IHE Document Publication Google Drive Folder Structure

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IHE Document Publication Google Drive Folder - Instructions For Use

The IHE Document Publication Google Drive contains the published IHE Technical Framework volumes, supplements, white papers, handbooks and other documents. This page describes the Google Drive folders and their structure.


There are five upper level folders

  1. Archive
  2. CommitteeSubmitted
  3. CurrentPublished
  4. DocumentTemplates
  5. NonStandardDiagrams


  • Contains: This folder is a permanent location of submitted (Word version) and published (Word and PDF versions and accompanying Named Destinations text file if applicable) documents. It also contains a directory of the Tracked Changes versions of the Word documents.
  • Maintained By: The Publisher. When the publisher places a new document to the CurrentPublished directory, they will also place a copy of the Word and PDF versions (and accompanying Named Destinations text file if applicable) in the appropriate Archive->Domain->Year->Published. When the publisher begins work on a document submitted by the committee for publication, they will move it to Archive->Domain->Year->CommitteeSubmitted. A copy of the Word document with tracked changes will be placed in the Archive->Domain->Year->TrackedChangesVersion folder.


  • Contains: This folder is an “inbox” for documents submitted by the committees to the publisher for publication. It will contain the Word version of the document. It will contain Public Comment supplements, Trial Implementation supplements, Technical Framework volumes, or white papers ready to be processed for publication. (Ideally, this directory will be empty most of time.)
  • Maintained By: Committees place documents here when they are ready to be processed for publication. When the publisher begins their work, the submitted Word document will be moved to the appropriate location in the Archive->Domain->Year->CommitteeSubmitted folder.


  • Contains: This folder is dynamic, it will contain the current published Word and PDF versions of the document (and accompanying Named Destinations text file if applicable). The contents of it will change as new documents are published, newer versions of existing documents are published (newer version of the same document or replacement of a document that changes status from Public Comment to Trial Implementation or Trial Implementation to Final Text) and existing documents are retired. The historical document will always be found in the Archive folder.
  • Maintained By: The Publisher. When a new document is published, the publisher will place it here, replacing any existing version of it. A copy will also be placed in the appropriate Archive->Domain->Year->Published folder.


  • Contains: This folder contains templates for Technical Framework Volumes, Supplements, White Papers, Board Report, CPs, and Profile Proposals.
    • Verification that the CP, Profile Proposal and Board Report template are the most recent is in process
  • Maintained By: Publisher (for TF Volumes, Supplement and White Paper Templates) and Co-chairs or secretariat (for others).


  • Contains: This folder contains diagrams placed in TF Volumes and Supplements that were created with tools other than Word (e.g., Vision, PPT, MindMap)
    • This has not been widely used, there may be other locations where these diagrams are located are they may not be readily available when editing is necessary
  • Maintained By: Authors and Co-chairs.

Directory Structure

  1. DocumentPublication
    1. CurrentPublished
      1. AnatomicPathology
      2. Cardiology
      3. Dental
      4. Endoscopy
      5. EyeCare
      6. ITInfrastructure
      7. Laboratory
      8. PathologyLaboratoryMedicine
      9. PatientCareCoordination
      10. PatientCareDevice
      11. Pharmacy
      12. QualityResearchPublicHealth
      13. RadiationOncology
      14. Radiology
      15. Surgery
    2. CommitteeSubmitted - Temporary holding area. Once publication work begins, gets moved to Archive->Domain->20xx->CommitteeSubmitted folder.
      1. AnatomicPathology
      2. Cardiology
      3. etc.
    3. Archive - Permanent repository for Committee Submitted and Published (past and current) documents.
      1. AnatomicPathology
      2. Cardiology
      3. etc.
        1. 2016
          1. CommitteeSubmitted
          2. Published
          3. TrackedChangesVersion
        2. 2015
        3. 2014
        4. etc.