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IHE Surgery addresses information management and workflow aspects in the operating room.

The IHE Surgery domain is sponsored by International Foundation of CARS (IFCARS) and International Society for Computer Aided Surgery (ISCAS).

There are two committees:

Timeline: 2017-2019 Development Cycle Milestones

The Timeline shows the main milestones of the development cycle, the Timeframe when they are typically expected to happen, and the actual date/time/location they have been Scheduled for this year. Specific meetings and their agendas and minutes are generally listed on the IHE Surgery Planning Committee and IHE Surgery Technical Committee pages.

These times are provisional and subject to change.

Dates and times are CET/CEST (Berlin).

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Apr Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Surgery Planning Committee (PC) Apr 3 Wiki
Jun Deadline to Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Surgery Planning Committee (PC) Jun 2 Wiki
Jun Annual IHE Surgery Meeting June 24 CARS 2017, Barcelona
Aug PC Selects "Short List" of Proposals June 24 Barcelona
Sep PC makes Final Selection of Proposals for this year Sep 11 Wiki
Nov TC Profile development kickoff meeting n/a n/a
Feb TC Finalizes revised profile supplements for public comment TBA TBA
Feb Republication of Trial Implementation Version Supplements for Comment TBA
Apr Deadline for submission of public comments on profile supplements TBA
Apr/May TC reconciles public comments TBA TBA
August Republication of TF TBA
? Test implementations at Connectathon ? ?

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
Feb SPIE/IFCARS JOINT WORKSHOP - Information Management, Systems Integration, Standards, and Approval Issues for the Digital Operating Room February 14 SPIE 2017, Orlando
Jun SPIE/IFCARS JOINT WORKSHOP - Information Management, Systems Integration, Standards, and Approval Issues for the Digital Operating Room Jun 23 CARS 2017, Barcelona

Supporters and Endorsements

See Also


Mailing Lists