. Please contact the appropriate project manager to obtain this information.

Message Attributes

DICOM SR Objects contain attributes that are not used or required by the IHE Technical Framework. This section contains a table defining those attributes that will be evaluated in the Report Creator tests. Other values may be required by the Technical Framework but not evaluated with this software.

In the table below, the columns marked Value and Present indicate the scope of the evaluation for these messages. Fields that are marked in the Value column indicate the tests will expect a specific value in the field (for example, we specify the patient name). Fields marked in the Present column are tested to see if the field contains a value, but the tests cannot evaluate for a specific value.

Tag Attribute Name Value Present
0008 0016 SOP Class UID x
0008 0050 Accession Number x
0008 0060 Modality x
0010 0010 Patient Name x
0010 0020 Patient ID x
0020 000D Study Instance UID x
0040 A040 Value Type x
0040 A043 Concept Name Code Sequence (Report Title)
> 0008 0100 Code Value x
> 0008 0102 Coding Scheme Designator x
> 0008 0104 Code Meaning x
0040 A491 Completion Flag x
0040 A493 Verification Flag x
0040 A504 Content Template Sequence
> 0008 0101 Mapping Resource x
> 0040 DB00 Template Identifier x
0040 A730 Content Sequence
> 0040 A010 Relationship Type x
> 0040 A040 Relationship Value x
Other attributes As needed for the Relationship Value x

Message Values


General Configuration Information

The table below gives parameters for MESA servers that will receive messages from your system.

Application AE Title/Receiving Application Port Number
MESA Image Manager MESA_IMG_MGR 2350
MESA Report Manager REPORT_MANAGER 2700
MESA Audit Record Repository <none> 4000
MESA Report Manager for HL7 message MESA_RPTMGR 2750

Configuration of MESA Tools for Report Creator/Image Display

This section details configuration information if the Report Creator under test is coupled to an Image Display. It describes configuration for the Image Display. The MESA Image Manager maintains a database of DICOM applications used for C-Move operations. Add an entry for the storage SCP associated with your workstation. Edit the text file $MESA_TARGET/db/loaddicomapp.pgsql (Unix) or $MESA_TARGET/db/loaddicomapp.sql (Windows 2000 or XP) Use the existing entries as a template and add entries for your workstations as appropriate. The column names found in the SQL insert statements are described in the following table.

Column Name Description
aet DICOM Application Entity Title. Must be unique.
host Host name (or IP address) of the application.
port TCP/IP port number for receiving associations.
org The organization that operates the device. Useful if multiple organizations use the Image Manager.
com A comment field.

You can test your work as follows:

    perl imgmgr

Starting the MESA Servers

These instructions assume you are using a terminal emulator on Unix systems or an MS DOS command window under Windows 2000/XP. Each test uses a command line interface; there is no graphical user interface. Before you start the test procedure, you need to start the MESA Order Placer and MESA Order Filler servers. Make sure the appropriate database is running (PostgreSQL, SQL Server). To start the MESA servers:

1. Enter the Report Creator exam fileder: mesa_tests/rad/actors/rpt_crt

2. Execute the appropriate script to start the servers:

    scripts/start_mesa_servers.csh   (Unix)
    scripts\start_mesa_servers.bat  (Windows)

Log levels are set for the MESA Image Manager in the file: $MESA_TARGET/runtime/rpt_manager/ds_dcm.cfg. / Log levels are:

0. no logging

1. errors

2. warnings

3. verbose

4. conversational (really verbose)

When you are finished running one or more tests, you can stop the servers:

    scripts/stop_mesa_servers.csh  (Unix)
    scripts\stop_mesa_servers.bat  (Windows)

Log files are stored in $MESA_TARGET/logs. For the security tests, the MESA servers are started with different scripts. These are scripts/start_mesa_secure.csh and scripts\start_mesa_secure.bat. The log levels are the same as for the standard tests. The MESA servers are stopped using these scripts: scripts/stop_mesa_secure.csh and scripts\stop_mesa_secure.bat.

Loading Test Data

Some Report Creator tests will make use of images retrieved from the MESA Image Manager. If the Report Creator under test is coupled with an Image Display, you should load test images into the MESA Image Manager.

1. Create/modify the SQL script to identify the Image Display that will retrieve images.

2. Start the MESA servers as described in Starting the MESA Servers.

3. Load the data sets into the MESA Image Manager.

    perl  60x/

Evaluation Scripts

The test and evaluation scripts are modified to take a <log> parameter. This number indicates how much logging to include in the output. Defined values are listed in the table below.

Level Meaning
1 Errors only
2 Warnings + level 1
3 Verbose mode + level 2
4 References in Technical Framework + level 3

Not all test and evaluation scripts have been updated as of this release. When you run the scripts with no arguments, they will tell you what the real arguments are. Each test description that follows in this document will be updated correctly when the test script is updated.

Submission of Results

Test descriptions below inform the reader to “submit results to the Project Manager”. This is does not mean “email”. The current submission process should be documented by the Project Manager, but will not include emailing files directly to the Project Manager.

Individual Tests for Diagnostic Workstation

Test 600: Example SR Object

In test 600, the Report Creator creates a sample SR object and submits it to the Project Manager. The purpose is to distribute the SR document to other participants.



1. Create a DICOM SR object that is representative of the types of reports created by your system. If you support creation of both a Simple Image Report and Simple Image and Numeric Report, please submit 2 samples.

2. Format the Patient Name field (0010 0010) using the format: COMPANY^SYSTEM_NAME.

3. Format the Patient ID field (0010 0020) using the format: 600COMPANY.

4. Upload the sample DICOM file into gazelle under Connectathon-->List of samples, adding the sample for test 600. (Note that when the DICOM objects are uploaded, this triggers and automatic DICOM validation service. You should take note of the output of the validation.)

5. Create a short txt file indicating you have completed the upload step. Upload that txt file into the Kudu system under the MESA test log results as results for this test.

6. As Report Manager actors import your message, you may receive a request for interpretation or directives from the Project Manager to repair attributes. This may prove to be an iterative process.

7. Please submit the sample 3 weeks in advance of the normal deadline of possible.


Supplemental Information

Report Creator Test 601: Simple Imaging Report

Test 601 is required of Diagnostic Reporting Stations. This test will require you to create a structured report according to the Basic Diagnostic Imaging Report template (TID 2000). All items in the template that are marked mandatory will be tested. In addition, values in the following tables will also be required. Items not specified in the tables may be assigned any value. Table 2.1-1 lists the header attributes that will be tested. Report Creators may be standalone or coupled with an Image Display. Standalone Report Creators are expected to fill in most attributes found in Table 2.1-1, but not all. The attributes marked with x in the Standalone or w/Image Display columns indicate those values for which the tests expect an exact match. For example, a Report Creator coupled with an Image Display is expected to reuse the Study Instance UID from the images and not create a new study for this report.

Table 2.1-1 Selected Attributes tested in Test 601

Attribute Name Tag Standalone w/Image Display
Patient Name 0010 0010 x x
Patient ID 0010 0020 x x
Patient Sex 0010 0040 x x
Accession Number 0008 0050 x x
Requested Procedure ID x
Study Instance UID 0020 000D x
Completion Flag 0040 A491 x x
Verification Flag 0040 A493 x x

The 601 suite of tests require you to create a report according to TID2000, but we specify observation context and three sections of the report. Figure 2-1 below shows the overall structure and relationship of content items required for the 601 tests. You are expected to create a report with the section headings as defined in the tables found in the following sections. We do not require the text in the sections to match the text in our samples. The text is only provided as an example.

Figure 2-1 Content Item Requirements for Test 601

The 601 tests are broken down further by imaging modality: CR, CT, or MR. If your Report Creator is not coupled with an Image Display, run test 601. If you are coupled with an Image Display, run test 601CR, 601CT, or 601MR as appropriate. You may run all four tests, but are only required to submit results for one. Values for content items (listed in Value Set Constraint) that are italicized are suggested for each modality, and not required. That is, the software tests report headings but not the exact text in a section of the report.

Report Creator Test 601: No Image Display



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl scripts/ 

2. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

3. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 601/

Supplemental Information

The tables below specify the demographics for the patient for this test and the expected coded values for the section in the DICOM SR object.

Attribute Value
Patient ID CR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001C30
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 11528-7, “Radiology Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Cough”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “PA evaluation of the chest demonstrates the lungs to be expanded and clear.”
9 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
10 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Normal PA chest x-ray.”

Report Creator Test 601: CR Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001C30.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 601/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics to be used for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR the Report Creator is expected to produce.

Attribute Value
Patient ID CR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001C30
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.30
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 11528-7, “Radiology Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Cough”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “PA evaluation of the chest demonstrates the lungs to be expanded and clear.”
9 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
10 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Normal PA chest x-ray.”

Report Creator Test 601: CT Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001B20.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700)


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 601/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient to be used for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR object to be produced.

Attribute Value
Patient Name CTFIVE^JIM
Patient ID CT5
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001B20
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.20
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 18747-6, “CT Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “46-year-old male presented to the emergency room with parasternal and epigastric pain. ”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “There is an aneurysm of the entire thoracic aorta measuring up to 6.2 cm in diameter. ”
9 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
10 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Aneurysm of thoracic aorta with dissection affecting ascending and descending aorta.”

Report Creator Test 601: MR Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001A10.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 601/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics to be ued for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be produced.

Attribute Value
Patient ID MR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001A10
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.10
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 18755-9, “MRI Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Rule out internal derangement.”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “Within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus there is minimal increase in signal intensity.”
9 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
10 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Joint diffusion with superior joint plicae.”

Report Creator Test 602: Simple Imaging Report with Image Reference

Test 602 is required of Diagnostic Reporting Stations that are coupled with an Image Display. This test uses the same format as Report Creator Test 601. This test requires the Report Creator to add a reference to an image in the SR document. Table 2.1-1 lists the header attributes that will be tested. The 602 suite of tests require you to create a report according to TID2000, but we specify observation context and three sections of the report. Figure 2-2 below shows the overall structure and relationship of content items required for the 602 tests. You are expected to create a report with the section headings as defined in the tables found in the following sections. We do not require the text in the sections to match the text in our samples. The text is only provided as an example. The tests require you to reference a specific image in the study. The tables below will have an entry like the example show below. The rightmost column indicates the image that should be used as a reference. We use the triplet (accession number / series number / image number). In the example below, the series number happens to be blank because that is how the original image is formatted.

9 >> CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001C30 / / 16

Figure 2-2 Content Item Requirements for Test 602

The 602 tests are broken down by imaging modality: CR, CT, or MR. Run test 602CR, 602CT, or 602MR as appropriate. You may run all three tests, but are only required to submit results for one. Values for content items (listed in Value Set Constraint) that are italicized are suggested for each modality, and not required. That is, the software tests report headings but not the exact text in a section of the report.

Report Creator Test 602: CR Images

The CR study has 3 images in one series. The original image is a normal chest image. The other two images are derived from the original image and only show the left half and right half. The SR report should use the original (full) image.



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001C30.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 602/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be created.

Attribute Value
Patient ID CR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001C30
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.30
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 11528-7, “Radiology Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Cough”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “PA evaluation of the chest demonstrates the lungs to be expanded and clear.”
9 > CONTAINS Image (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001C30 / / 16
10 >> CONTAINS Container (BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
11 >> CONTAINS Text (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Normal PA chest x-ray.”

Report Creator Test 602: CT Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager.

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001B20.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 602/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be created.

Attribute Value
Patient Name CTFIVE^JIM
Patient ID CT5
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001B20
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.20
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 18747-6, “CT Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “46-year-old male presented to the emergency room with parasternal and epigastric pain. ”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “There is an aneurysm of the entire thoracic aorta measuring up to 6.2 cm in diameter. ”
9 > CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001B20 / 1 / 67
10 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
11 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Aneurysm of thoracic aorta with dissection affecting ascending and descending aorta.”

Report Creator Test 602: MR Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001A10.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 602/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be created.

Attribute Value
Patient ID MR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001A10
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.10
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 18755-9, “MRI Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Rule out internal derangement.”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “Within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus there is minimal increase in signal intensity.”
9 > CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001A10 / 103 / 46
10 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
11 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Joint diffusion with superior joint plicae.”

Report Creator Test 603: Simple Imaging Report with Two Image References

Test 603 is required of Diagnostic Reporting Stations that are coupled with an Image Display. This test uses the same format as Report Creator Test 601. This test requires the Report Creator to add references to two images in the SR document. This is quite similar to the 602 test. Table 2.1-1 lists the header attributes that will be tested. Report Creators may be standalone or coupled with an Image Display. The 603 suite of tests require you to create a report according to TID2000, but we specify observation context and three sections of the report. Figure 2-3 below shows the overall structure and relationship of content items required for the 603 tests. You are expected to create a report with the section headings as defined in the tables found in the following sections. We do not require the text in the sections to match the text in our samples. The text is only provided as an example. The tests require you to reference two specific images in the study. The tables below will have an entry like the example show below. The rightmost column indicates the image that should be used as a reference. We use the triplet (accession number / series number / image number). In the example below, the series number happens to be blank because that is how the original image is formatted.

9 >> CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001C30 / / 40

Figure 2-3 Content Item Requirements for Test 603

The 603 tests are broken down by imaging modality: CR, CT, or MR. Run test 603CR, 603CT, or 603MR as appropriate. You may run all three tests, but are only required to submit results for one. Values for content items (listed in Value Set Constraint) that are italicized are suggested for each modality, and not required. That is, the software tests report headings but not the exact text in a section of the report.

Report Creator Test 603: CR Images

The CR study has 3 images in one series. The original image is a normal chest image. The other two images are derived from the original image and only show the left half and right half. The SR report should use the two derived images (left view, right view).



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001C30.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 603/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be created.

Attribute Value
Patient ID CR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001C30
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.30
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 11528-7, “Radiology Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Cough”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “PA evaluation of the chest demonstrates the lungs to be expanded and clear.”
9 > CONTAINS Image (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001C30 / / 40
10 > CONTAINS Image (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001C30 / / 60
11 >> CONTAINS Container (BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
12 >> CONTAINS Text (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Normal PA chest x-ray.”

Report Creator Test 602: CT Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001B20.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 603/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be created.

Attribute Value
Patient Name CTFIVE^JIM
Patient ID CT5
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001B20
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.20
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 18747-6, “CT Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “46-year-old male presented to the emergency room with parasternal and epigastric pain. ”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “There is an aneurysm of the entire thoracic aorta measuring up to 6.2 cm in diameter. ”
9 > CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001B20 / 1 / 66
10 > CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001B20 / 1 / 67
11 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
12 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Aneurysm of thoracic aorta with dissection affecting ascending and descending aorta.”

Report Creator Test 603: MR Images



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Query the MESA Image Manager and retrieve the CR study with Accession Number 2001A10.

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables below.

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700).


1. Evaluate your DICOM SR object:

    perl 602/

Supplemental Information

The tables below list the demographics for the patient for this test and the coded values for the sections in the DICOM SR to be created.

Attribute Value
Patient ID MR3
Patient Sex M
Accession Number 2001A10
Study Instance UID 1.113654.1.2001.10
Completion Flag COMPLETE
Verification Flag UNVERIFIED
NL Rel with Parent VT Concept Name Value Set Constraint
1 CONTAINER BCID (7000) Diagnostic Imaging Report Document Titles (LN, 18755-9, “MRI Report”)
2 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE (121049,DCM,”Language of Content Item and Descendents”) (ISO639_2, eng, English)
3 > HAS OBS CONTEXT CODE (DCM, 121005, “Observer Type”) (DCM, 121006, Person)


PNAME (DCM, 121008, “Person Observer Name”) MOORE^STEVE
5 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121060, History)
6 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121060, History) “Rule out internal derangement.”
7 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121070, Findings)
8 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121071, Finding) “Within the posterior horn of the medial meniscus there is minimal increase in signal intensity.”
9 > CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001A10 / 103 / 45
10 > CONTAINS IMAGE (DCM, 121080, “Best illustration of findings”) 2001A10 / 103 / 46
11 > CONTAINS CONTAINER BCID (7001) Diagnostic Imaging Report Headings (DCM, 121076, Conclusions)
12 >> CONTAINS TEXT (DCM, 121077, Conclusion) “Joint diffusion with superior joint plicae.”

Report Creator Test 604: Partial and Unverified

This test is identical to the 601 tests, except for the values of document flags in the SR objects. The Completion Flag (0040 A491) should be set to PARTIAL, and the Verification Flag (0040 A493) should be set to UNVERIFIED.

Report Creator Test 605: Partial and Verified

This test is identical to the 601 tests, except for the values of document flags in the SR objects. The Completion Flag (0040 A491) should be set to PARTIAL, and the Verification Flag (0040 A493) should be set to VERIFIED.

Report Creator Test 606: Complete and Verified

This test is identical to the 601 tests, except for the values of document flags in the SR objects. The Completion Flag (0040 A491) should be set to COMPLETE, and the Verification Flag (0040 A493) should be set to VERIFIED.

Report Creator Test 607: Amended Report

This test is identical to Test 601 with the addtion of the Predecessor Documents Sequence. The goal of this test is to create one report and then to create a second, amended report. You will send both reports to the MESA Report Manager. Follow the instructions for the 601 test, but send both the original and the amended report to the MESA Report Manager. Remember to clear the Report Manager if you need to start the test over. After the second report has been transmitted, run the evaluation script as appropriate for your system. In addition to the attributes tested in the 601 tests, we evaluate the contents of the Predecessor Documents Sequence (0040 A360) found in your second report. These tests are for functionality that might not be included with your application. This is an optional test.

Individual Tests for Measurement Workstations

Report Creator Test 651: SINR for Measurement Workstations

Test 651 is required of Measurement Workstations. This test will require you to create a structured report according to the Basic Diagnostic Imaging Report template (TID 2000). All items in the template that are marked mandatory will be tested.



1. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl  scripts/

2. Create a numeric report that conforms to DICOM TID 2000. Make sure the report contains a Patient ID. Transmit that report to the MESA Report Manager.


1. Evaluate the report as follows:

    perl 651/ <Patient ID>  [-v]

Supplemental Information

1. The name of the file that is evaluated is listed in 651/grade_651.txt. Send this file to the Project Manager for further evaluation and for distribution to other participants.

Tests for Reporting Working

Report Creator Test 1601: Interpretation Worklist

Test 1601 covers the Interpretation task in the Reporting Workflow integration profile (see IHE TF, Vol I: section 13.3). This test only covers the interpretation step and does not include creation of any other items (such as transcriptions or reports).



To complete this test, your Report Creator needs to be able to:

1. Obtain the General Purpose Worklist from the MESA Report Manager.

2. Claim the one worklist entry on the Report Manager.

3. Send appropriate GPPPS messages to complete the interpretation step.

4. Release the worklist entry.

To run this test:

    perl scripts/ 1601 <log>


To evaluate this test:

    perl 1601/ <log> <GPPS  AE title>

Where log is the amount of logging :

Basic Security Tests

This section describes tests that are specific to the IHE Basic Security integration profile. If you have the MESA servers running for the “standard” tests, you should stop those servers now. You will need to start the MESA secure servers with a different script.

Report Creator Test 1511: Simple Imaging Report

Report Creator Test 1511 uses the same structure as test 601. The Report Creator is expected to communicate with other systems using TLS negotiation and to send appropriate audit messages to the MESA syslog server. The table below lists the Audit Messages that should be generated by your Report Creator. Please refer to the document IHE Tests: Transaction Sequences for the full context of these messages. You might trigger other messages to the Audit Record Repository based on your interaction with your Report Creator.

Identifier Description Source Destination
1511.010 Begin-storing-instances Report Creator Report Manager



1. Start the secure MESA servers as instructed in Starting the MESA Servers.

2. Clear existing reports from the MESA Report Manager:

    perl scripts/ 

3. Create a DICOM SR object according to the values in the tables in section 2.1.1

4. Transmit this DICOM SR object to the MESA Report Manager (port 2700). As part of this process, you are expected to send an Audt Record to the MESA Audit Record Repository.


Evaluate your DICOM SR object and Audit Record:

    perl 1511/

Supplemental Information

Grab all of the files (tar/zip) in $MESA_TARGET/logs/syslog and send these to the Project Manager.

MRRT - Management of Radiology Report Templates profile

This section describes test cases associated with the MRRT Profile.

Test Case 5000: MRRT Sample Report Template

The purpose of this test is for the Report Template Creator to create sample radiology report templates using its application, and then to upload those sample templates into gazelle at least 2 weeks prior to the pre-Connectathon test deadline. The contents of gazelle will change over time as samples are uploaded.

The Report Creators access those samples and test with them prior to the Connectathon.


  1. Access gazelle menu Connectathon / List of samples
  2. On the Sample available for rendering tab for your test system, find the MRRT entry
  3. Here you will see a list of Report Template Creator test partners and the samples they have uploaded.
  4. Download them and test them with your Report Creator prior to the connectathon. We assume you will be able to create reports with these templates using your Report Creator application.


Create simple .txt file that lists the names of all Report Template Creators for which you tested samples. If you tested successfully with their templates, note that. If you found problems with their templates, document that so we can provide feedback and get the templates repaired prior to the connectathon.

Upload that .txt file into gazelle as the results for this test.

Individual Tests for Cardiology

Report Creator Test 20501: Verify HL7 Encapsulated Report Message Content (CARD-7) - DEPRECATED

Test 20501 tests the creation and content of an HL7 message with an encapsulated PDF report. This test will require your system to create a HL7 ORU(encapsulated report - unsoliticited ) according to the IHE Cardiology Techinical Framework Year2:2005-2006 Volume II, Section 4.7.



To run this test, follow these steps using a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/card/actors/rpt_crt.

2. Make sure the MESA servers have been started as described in section 1.5 above.

3. Reset the MESA report manager server:

    perl  scripts/

4. Construct an ORU message with an encapsulated PDF report. Send the message to the MESA Report Manager (port 2750).

5. Run the evaluation script below.


1.Run the evaluation script

    perl  20501/ <log level>

2. The evaluation output is found in 20501/grade_20501.txt. The final result should indicate 0 errors. Submit the result run at log level 4 to the Project Manager.

Supplemental Information

For this test, the MESA tools evaluate the following elements:

  • OBR25 = R/P/F/C

For OBX w/ Study Instance UID, verify:

  • OBX3= “113014/DICOM Study/DCM”
  • OBX5 = valid format for SIU
  • OBX11 = “O”

For OBX w/ PDF report, verify:

  • OBX3 = a (any) Report Title, e.g., a Report Title from Vol 2 Appendix D
  • OBX 5 Source Application ID = a valid ISO OID
  • OBX5 Type of Data = “Application”
  • OBX5 Data Subtype = “PDF”
  • OBX11= R/P/F/C and matches OBR25

Any missing or incorrect elements will result in a “failure”. You cannot ignore this failure.

Report Creator Test 20502: Visual Verify of PDF Content (CARD-7) - DEPRECATED

Test 20502 is the simple visual verification of the PDF content. This test tests the case where the PDF becomes disassociated with the PDF message content. In this test there is no MESA software or scripts involved. Any patient name and ID can be used. Using a “good” report within your Report Creator, the vendor should create a word or pdf file using the document naming convention of: CompanyName_Product_ 20502_RC_2005.doc. Using any vendor report viewing tool cut and paste in information from your own product which demonstrates that the followng data elements are visible in a report:

  • Identity of signing clinician (legal signature)

The following items are recommended, but not required (please note which are included in an email):

  • Patient name
  • Patient ID
  • Date of Procedure
  • Type of Procedure
  • Date of Report
  • Status of Report

Report Manager Test 20510: DRPT: Describe Report Creator Methods

Do not divulge any proprietary information. Create a Word document with the following naming convention: CompanyName_Product_20510_RC.doc which answers the questions below.


In 500 words or less for each, describe the following:

1. What report statuses are sent by the Report Creator?

2. If your system can create final or corrected final reports, describe the Report Signature and Verification process: How is the identity of the signing physician determined, and how does the report transition through status R, P, F, and C?

3. Submit the document in Kudu as the result file for this test.

Report Creator Test 20525: Submit Sample PDF Report


Using a “good” report within your system, submit a sample HL7 MDM^T02 message (CARD-7) containing an encapsulated PDF report.

A. Place the sample message in a zip file using the name of your system in Kudu/Gazelle: where 20525 refers to this test number.

B. Upload the zip file into kudu under MESA Tests -> Pre-Connecthon...Objects, adding the sample for test 20525.

C. Create a short txt file indicating you have completed the upload step. Upload that txt file into the Kudu system under the MESA test log results to wake up the project manager.

D. As Report Manager actors import your message, you may receive a request for interpretation or directives from the Project Manager to repair attributes. This may prove to be an iterative process.

Eye Care Tests

Test 50216: ECED Example Document

In this “test”, you provide some Eye Care Evidence Document (ECED) samples for review by other vendors.



  1. Create one or more sample ECED objects. Store these in DICOM Part 10 format.
  2. You can create a DICOM Part 10 CD with a DICOMDIR file or just create DICOM Part 10 files without the DICOMDIR. If you need help creating DICOM Part 10 files, contact the Connectathon Manager.
  3. Create a short .txt file that describes the data you have created. You do not need to write a book, but something to help the other systems.
  4. If you can, provide a sample rendering of the document as a JPEG or HTML file.
  5. Place the DICOM Part 10 files, text description and sample rendering in a zip file. Name the zip file where SYTEM_NAME refers to the name assigned to your system in the Kudu or Gazelle tool. It is not your company product name.
  6. Upload this file into this wiki. Find the entry for your Connectathon and test 50216. There should be an existing link you can click that will allow you to upload the file.
  7. Go to the Kudu/Gazelle tool and enter a note indicating you have uploaded your sample.
  8. As other actors render your data, you may receive a request for interpretation or directives from the Project Manager to repair attributes. This may prove to be an iterative process.


Evaluation is provided by other systems as they render your samples.

Supplemental Information

Test 50217: ECDR Example Report

In this “test”, you provide some Eye Care Displayable Report (ECDR) samples for review by other vendors.



  1. Create one or more sample ECDR objects. Store these in DICOM Part 10 format.
  2. You can create a DICOM Part 10 CD with a DICOMDIR file or just create DICOM Part 10 files without the DICOMDIR. If you need help creating DICOM Part 10 files, contact the Connectathon Manager.
  3. Create a short .txt file that describes the data you have created. You do not need to write a book, but something to help the other systems.
  4. If you can, provide a sample rendering of the report as a JPEG or HTML file.
  5. Place the DICOM Part 10 files, text description and sample rendering in a zip file. Name the zip file where SYTEM_NAME refers to the name assigned to your system in the Kudu or Gazelle tool. It is not your company product name.
  6. Upload this file into this wiki ([[1]]). Find the entry for your Connectathon and test 50217. There should be an existing link you can click that will allow you to upload the file.
  7. Go to the Kudu/Gazelle tool and enter a note indicating you have uploaded your sample.
  8. As other actors render your data, you may receive a request for interpretation or directives from the Project Manager to repair attributes. This may prove to be an iterative process.


Evaluation is provided by other systems as they render your samples.

Supplemental Information

Test 50218: ECDR Document Verification

Test 50218 tests the creation and content of a DICOM Eye Care Displayable Report. This test will require your system to create one ECDR according to the IHE Eye Care Techinical Framework Volume 2, Section 4.7.5. This test adds specific values to include in the report.


Eye Care TF, Vol 2, Section 4.7.5


1. Create an Eye Care ECDR according to the ECDR specification and the extra requirements listed below in Special Instructions.

2. The ECDR should be in DICOM part 10 format. If you need assistance in creating a DICOM Part 10 file, contact the Connectathon Manager.

3. Copy the file to the MESA test computer.

4. Run the evaluation script below.


Use a DOS window or terminal emulator:

1. Set the current directory to $MESA_TARGET/mesa_tests/eyecare/actors/rpt_crt.

2. Run the evaluation script

    perl  50218/ <log level> FILE

3. The evaluation output is found in 50218/mir_mesa_50218.xml. The final result should indicate 0 errors. Submit the result run at log level 4 to the Project Manager.

Supplemental Information

The ECDR created for this test shall have these extra requirements:

  1. SOP Class UID: 1.2.840.10008. (See Table 4.7.5-1)
  2. Verification Flag: VERIFIED
  3. Completion Flag: COMPLETE
  4. Verifying Observer Name: RANDOLPH^WILLIAM

If your application produces only unverified/incomplete results, contact the Project Manager. You should submit your evaluation with errors and send a note describing your application.