PCD Tools

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IHE-PCD Testing Tools

Medical Enterprise Simulators and Analyzer (MESA)

NIST Medical Device Communication Test Tools (based on ISO/IEEE 11073)

NIST HL7 V2 Tools

NIST CDA Guideline Validation

Alschuler Associates CDA Validation

HIT Implementation Testing and Support (ONC/NHIN, HITSP, CCHIT, and NIST)

HL7 utility tools for testing with NIST tools

  • {nule.org} Useful cross-platform (java) utilities that help capture and allow HL7 browser capabilities that complement the NIST test tools.

Peter Rontey, VHA Office of Information Messaging and Interface Services

See Also

Medical Enterprise Simulators and Analyzer (MESA)

NIST Medical Device Communication Test Tools (based on ISO/IEEE 11073)

NIST HL7 V2 Tools

NIST CDA Guideline Validation

Alschuler Associates CDA Validation

HIT Implementation Testing and Support (ONC/NHIN, HITSP, CCHIT, and NIST)

Peter Rontey, VHA Office of Information Messaging and Interface Services

MindJet "MindMap" Readers

See Also

IHE Implementation Tools