Rad Tech Minutes 2021-04-12-16

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Monday, April 12, 2021: 8:15 - 3:45 pm Central Time (CT)

IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
08:15 - 08:30: Welcome, Patent Disclosure Announcement, Agenda Review
S1: 08:30 - 10:30: Contrast Administration Management (CAM) (2)
  • Reviewed and completed 25 comments
S2: 10:45 - 11:30: Maintenance (.75)
S2: 11:30 - 13:15: AI Whitepaper (1.75)
S3: 13:45 – 15:45 Maintenance (2.75)

Tuesday, April 13, 2021: 8:45 am - 1:15 pm CT

IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
08:45 - 09:00: Welcome, Patent Disclosure Announcement, Agenda Review
S1: 09:00 - 10:00am AI Whitepaper (2.75)
  • Continued resolving comments
S1: 10:00 - 11:00am Maintenance (3.75)
  • New CP: CP-RAD-463: Add RDSR Display Option REM
    • Determine how to package.
    • Explore a mid-range process. KO may start a draft table comparing the CP path on one side, profile on the other and review
    • Other notes added in the Rationale portion of the CP document
  • CP-RAD-423: IOCM
S2: 11:15 - 13:15: AI Whitepaper (4.75)
  • Continued resolving comments.

Wednesday, April 14, 2021: 8:15 am - 3:45 pm (CT)

IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
08:15 - 08:30: Welcome, Patent Disclosure Announcement, Agenda Review
S1: 08:30 - 10:30: Contrast Administration Management (CAM) (4)
  • Continued resolving comments. Will finalize on Friday's session.
S2: 10:45 - 11:15: Maintenance (4.25)
  • Review IHE Radiology Domain Report to determine steps needed to complete.
S2: 11:15 - 13:15: AI Whitepaper (6.75)
  • Continued resolving comments. Will determine how many calls are needed to complete.
S3: 13:45 - 15:45: Maintenance (6.25)
  • This 640-08version contains updates to the XCA-I CP based on today’s discussion. There are two sentences highlighted in blue that I updated after the discussion, in particular, one to clarify that the local Imaging Doc Consumer can choose to retrieve directly from a local Img Doc Source rather than going through its IIG.
    • We hope to call this ballot-ready on Friday. Pre-ballot tweaks are welcomed.
  • CP-RAD-456: SOLE: update to enable ITI-20 FHIR semantics
    • This CP (also in ‘Assigned' on Google Drive) contains updates based on today’s discussion, removing the options (Syslog or FHIR) for the Event Reporter and EventConsumer, and specifying the semantic choices in the Actor Requirements instead. We retain interoperability by mandating that the Event Repository support both Syslog and FHIR semantics

Thursday, April 15, 2021: 8:45 am - 2:45 pm CT

IHE Radiology Technical Committee Roster
08:45 - 09:00: Welcome, Patent Disclosure Announcement, Agenda Review
S1: 09:00 - 10:00: Maintenance (7.25)
  • CP-RAD-460-08 XCA-I Clarify IIG and RIG behavior with local community and remote community
    • Decided today to include the PDF version in the ballot package because Mac—>Word distorts the large figure replaced in the CP for some reviewers
    • Need to finalize the next ballot content and timing before the week is over.
  • CP-RAD-460-06 in the Assigned folder in google drive contains the updates based on today’s discussion.
    • RAD Tech will resume work on this CP in the Actor Rqmts for the Event Repository, around line 100 in the document
    • The next opportunity to discuss this will be at the next IHE RAD CP processing call on Thurs May 6, 10-11 CDT.
S1: 10:00 - 11:00: AI Whitepaper (8.75)
  • Continued resolving comments.
S2: 11:15 - 13:15: AI Whitepaper (10.75)
  • Continued resolving comments.
S3: 13:45 - 14:45: AI Whitepaper (11.75)
  • Continued resolving comments.
S4: 16:00 - 17:00: Not TC Time. Available for Authoring Groups if needed

TI-Prep Closing Assessments

  • CAM (Contrast Administration Managmeent)
    • Did we line-by-line the entire document
      • We line-by-lined previously; no changes were major and all changes were reviewed
    • How ready is it to go out for TI: Completely, Almost, Soonish, Hmmm
      • Completely (noting potential CP from WG-6)
    • How did the work fit in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)
      • Fit well
    • Review the evaluation. Which complexity/uncertainty/effort points missed the mark?
      • It was a simple profile so the evaluations seemed pretty on target
    • Or alternatively, estimate how many points you went over and assign the overage effort/complexity/uncertainty to the appropriate points.
      • Not over.
    • Are all the open issues closed?
      • Yes (except the one referred to WG-6)
    • What significant debates in TI-prep were not anticipated in the Kickoff or PC-Prep
      • No significant debates.
    • Did the Breakdown of Tasks accurately reflect the work? What extra tasks arose?
      • Yes.
    • What residual risks are worth noting
      • None seen.
    • Does it feel we've met all the use cases
      • Yes
    • Did the promised resources manifest
      • Yes
    • What vendors are engaged (for each actor)
    • Who should specifically be targeted for TI notification (implementors & advocates)
    • When will we have sample data/objects
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the start of the TI meeting, if not what was the gap
      • Yes. No gap
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the end of the TI meeting, if not what was the gap
      • Yes. No gap
    • Do you need any tcons between now and TI Publication
      • No.

  • AIIiI-WP (AI Interoperability in Imaging Whitepaper)
    • Did we line-by-line the entire document
    • How ready is it to go out for TI: Completely, Almost, Soonish, Hmmm
    • How did the work fit in the allocated bandwidth? (Time to spare? Just right? Things were left undone?)
    • Review the evaluation. Which complexity/uncertainty/effort points missed the mark?
    • Or alternatively, estimate how many points you went over and assign the overage effort/complexity/uncertainty to the appropriate points.
    • Are all the open issues closed?
    • What significant debates in TI-prep were not anticipated in the Kickoff or PC-Prep
    • Did the Breakdown of Tasks accurately reflect the work? What extra tasks arose?
    • What residual risks are worth noting
    • Does it feel we've met all the use cases
    • Did the promised resources manifest
    • What vendors are engaged (for each actor)
    • Who should specifically be targeted for TI notification (implementors & advocates)
    • When will we have sample data/objects
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the start of the TI meeting, if not what was the gap
    • Was the profile where it needed to be at the end of the TI meeting, if not what was the gap
    • Do you need any tcons between now and TI Publication