Pharm Tech Minutes 2010.02.25

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  • Development profile : proposals
  • F2F meeting in Bordeaux : planning


  • Jürgen Brandstätter, CodeWerk, Austria
  • Geert Claeys, Agfa Healthcare, Belgium
  • Jose Costateixeira, Agfa Healthcare
  • Thierry Geraud, Cardinal Health
  • Simon Letellier, EAHP, France
  • Vincent Mary, SIB, France
  • Franz Pfeifer, Tiani-Spirit GmbH, Austria
  • Jacqueline Surugue, IHE-Europe Steering Committee, France
  • Leonidas Tzimis, EAHP, Greece


Proposal reviews

F2F meeting

Next steps

  • Next meeting is planned (Not this time, the 4th Thursday of the month : 4th week of march, it's EAHP congress),

==> Next Tcon is reported to April 1st 2010 16:00-17:00.