IT Infrastructure

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IHE IT Infrastucture addresses underlying Information Technology issues that can be used by other IHE domains.

IHE IT Infrstructure manages the IT Infrastructure Profiles and the IT Infrastructure Technical Framework.

Timeline : 2007-2008 Development Cycle

Timeframe Activity Scheduled Location
Nov. 2006 Submit Brief Profile Proposals to Planning Committee (PC) Nov. 8, 2006 - Deadline E-mail
Nov. 2006 PC Selects "Short List" of Profiles Nov. 8-10, 2006 Chicago
Nov. 2006 PC Finalizes scope of profiles - hands off to TC Nov. 20, 2007 Tcon
Dec. 2006 TC Evaluates "Short List" of Profiles Dec. 5-6, 2006 Chicago
Jan. 2007 TC Reports back to PC on "Short List" Jan. 4, 2007 Tcon
Jan. 2007 PC review of scope of White Papers Jan. 29, 2007 Tcon
Jan. 2007 PC Selects Final Profiles ?????, 2007 Tcon
Mar, 2007 Profile development kickoff meeting (TC Meeting) Mar 13-17, 2007 Chicago
May, 2007 Profile development meeting: finalize supplements for public comment (TC) May 14-18, 2007 Chicago
Jun. Publication of Public Comment Supplements Jun 10, 2007
Jul. Deadline for submission of public comments of profile supplements Jul 10,2007
Jul. Reconciliation of public comments received (TC Meeting) July 23-27 2007 Chicago
Aug. Publication of Trial Implementation Supplements Aug. 10, 2007
Aug. Publication of Final Text Technical Framework (if appropriate)
Jan. Test implementations at Connectathon Jan ??-?? Chicago

See also the IT Infrastructure 2005-2006 Development Cycle


Current Activity

Contact the ITI Technical Committee if you would like to participate, or watch for Public Comment drafts in mid-July, 2007.

Profile Selection

These Brief Profile Proposals were submitted for the 2007-2008 Development Cycle:

  • ...
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These Detailed Profile Proposals were short-listed and evaluated by the Technical Committee

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These items were selected by the Planning Committee for this Cycle:

Demonstrations & Presentations

Date Location Event Details
2007.02.25-2006-03.01 New Orleans, LA HIMSS 2007 HIMSS Interoperability Showcase

See Also

ITI Planning Committee

ITI Technical Committee

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