IHE Security and Privacy for HIE

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This is a work approved as a IHE ITI Planning Committee white paper. This work was originally proposed as the IHE Response to Markle Principles white paper. The scope has changed over a few IHE ITI Planning Committee meetings. The current scope is to show the IHE Solutions to Security and Privacy challenges of building a Health Information Exchange (HIE).

T-Con - April 11, 2007

Attendance: John, Rob, Chris, Tyrone, Glen, Larry, and Vassil

Rob was concerned that we don't spend enough time explaining that IHE doesn't set Policies, we enable policies and their enforcement. IHE is a global organization and thus needs to respond to 50+ government policies and regulations. We need to make it clear that there is a difference between setting policy and enabling policy

Tyrone is very concerned that given the IHE scope we will not be able to adequately address the OECD principles. This was echoed by John and others. The conclusion was that we should remove the principles from the paper and change the scope to a more general security and privacy technical controls.

Larry offered that when we write the policy section, that we don't simply indicate that IHE doesn't address policies, but rather help our reader with some pointers to known organizations that are working on policies. We should also help our reader understand why policies are out of scope. He gave the example of scalability.

Glen offered to help author the section on Policy.

With the exception of the new edits to the Policy section, the other discussed changes have been integrated into the current draft (April 11, 2007).

Contact the editor John.Moehrke@med.ge.com with any comments, suggestions, or criticism.