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These notes contain the current thinking on how to map Document Sharing attributes to FHIR. This page will be updated as we learn more.

In the tables below, the left side is the current ebRIM content and the right side is the proposed FHIR content.


DocumentEntry Wrapper

     <value value="118ff02f-1001-4548-925f-cf68cc8780d7"/>
   <mimeType value="text/plain"/>

This includes the entryUUID and mimeType attributes. The handling of symbolic/local vs permanent/global ids is reversed in FHIR. In ebRIM a permanent/global ID is a UUID and a symbolic/local id is always a non-UUID (does not have the urn:uuid: prefix). In FHIR, local/symbolic IDs are coded as UUIDs and permanent/global IDs are non-UUIDs. FHIR and ebRIM agree that local IDs have transaction scope.