PCCTech Minutes 2013 03 21

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Attendees: Laura Heermann Langford, Laura Bright, Vincent Van Pelt, Thom Kuhn, Anna Orlova, Valentina Ferrarini, Keith Boone, Lisa Nelson, George Cole, Charles Rica, Celina Roth

Call in attendees: Denise Downing,

Integration Statements

  • Every Profile author needs to write an Integration STatement for their profile.
  • Examples can be found at: http://product-registry.ihe.net/PR/pr/search.seam?date=ANY%7C1363854853176%7C1363854853176
  • Note from Steve Moore with directions:
      • Now that spring is here, I am waking up from my winter hibernation. I'm sorry I could not join you in Italy, but I would ask each of the supplement authors to subject their profile to the Integration Statement Sniff Test (ISST).
      • That is, for likely systems that a vendor would want to offer to a customer, can you write the Integration Statement that describes what IHE actor/profile pairs are supported by that system?
        • - If you cannot write that Integration Statement, or if you write it and your fellow committee members do not understand it, you have failed the ISST.
        • - If you write it and think a knuckle-dragging RFP writer would not be able to understand it, you have failed the ISST.


Steve Moore

=Recap/Next Steps Referral and Order Matching

Led by George Cole

  • have questions about the 3rd use case (EHDI) may not be upd to date
  • Lisa will get the updates/changes to George
  • Some uncertainties regarding what is needed in volume 2 for PCC. Guidance provided to the author.
  • Current copy of the profile is on the ftp site.

Recap/Next Steps Diagnostic Study Request

Led by Vincent Van Pelt

  • Continue to have questions regarding if this profile should be on its own or blended/extended from the eReferral. Vincent and Jurgen are wondering if there are differences in the countries on how it is managed that affects this decision.
  • From the clinical side of the house there are significant differences between orders and referrals. Also there are completely different uses between a consult type referral and a complete transfer of care type referral.
  • Decision made to keep to the original plan of this profile to be an independent profile and not an extension of the eReferral Profile. Team agrees there are enough differences between the different intents and uses that they need to stay separate.
  • Vincent will work on a glossary to establish definitions of consult, referral, transfer of care, permanent transfer of care, etc for the IHE PCC community. Vincent will also write to differentiate between this and the eReferral profile.

Recap/Next Steps cCDA Harmonization

Led by Keith Boone

  • Currently very thin on Volume 1 and very heavy on appendix.
  • Steve Moore promised a review of existing tools on PCC side. If that looks promising, Keith will start work on volume 2 very soon. If it does not come out as expected, Keith will look at alternative options.
  • It is recognized there is a lot of work to be done on this profile. More meetings won't help. Expertise and knowledge around MDHT would be helpful. Laura B and Lisa N both have experience and will assist Keith with the efforts needed to get towards completion of this profile in time for the volume 2 work. Steve Moore will also be a resource. Nancy Ramirez is available and can help with scheduling and setting up meetings as needed to complete this work.

Recap/Next Steps EHDI

Led by Lisa Nelson (with Laryngitis) and Ana Orlova

  • Have clarified the actors and workflow participants.
  • Clarification made on the task and output relationships - we think the mechanism of linking tasks, documents to actors etc belongs in the XDW.
  • This profile is now to be an internationally applicable. all the references to the specific labels need to be removed in main document and put into volume 4.
  • the bindings that show specific documents belong in table 4.
  • The process flow diagrams need to be more task oriented and with actors (small a not capital A actors) represented in the swim lanes. Should be a UML state diagram. (Software to use to creates the diagrams needs to be investigated Plant UML is accepted in IHE for drawing the diagrams).

Recap/Next Steps Care Plan

Led by Emma Jones and Denise Downing.

  • Discussion re: Appendix C - Workflow Participants.
  • Actors for content profiles are just creator and consumer. There is not a content updater in content profiles only in workflow profiles. Content updater removed from this profile.
  • One of the reasons XDW only works currently with XDS is we don't have much experience with the issue of state management.

identifying authors would be done much higher in the technical framework.

  • Map acute care to inpatient, and ambulatory care to outpatient in a glossary, and list ED means ED.

Joint meeting with ITI/QRPH/PCC

  • Led by John Moehrke
    • Review of change proposal ITI 659-06
      • Creating a new option called reference ID in XDS. Details surrounding the implementation of this reviewed.

  • See notes on ITI questions from 3/20/2013 for more notes on joint meeting.

Agenda items for next F2F working group meeting

  • Charles review of actors, participants, workflow documents, content profiles etc.

T-Con Planning=

Tuesday April 16, 1200 noon CDT 1 hour for Change Proposals

Tuesdays every week 1100 CDT 1 hour for Nursing call - as previously scheduled (continue as it has been)

Wednesdays - per George's request to Nancy for meeting schedule to continue as it has been

Fridays - every two weeks starting March 29th at 10 CDT for the CDA Harmonization Call as previously scheduled. (continue as it has been)