Card Tech Minutes 2010.01.21

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Revision as of 13:28, 21 January 2010 by Droman (talk | contribs) (→‎Minutes)
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  • Antje Schoeder (Co-chair), Siemens
  • Mary Schneider, GE
  • Barry Brown, Mortara
  • Dan Roman, ACC Staff
  • Keith Klassy, AMICAS
  • Paul Seifert, Agfa Healthcare
  • Bijoy Sundersingh, Philips
  • Rich Fronek, Cardiac Science


  1. Review of Action Items from Previous Call
    • Keith Klassy is helping Tom and Antje with the CP maintenance. He's already organized them and updated their status.
    • ACTION ITEM: Keith to contact Harry for further updates.
  2. Updates from Profile Workgroups
    • EP Implant Workflow
      • No update.
      • ACTION ITEM: The status page for this profile on the wiki page needs to be updated.
    • 3D/4D Echo
      • Antje received feedback from Dr. Keller but still needs more input and direction.
      • It's possible the 3D/4D Echo profile will just become an option under the existing Echo profile.
      • 3D/4D Echo will be discussed on the upcoming Planning Committee call (1/28)
    • Image-Enabled Office
      • No update.
    • Cardiology Report Content
      • No update.
      • ACTION ITEM: Harry to post mapping of Cardiology terms to SNOMED terms/codes.
      • ACTION ITEM: Antje to contact Harry for possible email update about the Image Enabled Office and Cardiology Report Content profiles.
    • Resting ECG Workflow
      • The ECG workgroup met this past Tuesday and is holding weekly calls.
      • They're hoping to work through all of their use cases by mid February.
      • ACTION ITEM: Milestones are still needed.
  3. The group discussed concern over the apparent loss of momentum over the past few weeks.
      • ACTION ITEM: Antje and Tom to discuss offline further.
  4. The Planning Committee will be holding a call on Thursday, 1/28/10, at 4 PM ET. Topics to be discussed include:
    • The Board Report
    • 3D/4D Echo
    • Loss of momentum issue
    • Any others? Please email Dan at
  5. The next Technical Committee call is scheduled for Thursday, 2/4/10, at 10 AM ET.