Rad Tech Minutes 2020-05-07

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Lynn Fehofer
Kinson Ho
Nichole Knox
Andrei Leontiev
Stephen Meyers
Steve Nichols
Kevin O'Donnell
Antje Schroeder
Jonathan Whitby


  • Review and vote for ballot the following CPs:
    • CP-RAD-424 - Clarify Procedure Code Sequence
    • CP-RAD-431 - IDEP Vol 1 Fixes
    • CP-RAD-432 - One inconsistent actor name in EBIW
    • CP-RAD-435 - No named options for compression in PDI
    • CP-RAD-441 - Update WIC Image Pixel Macro Requirements to Match DICOM PS3.18
    • CP-RAD-442 - Clarify Encoding of Reason for Requested Procedure
  • Review CP-RAD-407 and consider it to be cancelled. This CP was supposed to modify the URL for IHE Europe in the IHE Integration Statement template in Volume 1 – but respective section has been moved to the common portion of the Technical Framework that is referenced from RAD TF by the link, and the reference there to IHE Europe is no longer present.
  • Review results of the clean-up of the TF_Maintenance area of the FTP site.
    • Lynn will consult with Mary about future CP ballot and SWF.b decision and get her advice about how to proceed.
    • Lynn will update the committee after her discussion with Mary.
  • Review other Assigned CPs:
    • CP-RAD-410 - XCA-I is out of date for Async and template (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-433 - Clarify discontinuation reason codes (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-434 - Determine updates to SOLE due to new options/semantics specified in ITI-20 (Lynn)
    • CP-RAD-438 - SWF.b – Enterprise Identity Clarification for RAD-14 Matching & Return Keys (Andrei)
    • Remaining Assigned SWF.b CPs
    • Others as may be brought up by the group
      • 4 missing CP's
        • CP-RAD-421
          • Kinson will check with Chris L. about this one.
        • CP-RAD-422 and CP-RAD-426
          • Andrei checking with Wim
        • CP-RAD-428
          • Jonathan will upload CP as assigned.
  • Future Scheduling
    • July 8, 10am-11am CT: Tentative for Inside IHE Webinar
      • Kinson will check with Chris L. to confirm works for his schedule.
    • June 2, 10am -12pm CT: Radiology Domain Retrospective Call
    • June 22, 10am -11am CT: Radiology Domain Retrospective Action Items Followup Call