Difference between revisions of "Domain Secretaries Committee Teleconference Minutes 2014-06-19"

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*'''Next meeting agenda topics'''
*'''Next meeting agenda topics'''
**Discuss intellectual property rights staying between co-chairs and members of IHE.
**Discuss the recruitment and promotion process being developed to increase participation within the IHE Connectathons by domain

Revision as of 10:34, 19 June 2014

  • Attendees
    • Art Amano
    • Manny Furst
    • Nancy Ramirez
    • Joan McMillen
  • Domain Webinar Series
    • Goal: Help organizations learn about IHE, get engaged in IHE development and testing activities and leverage IHE solutions to develop and implement interoperable HIT systems.

IHE website for 2014 Webinar Series: includes:

  • Webinar Date
  • Webinar Time (CT time zone; include start and end time)
  • Title
  • Session Objective (no more than 3-4 sentences)
  • Presenter(s) name (include degree and title as you want listed in promotional materials)
  • IHE Member Organization

  • Communication
    • Google Calendar update
    • Wiki pages (ie profiles, committees, mailing lists)
    • Ihe.net content
      • Reminder to keep content updated on the website. If revisions are needed please complete the form on the ihe.net site to have changes made and to keep domain pages current.

  • Next meeting agenda topics