QRPH Tech Minutes 2013-03-29

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  • Didi Davis
  • Ali Anil Sinaci – with Gokce’s organization
  • Gokce B. Laleci
  • Michelle Williamson
  • Steve Moore
  • Terese Finitzo
  • Jen Foltz
  • John Eichwald
  • Xidong Deng
  • Amit Popat
  • Landen Bain
  • Lara Tramontan
  • Lori Fourquet
  • Gary Walker
  • Ann Kreeger (Forte)
  • Stan Haavik (Guest)


  • Review of HWT comments from Steve Moore. Comments revolved around actors and transactions and groupings with other profiles such as RFD and Content profiles. Several options for how to resolve issues with groupings were discussed. Discussion will continue on a dedicated call scheduled for one hour earlier 9am Central 4/5/2013.
    • ACTION: Nichole to replace the normal HWT call held at 9am Central with this call on webex and distribute to entire list.
    • ACTION: Didi to invite Wendy B and Wendy S. to call at 9am Central for actor grouping discussion that will impact PRPH-Ca as well as other existing QRPH profiles. (Completed 3/29)
    • ACTION: Amit to invite Steve Moore to 9am Discussion next week. (Completed 3/29)
  • Agenda for 4/5/2013
    • Research Matching – Landen Bain
    • Other Volume 2 work updates