DEV Joint 2022-11-30

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DEV Joint call

Microsoft Teams Information

As of 2022-09-01, IHE has switched over from to Microsoft Teams

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Microsoft Teams meeting link

Meeting ID: 279 475 089 196 Passcode: vTansC

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Or call in (audio only) +1 872-395-5658,,665704694# United States, Chicago

Phone Conference ID: 665 704 694#


Chair: Ken Fuchs

Participants: Todd Cooper, Javier Espina Perez, Kurt Elliason, Michael Faughn, Ken Fuchs, John Garguilo, Tom Kowalczyk, iSean MacDonald, Monroe Pattillo, John Rhoads, Paul Schluter, Harpreet Singh

Proposed Agenda and Discussion Notes

Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Last Dev Joint Meeting DEV Joint 2022-10-26



3 Standards Coordination Status/Discussion:
- Status of IEEE 11073-10101b - Paul Schluter
- Status of ISO Connected Care Mobile Health Technical Report - Ken Fuchs
- Status pf 1073 PKPs
4 Domain Coordination Meeting Status/Discussion::
- Last DCC meeting was, 2022-11-22
- Next DCC meeting happens 2023-1-24
- Board Report Schedule
4 Marketing and Recruitment Status/Discussion::
5 Ballots Status/Discussion::
- IHE DEV Hyperlinks white paper approved by ballot
- due to emailing error, Whole Hospital Alert Transaction Transactions ballot will be sent out
6 Action Item Review Status/Discussion::
- Complete DEV Domain Action Items
7 PCD Report-Out Status/Discussion::
- Tom Kowalczyk
- PCIM: further CRs under construction
- Pump group continues coordination of PCM-03 error codes and issues relating to flushin
- ACM harmonization work in progress
8 PCH Report-Out Status/Discussion::
- POU publication in Technical Framework discussed in PCH meeting Nov 1. Internal PCH decision (not needing DEV-wide vote) is to put on hold. Any further steps needing DEV action will have DEV notification by email.
9 DPI Report-Out Status/Discussion::
- Meeting between DPI cochairs Todd Cooper and Ken Fuchs regarding IHE publications process with Mary Jungers
- DEV domain review of publications does not require 30 days - its up to the domain; only Public Comment period needs to be 30 days.
- Gemini IHE/HL7 coordination discussion of process
10 Other Business Status/Discussion::
- John Rhoads will check with Craig Reister to see if he needs further process information
- David Gregorczyk has been confirmed in the open Co-Chair position - congratulations, David!
- IHE North American Connectathon 2023: March 6-10, 2023 in Austin, TX
- System Registration is open now! Register Here

Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

- Next PCD TC/PC PCD PC 2022-12-14
- Next DEV Joint DEV Joint 2023-1-25

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