PCC Proposals 2007-2008

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Feel free to create new proposal pages based on the Brief Proposal Template. Remember to save your work under a new page name and post below.

Deadline for Submission is 15Oct07.

Profile Proposals Submitted

1.Chronic Disease Management - to be consolidated with #6 and presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year

2.Prehospital Care Report- added to PCC Roadmap for future work

3.Patient Care Workflow (External Transfers of Care) - to be consolidated into Clinician Transfers of Care proposal and presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year

4.Remote Monitoring - 2007-08 work to be addressed by PCD, added to Roadmap for future work in PCC

5. Antepartum Summary Extension - All ACOG Forms - to be presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year

Antepartum Summary Extension - incl in consolidated proposal #5

Antepartum Summary Extension for ACOG Form A_UHIN - incl in consolidated proposal #5

Antepartum Summary Extension for ACOG Form A_HCA - incl in consolidated proposal #5

6. Public Health Registry - to be presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year

7. Decision Support Service - CP component for Immunization and Cancer decision support to be presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year, IP component to be added to PCC Roadmap

8. Transfer of Care (Omaha System) - to be consolidated into Clinician Transfers of Care proposal and presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year]

9.Family History Exchange - to be presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year

10.Clinical Research Data Capture Fields - to be presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year
Clinical Research Content - link to Word document

11.Drug Safety Content - to be presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year
Drug Safety Content - link to Word document

12.Critical Results - Detailed Proposal - to be discussed with ITI Domain regarding potential action this year

13.Patient Record Snapshot - to be discussed with ITI Domain regarding potential action this year

14. XDS Lab Harmonization - PCC Tech task only, Keith Boone to address

15.Functional Status Assessments(FSA) Year 2 - to be consolidated into Clinician Transfers of Care proposal and presented to PCC Tech for consideration this year