Pharm Tech Minutes 2018.06.26

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Meeting details

WebEx details:

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Join by phone

  • +33 17091 8646 France toll
  • +43 125 302 1542 Austria toll
  • +32 2894 8317 Belgium toll
  • +41 43456 9564 Switzerland toll

Others phone numbers :

Access code: 956 796 372


9:00 -13:00 IHE Pharmacy Board report and maintenance

  • Set up the new planning for the period 2018-2019.
  • Tony Schaller has made an external extension of the IHE CDA extended schema.
  • IHE will not review the material, but will publish the material with a disclaimer.
  • HL7 Pharmacy has published new HL7 CDA templates. Austria will not change their specifications and remain with the CDAr2 templates.
  • We decide not to organize a Webinar, because the last time there were too few attendants. There was recording of the Webinar that could be replayed.
  • Oliver Egger has submitted 4 editorial comments, but these are not structural changes. We decide to edit the document and republish the document.
  • Juergen will edit the document and send the document to the members.

13:00-14:00 Lunch

14:00- 15:30 Adverse Event Reporting

  • Use case and input.
  • Status of FHIR resource
  • Define work items and next steps.

14:00 - 15:30 D Supply topics/ Medication knowledge update

15:30 - 15:45 --- Coffee break ---

15:45 - 17:00 Immunization extra slot

17:00 - Adjourn

Pharmacy Technical Committee