Enhanced Imaging Workflow IP

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1. Proposed Workitem: Enhanced Imaging Workflow for Anatomic Pathology

  • Editor: Thomas Scharder

The development of slide scanners offers the possibility to digitalize glass slides in Pathology and this is the beginning of a new paradigm in this medical domain. New terms were created: Digital Pathology or Collaborativ Pathology expressing the new features in the diagnostic process.

Not only patient data but also Whole Slide Images (WSI) are available and can be used for - support of diagnostic process

- analysis of images

- further analysis of clinical data.

With digitalization of glass slides two different discussions begun:

1. The integration of the digitalization process into the general diagnostic process in a Pathology Department using business process modeling.

2. The integration of image analysis into the diagnostic process.

2. The Problem

3. Key Use Case

4. Standards & Systems

5. Discussion