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Patients are often treated in multiple hospitals within a clinical Network, e.g., an Oncology Network, Trauma Network, etc. Clinicians and radiologists managing patients need access to the full consolidated imaging history to provide efficient and effective treatments.
Patients are often treated in multiple hospitals within a clinical Network, e.g., an Oncology Network, Trauma Network, etc. Clinicians and radiologists managing patients need access to the full consolidated imaging history to provide efficient and effective treatments.
The medical scientific literature already describes the consequence of the lack of such access as duplicate imaging with the attendant delays in care, costs and unnecessary radiation dose.
The medical scientific literature describes the consequence of the lack of such access as duplicate imaging with the attendant delays in care, costs and unnecessary radiation dose.
This continues to be a problem despite the use of CDs, the ability to "push" images on demand, proprietary imaging sharing solutions and other centralized architectures that presume the availability of non-trivial infrastructure resources and significant upgrades in functionality by each network participant.
==3. Key Use Case==
==3. Key Use Case==

Revision as of 06:31, 13 August 2015

1. Proposed Workitem: Federated DICOM Query/Retrieve (FDQR)

  • Proposal Editor: David Clunie, Neelam Dugar, Kinson Ho
  • Editor: Kinson Ho and David Clunie
  • Date: N/A (Wiki keeps history)
  • Version: N/A (Wiki keeps history)
  • Domain: Radiology

2. The Problem

Patients are often treated in multiple hospitals within a clinical Network, e.g., an Oncology Network, Trauma Network, etc. Clinicians and radiologists managing patients need access to the full consolidated imaging history to provide efficient and effective treatments.

The medical scientific literature describes the consequence of the lack of such access as duplicate imaging with the attendant delays in care, costs and unnecessary radiation dose.

This continues to be a problem despite the use of CDs, the ability to "push" images on demand, proprietary imaging sharing solutions and other centralized architectures that presume the availability of non-trivial infrastructure resources and significant upgrades in functionality by each network participant.

3. Key Use Case

<Describe a short use case scenario from the user perspective. The use case should demonstrate the integration/workflow problem.>

<Feel free to add a second use case scenario demonstrating how it “should” work. Try to indicate the people/systems, the tasks they are doing, the information they need, and hopefully where the information should come from.>

4. Standards and Systems

This is a "cross enterprise" scenario, but in the absence of the necessary infrastructure, Cross-enterprise_Document_Sharing_for_Imaging and Cross-Community_Access_-_Images_(XCA-I) may not be available, and there is a huge installed base of "conventional" PACS with DICOM Query/Retrieve Service interfaces that can be leveraged without requiring upgrades or new systems at every participating Network site.

Various proprietary solutions have been developed to address this problem, include transmission to centralized archives and federated queries, and each may be appropriate to address specific deployment scenarios and best leverage available resources. The centralized archive approach has already been addressed by the MIMA profile.

Though federated DICOM query/retrieve is available in commercial products, the package of capabilities required to satisfy the use cases and the handling of identifiers in the query and retrieve requests and in the returned retrieved objects has not been standardized, nor has the integration with sources of patient identity mapping between identity domains, using PIX or PDQ.

<List existing systems that are/could be involved in the problem/solution.>

<If known, list standards which might be relevant to the solution>

5. Discussion

<Include additional discussion or consider a few details which might be useful for the detailed proposal>

<Why IHE would be a good venue to solve the problem and what you think IHE should do to solve it.>
<What might the IHE technical approach be? Existing Actors? New Transactions? Additional Profiles?>
<What are some of the risks or open issues to be addressed?>

<This is the brief proposal. Try to keep it to 1 or at most 2 pages>

<Delete this Category Templates line since your specific Profile Proposal page is no longer a template.>