PCD PC 2010-06-09 Webex

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Patient Care Device Domain

Meeting Purpose

Regularly Scheduled PC Meeting

WebEx Information

Topic: PCD Planning Committee Meeting

Regularly Scheduled Meeting

Date: Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Time: 11:00 am, Eastern Time (New York)

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

  1. Agenda Approval
  2. Review Discussion Summaries: May 26 PCD PC 2010-05-26 Webex
  3. Spring F2F Follow Up with specific attention to DPI and collaboration with ICE
  4. AAMI 2010 Update: Presentations, Mini-Showcase
  5. Ballots (TC) Update
  6. October F2F (Oct. 18-22) ECRI Institute, Plymouth Meeting, PA
  7. Action Item Review
  8. Additional Business
  9. Next Meetings

Action Items from Previous Meetings

See PCD Planning Committee Action Items.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.


Chair: Ken Fuchs
Jon Blasingame, Anupriyo Chakravarti, Todd Cooper, Bikram Day, Robert Flanders, Ken Fuchs, Colin FX Gartska, John Garguilo, Chad Hays, Sarah Hopkins, Brad Lunde, Steve Merritt, Gary Meyer, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Jeff Rinda, Ioana Singureanu, Erin Sparnon, Greg Staudenmaier, Khalid Zubaidi, Manny Furst


Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


  • Agenda approved


2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
  • Discussion Summary of previous meeting was accepted



3 Agenda Items
- As Noted
  • 3. Update on DPI: This is the subject of weekly DPI meetings and biweekly ICE-PAC/ICE meetings. Progress continues. It is possible there will be a demonstration at HIMSS11.
  • 4. PCD has multiple activities in addition to the mini-Showcase. This includes Jon’s PCD presentation in the ACCE
  • 5. WCM Supplement and the Snapshot CP are out for ballot. Todd described the requirements for moving the TF to Final Text version. One of the questions is what is required to move a CP to Final Text if it hasn’t been tested in a Connectathon. The TF TI version will include that CP while the Final would not. He asked if the group prefers going to Final Text without the Enhanced ACK and including it as TI only OR postponing Final Text until after the Connectathon. Ken recommended proceeding with Final Text without the Enhanced ACK, and John Rhoads agreed. Jeff indicated that Enhanced ACK was tested in PIV in 2010, in the Pre-Connectathon testing, except for the requirement to use a separate pipe. It was recommended that the two pipe specifically be tested at the Connectathon this year.
  • 6. October F2F: date and location are set, ECRI Institute, Plymouth Meeting, PA, we are identifying hotels.



  • Manny to add verification of two pipes to the PIV test in the Connectathon this year (item 5).
4 Action Items
- Ken

Only those with significant updates are listed:

  • 92: Recruiting: AAMI – The intent of the mini-showcase is to educate and recruit vendors as well as users. Manny has asked Chris Dinegar (AAMI) about reaching out to vendors of CMMS and RTLS systems specifically in an attempt to gain participation in MEM. Iatric Systems joined the Connectathon/Showcase meeting yesterday, and had a conversation with two cochairs and Manny as well. Omnicell has joined IHE and we will invite their participation.
  • 105: Implementation Guide: John Garguilo indicated discussions will start soon.
  • 106: Developing Meaningful Use for PCD: Todd indicated that this is to take the HIMSS work on Meaningful Use and use it to recruit PCD members. The first step is to put a PCD one page document together. This will be the subject of a discussion at AAMI. Erin will organize the discussion.
  • 107: Clinical System Integration: Todd indicated that there is a Board meeting tomorrow and this is an agenda item for the following meeting. Add Todd, Erin to the item.
  • 110: PCD Success Stories: Erin and those who volunteered will have a Tcon July 22nd.
  • 111: WCM: To date companies have indicated they don’t have resources for this cycle.



5 yyy



6 Action Items
- Chairs
  • 71:
  • 72:
  • 78:
  • 86:
  • 92:
  • 93:
  • 10x:



7 Announcements
- All



8 PCD Spring F2F Meeting Follow Up



Next Meeting

The next meeting will be June 23 PCD PC 2010-06-23 Webex

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