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===IHE 2020 Vision===
===IHE 2020 Vision===
*Feedback has been positive
*Well-developed budget for year 1
*Receive questions about benefits of membership, committee participation, what is free for members vs. non-members
*Renewal notices will be sent out mid-late June; 3-month grace period
*Will accept payments July 1st - some vendors were concerned about budget cycle
===Domain Coordination Issues===
===Domain Coordination Issues===

Revision as of 10:05, 26 May 2015


  • Gila Pyke (ITI)
  • Paul Sherman (PCD)
  • Flora Lum (Eye Care)
  • Mary Kennedy (LAB)
  • Monroe Pattillo (PCD)
  • Chris Pauer (RO)
  • Tone Southerland (PCC)
  • Mary Junger (document specialist)
  • Kinson Ho (RAD)
  • Susan Whitt (Dental)
  • RSNA staff: Nichole Drye-Mayo, Jamie Kontos, Joan McMillen


General Committee Business

1. Roll Call see Roster

2. Approval of Minutes

  • Motion to approve as published. Approved with 1 abstention (Tone)

3. New Business: from Future Agenda Topics Page

4. Review Action Items List

Domain Announcements

1. Domain Milestone Dates

2. Domain Board Reports

  • Review for Approval
    • IHE Dental Domain Report
      • Motion to approve report to present to IHE Board with amendments (Met at ADA meetings in 2013 and 2014; Google drive - Susan will get roster # to Jamie)
      • Approved with minor amendments to present to IHE Board
    • IHE Radiology Domain Report
      • Motion to approve - Approved as published
  • Pending
    • Anatomic Pathology - Due in April. LAB and ANAPATH domains to merge - next steps to be discussed at F2F meeting in Paris (mid-May).
      • LAB changed and merged (molecular more mainstream) - Path/Lab medicine domains; LAB is very active ; AP (smaller) focused on structured reporting; too detailed and difficult to implement; could put AP in LAB profiles to create new versions; # of ongoing ideas that overlap; F2F in Paris of both domains meeting re: merger; chair from DICOM WG26 involved; discussed Supp 155 (reporting); why? - molecular pathology in clinical lab and AP lab - need to be reported the same way - easier for vendors to choose profile; co-chairs are writing doc/proposal - would like to submit to both domain committees for feedback, like to have vote to approve - would take about a year to merge 2 domains
      • Need to consider administrative tasks to be done; develop worklist/checklist (wiki page, ihe.net, Connectathons, etc.)
      • Keep domain profiles historically separate instead of changing name if merger occurs
      • Expected to vote in July/August
    • PCD - Officially due in June. Contacted co-chairs for report.

3. RO domain - Requesting update regarding proposal to establish a chapter in the RO technical framework for DICOM Content items

  • Difficult to reuse profile transactions
  • Move to strict content profile - develop specific chapter in TF to define DICOM content modules
  • CP adds new chapter to allow module definition specifically to DICOM material
  • Comments welcome

IHE 2020 Vision

  • Feedback has been positive
  • Well-developed budget for year 1
  • Receive questions about benefits of membership, committee participation, what is free for members vs. non-members
  • Renewal notices will be sent out mid-late June; 3-month grace period
  • Will accept payments July 1st - some vendors were concerned about budget cycle

Domain Coordination Issues

  • IHE International 2015 Educational Webinar Series
  • Review the current listing of IHE Profiles implemented and in use in major US initiatives
  • Multi-domain content creator/consumer harmonization effort

Documentation, Websites and Public Information

  • Supply paper: content and methodology (José Costa Teixeira) 9:15am
    • IHE PHARM white paper - Supply of Healthcare Products
    • Have enough material; will develop quick reference sheet to supply easy access of document
    • Bar codes - link to use cases
    • Each use case has a flowchart with requirements (medication order, dispense report, etc.)
    • Structural white paper
    • Share white paper with respective domains - best way to share?? (Part III) Need input on policy cases and devices, etc. specifically from ITI, PCC, and PCD domains
    • Action José to share white paper doc with domain co-chairs to collect comments from other domains prior to submission to public comment; specify sections to be addressed
  • New tools and methods for creating technical documentation

Governance Implementation

  • Implementation of IHE-HL7 Collaborative Work Group
  • HL7 HSI WG Issues tracking spreadsheet

New Business

  • Status update after IHE Europe Connectathon -- Invitation Letter: Formal written letter from IHE board for European IHE Intl Members (submitted by Jaqueline Suruge, Pharma)

Next steps and New Actions Items

  • Next DCC Tcon: June 23rd, 9-10:30am CT

Domain Coordination Committee