IHE Test Tool Information

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This page contains information about test tools available for testing IHE Profiles. Several organization contribute to this set of tools; thus, the tools currently reside in different locations and have a variety of support models (jira, email lists). Not all IHE profiles have test tools. This can be a challenge for new implementors, but it is the current state of affairs.

These tools are commonly used in the context of an IHE Connectathon. In that case, the test management tool called 'Gazelle' gives you a customized list of tests to do based on the IHE profiles you support. The tools referenced on this page can be used outside of a Connectathon, but the information on this page assumes that Gazelle Test Management is helping to manage testing.

Index to IHE Test Tools

This table lists the tools available for testing IHE profiles, along with links to the tool & documentation.

Tool Developed by Type Tool Location / Installation User documentation & Training Ready to use? Support Used for
CDA Validation tool NIST web-based or download CDA Validation Tool CDA Tool home page Yes CDA Validator contact PCC: all CDA-based profiles except APE, TRS, ETS, ITS
DICOM Central Archive J4CARE web-based Central Archive @ IHE-E Yes
DICOMscope CPI Visualization tools OFFIS install/run locally DICOMScope - IHE Display Consistency distribution page

Or, DICOMScope v. 3.6.4 for 64-bit Windows

DICOMscope overview page Yes https://forum.dcmtk.org/ RAD: CPI
DVTk DICOM validator Philips, ICT access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->DICOM DVTk training & documentation Yes DVTk forum various DICOM-based profiles
Edge Test Tool HealthIT.gov web-based ETT Validators Documentation Yes Help ITI: XDM
FHIR toolkit (MHD) v4.x.x NIST install/run locally Toolkit download


public version of NIST FHIR Toolkit

Installation Guide Yes MHD implementors google group ITI: MHD
Gazelle CDA Generator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based CDA Generator CDA Generator info page Yes
Gazelle External Validation Services (EVS) aka "EVSClient" IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based External Validation Service Front-End Gazelle External Validation Services user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker AP: APW, ARPH


ITI: many; see here





RAD: XDS-I.b (Wado)

Gazelle DSUB validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->DSUB DSUB validator info page Yes ITI: DSUB
Gazelle HPD validator & simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->Healthcare Provider Directory

HPD Simulator

HPD simulator info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: HPD
Gazelle HL7 validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle HL7 validator HL7 validator info Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker many
Gazelle HMW simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based HMW Simulator HMW simulator user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker PHARM: HMW
Gazelle LBL simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based LBL simulator LBL simulator user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker LAB: LBL
Gazelle LCSD simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based LCSD Simulator LCSD simulator user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker LAB: LCSD
Gazelle Order Manager simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Order Manager application Order Manager user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker RAD, EYE, CARD: HL7 orders & DICOM MWL


Gazelle PatientManager - PAM, XCPD, PIX* & PDQ* (HL7v2, v3, FHIR STU3), ADT simulator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Patient Manager application user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: PAM, XCPD, PDQ*, PIX*, PDS for XDS


Gazelle Proxy IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle proxy Proxy user guide Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker proxy for non-TLS msgs
Gazelle Security Suite (gss) IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based http://gazelle.ihe.net/gss ATNA pre-CAT test cases

User Guide

Yes submit issues & questions to our jira issue tracker ITI: ATNA


Gazelle-STS SecurityToken Service (SAML) IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Service URL pre-CAT test case

User Guide

Yes https://gazelle.ihe.net/jira/projects/STS/issues/STS-7?filter=allopenissues Jira issue tracker] ITI: XUA, IUA (w/ SAML)
Gazelle SVS simulator & validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle Sharing Value Set Simulator

access SVS msg validator via External Validation Service Front End, IHE--Sharing Value Sets

SVS Simulator user guide

Value sets provided by the SVS Simulator

Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: SVS
Gazelle WADO validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->Wado WADO validator info page Yes RAD: XDS-I.b
Gazelle XD* (XD Star) Client Application IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based Gazelle XD* Client Application Introduction to XDStarClient Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: servers in XDS, XDR, XCA, MPQ, DSUB, XCPD, XCF


Gazelle XDW validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->XDW XDW validation service info page Yes ITI: XDW


Gazelle XUA assertion validator IHE-Europe at Kereval web-based access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->Assertions Assertion validator info page Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: XUA
HL7 v2.x Msg ValidationTool NIST NIST HL7v2.x Msg Validation Tool Documentation Yes Contact us QRPH: VRDR (2015), HW (2015)
MESA Tools MIR RETIRED as of Oct-2019 Actor test plans (Note: These contain test cases that are still used w/o MESA tools.)
MRRT tool MIR RETIRED as of Oct-2019
PCD Isolated & Instance testing NIST web-based IHE-PCD Pre-Connectathon Test Tool IHE-PCD Pre-Connectathon tool home page Yes NIST support team and join PCD testing google group PCD: all profiles
PDI Media Tester application Northwestern install/run locally Test Cases and tool Yes RAD: PDI
PIX / PDQ tool NIST web-based IHE PIX and PDQ Pre-Connectathon Test Tool PIX / PDQ Tool documentation Yes IHE PIX/PDQ google group ITI: PDQ, PDQv3, PIX, PIXv3, XPID
QIDO-RS Response validation tool Kereval web-based https://gazelle.ihe.net/json/dicom/upload View this demo Yes wia-feedback@kereval.com RAD: AIR, WIA
REM DoseUtility tool and DICOM SR validator PixelMed web-based or install locally access via External Validation Service Front-End, IHE-->DICOM how to use DoseUtility Yes RAD: REM
RFD Testing System MIR RETIRED as of Oct-2019
RO Test Tool 2007 DVTk download access via DVTk download page Yes IHE-RO
Vital Records Tool NIST web-based access via NIST VR Validation Tool VR Tool Presentation Yes website admin QRPH: VRDR HL7v2
XDS Public Registry Server (v4.x.x) NIST RETIRED as of May-2018
XDS toolkit v7.x.x NIST install/run locally XDS Toolkit download


public version of NIST XDS Toolkit and XDS-I Imaging tools

XDS Toolkit Release notes


Yes XDS implementors google group ITI: XDS.b, XDR, XCA, MPQ, RMD, RMU


XUA Security Token Service (STS) Kereval web-based STS info page service URL Yes submit issues & questions to our Jira issue tracker ITI: XUA, IUA w/ SAML

Testing and Tools Committee