PCD Cochairs 2022-08-02

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PCD Pre-Technical Committee Cochairs Meeting

Zoom Information

Join Zoom Meeting

https://himss.zoom.us/j/99611826688?pwd=RTV6bElWVUtncmFSWTJ0dWdKSzZKZz09 Meeting ID: 996 1182 6688 Passcode: 614473

Passcode: 748866


Chair: Lisa Diggett
Participants: Rob Wilder, Tom Kowalczyk, Kurt Elliason, John Rhoads (TPM, notes)

Proposed Agenda and Discussion Notes

Discussion Summaries do not require formal approval, while minutes of meetings where votes are taken do. Participants are encouraged to review and bring up significant issues with discussion summaries of previous meetings. Votes will be taken to approve meetings where votes took place; these may be email ballots.

Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair



2 Discussion Summary or Approval of Minutes
- Chair
- Last Cochairs Pre-TC Meeting PCD Cochairs 2022-07-05
- Tomorrow's PCD TC PCD TC 2022-08-03



3 Standards Coordination Status/Discussion:
- Work continues in IEEE on SDPi standards
- Work continues in HL7 on Devices on FHIR IG and proposed DeviceAlert resource
4 Domain Coordination Status/Discussion:
- Next DCC meeting is 2022-08-23

5 Marketing and Recruitment Status/Discussion::
6 Ballots Status/Discussion::

7 Action Item Review Status/Discussion::
- Complete DEV Domain Action Items
- No new actions, 2 actions awaiting HL7 Orders and Observations WG
8 Workgroup Activity Status/Discussion::
- Report-outs from individual work group projects encouraged in TC meeting
9 Other Business Status/Discussion::
- Next Face-to-Face planned for 3rd week in October in Jacksonville
- Rob Wilder has reached out to Mayo Jacksonville, hopes for talk within the week
- N.B. IHE dues coming due

Next Meetings

The next meetings are:

- Next Pre-PC Cochairs Meeting PCD Cochairs 2022-08-09
- Next PCD PC PCD PC 2022-08-10
- Next DEV Cochairs Meeting DEV Cochairs 2022-08-23
- Next DEV Joint Meeting DEV Joint 2022-08-24
- Next Pre-TC Cochairs Meeting PCD Cochairs 2022-09-01
- Next PCD TC PCD TC 2022-09-02

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