IHE Lab Meeting Minutes DRAFT 12/10/2013

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IHE LAB Committee Meeting – December 10, 2013

File:LAW Tesstscript RM EOH FM.docx

Attendees: Laurent Lardin, Mary Kennedy, Riki Merrick, Dmytro Rud, Daniel Moncusi, Jim Harrison, Daniel Nebot, Alessandro Sulis, Ed Heierman, Filip Migom

  1. Agenda Review
  2. Update on LCC by Jim
    • Sent summary that was sent to OO listserve with the suggested outcomes 12/9 – to be discussed on Thursday 12/12/2014 at 1:00 PM ET on OO call
  3.  LAW testing scenarios by Riki and Ed
    • Sharing the updated document for review – we will ask Anne to implement and then review specifically for changes to the test steps – while working on the test cases, please note any issues
    • Laurent: The way the first test case – Load LAW_Code_Set_Initialize_Analyzer – is written it sounds like all analyzers need to be able to load ALL tests on the list, when in effect the way to pass this is to verify that all the tests the analyzer runs are on the list, using the correct codes, but test codes for tests the analyzer doesn’t perform are not needed to be imported – we may want to reword that part.
    • Laurent sent the LOINCs for the micro tests that were missing from the list to Anne.
    • We will have a meeting before the connectathon on January 14, 2014 – all please revisit the test cases and provide feedback, so we can make last minute adjustments, where necessary
  4. Date for next face to face meeting in Paris: Choice between May 12-14 and May 20-22.
    • Attendees to send their preferences to Riki. So far, Jim chose May 12-14 to save the date!
    • Will make final decision in January