GDC Agenda 2021-03-03

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  • Participants
  • Approval of agenda

National Deployment Committees

  • Reports to be reviewed this month:

Global Consortium for eHealth Interoperability Update

  • Status (only if Jürgen Brandstätter or Didi Davis are present)

Special Presentation

  • Guideline on Interoperability for Oncology consultations in The Netherlands (Tie)

  • Future Presentations and tentative schedule:
  • Apr (Asia/US): (potential) Sequoia Image Exchange (Didi)
  • Action item: Asking Didi (Chris)
  • May (US/EU): IHE Methodology applied cross-sector in The Netherlands (Tie)
  • Jun (EU/Asia): AI and Interoperability for Radiology and Pathology in UK (Dewinder)
  • Jul (Asia/US): IHE USA cooperative agreement with ONC to advance FHIR (Joyce)
  • Aug (US/EU): eGabon National HIE with World Bank - Projectathon (Charles)
  • Sep (EU/Asia): European X-eHealth, April slot (Jürgen)
  • Oct (Asia/US): Australia: National approach to Health IT Standards selection, March slot (Vince)
  • Nov (US/EU): Greek National eHealth Information Framework - Projectathon (Charles)
  • Dec (EU/Asia):

Open Forum (informal information sharing)

Any other business

Next meeting

  • Wednesday, April 7 2021, 6:00-7:00pm CT (US / Asia friendly time)

Global Deployment Coordination Committee