Cross-Enterprise User Assertion (XUA)

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Revision as of 14:03, 7 September 2011 by Felhofer (talk | contribs) (→‎Benefits)
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Heading 1

Bold text is encoded in double quotes - regular text goes here Note that the table of contents is built automatically, contents of the TOC come from the items in your heading lines


More bold text Another paragraph we will replace the figure below with your jpg

Actors & Transactions:

This is the name of your figure. We will upload a jpg and point to it in this line


In the next line, you will see how to encode a link. The first part is the web address, then a space, then a phrase that appears as the link on the page

Documents: IHE IT Infrastructure Technical Framework Version 5 or later

  • Vol. 1 - Section 13
  • Vol. 2(b) - Sections 3.40

Another Header

  • sample bullet list. 1st level is preceded by a star
    • sub bullet items preceded by 2 stars
    • another sub bullet
    • another sub bullet