PCD Cochairs 2012-03-06 Webex

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Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review Previous Meeting Summary previous Discussion Summary from 2012.02.28.
3. DCC
4. Detailed profiles
- deadlines
5. Showcase HIMSS12 Lessons Learned
6. Standards Coordination
7. IHE International
8. Mini-Showcase at AAMI12
9. Recruiting
10. Action Items
- April meeting - Tu-Fr with ACM Mon.
11. Additional Business
12. Next Meeting

Attachments / Materials

See PCD Cochair Action Items page. Action Items last reviewed Dec. 13, 2011. Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Ken Fuchs, Steve Merritt, John Rhoads
Chair: John Rhoads
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair




2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair
No changes were requested accepted with appreciation for John Garguilo’s detailed notes.



3 Agenda Items
- Chair

3. DCC: John Rhoads will respond to the DCC regarding SNOMED.

6. FDA: Meeting Friday to continue work on standards for interoperability. Participants are an extensive list. Ken has sent 3 slides describing the past, present and future of IHE PCD and will attend. Todd and John will attend remotely.



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be March 13, 2011 PCD Cochairs 2012-03-13 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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