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c) level (beginning, intermediate, advanced)
c) level (beginning, intermediate, advanced)

Revision as of 12:51, 15 May 2012


Two slots available for IHE on larger educational grid, can submit more than 2

  • Gather suggestions
  • Refine suggestions
  • Pick strongest
  • Finalize descpriptions and presentors

Deadline: May 30, 2012

Get timeline beyond submission deadline


  • Content outline
  • Learning objectives
  • Level (beginning, intermediate, advanced)
  • Participants to create and do the presentation

Process of evaluation:

  1. What are the evaluation criteria on which the proposals should be graded?
  2. Using the evealuation critieria listed below to finalize the HIMSS13 Proposals
  • To what extent does the proposal offer value or relevance for attendees?
  • How well does this presentation advance existing ideas or present or advance new ideas?
  • The extent to which this information might help attendees change or improve the way they work.
  • Timeliness of the focus of the presentation
  • Identification of outside resources
  • Avoidance of product/vendor commercial
  • Are the objectives consistent with the abstract information for the presentation (minimum of three)?

HIMSS13 Guidelines and Criteria For Evaluation

Next Steps

  • Flesh out information May 15
  • Survey May 16-May 22
    • Score applicable categories 1-5 where 1 is lowest and 5 is highest, follow HIMSS guidelines here
  • Call week of 23st
    • May 23 10-11 CT


  • Focus of this work groups efforts
    • HIMSS 13 Educational Sessions - 60+ minutes long
  • Other possible venues for content
    • HIMSS Showcase presentations - 30 minutes max, not recorded
    • IHE International Webinar Series 2012
    • E-Learning Sessions


IHE Profiles for Meaningful Use Stage 2

Meaningful Use Stage 2 raises the bar for interoperable EHR systems. It adds requirements for use of clinical decision support, exchange of clinical documentation, access to clinical guidelines and other content, and reconciliation of problems, medications and allergies. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise has created several implementation guidelines for use by EHR system developers and implementers which can help you achieve the next stage of meaningful use or certify EHR products for use in that stage. This educational session will describe IHE profiles relevant to meaningful use. It is targeted at purchasers and developers of EHR systems.

Upon completion of this session, attendees will understand:

  • Which IHE implementation guides support requirements of Meaningful Use stage 2
  • What 2014 Certification Criteria are supported by IHE profiles
  • What Meaningful Objectives can be met by IHE Profiles
  • How to use IHE profiles in the specification of EHR products

Proposed by Keith

IHE Deployment Models

Combine the content from the recently released Health Information Exchange: Enabling Document Sharing Using IHE Profiles paper with those who have or are in the process of deploying systems using IHE. This would be both an overview of the capabilities IHE has to offer in this space as well as actual experience using those capabilities in a real deployment.

Proposed by Karen

ABC's of CDA or CDA 101

An entry-entry level session on CDA. Maybe it would be called the ABC's of CDA, or CDA 101...something to indicate it is really entry-level.

* ABC's of CDA or CDA 101

Proposed by Lisa

HL7 Version 2 conformance for IHE

Developing HL7 V2 transactions to know what the conformance principles are so the definition of fields is understandable and easily implementable.

Proposed by Mike

Using IHE profiles in digital pathology workflows

Applying IHE PAT + ITI to specific use cases for telepathology robotics and whole slide imaging.

Proposed by Mike

Coordinating Workflow Across Institutions - Next Frontier in Interoperability

a) general description

With the emergence of ACOs and the increasing emphasis on Care Coordination, it is now obvious that exchanging clinical information in a standardized form adresses only half of the problem. Tracking and coordinating the workflow progress is a major challenge today, as multiple EHRs and IT systems are being used by the different participants of such cross-institutional workflow. For example, in a typical referral, it requires the referring physician EHR systems to initiate the workflow, the referred specialist to accept the referral, note that an appointment has been scheduled for the referred patient, the the patient may chose to request a change for such an appointment from a patient Portal, and finally the specialist needs through its EHR to update the referral workflow with the produced reports and advice through its own EHR. Keeping these three parties updated on the workflow progress is difficult, largely manual, and not standards based. The cross-domain workflow coordination problem applies well beyond referral, to other increasingly common workflows such as distributed radiology reporting, remote consultation, tumor boards and multi-disciplinary conferences, complex care coordination, administrative coordination, etc. Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) has made significant progress in addressing such an interoperability use case and a novel and simple approach to this challenging problem.

b) learning objectives

Attendees will learn the use cases that were established to document this requirement and evaluate the design constraints specific to such cross-institutional environments and HIEs. An update on the novel IHE profile, called XDW for Cross-Enterprise Document Workflow, that standardizes the workflow management information exchange will be provided.

The progress accomplished to date will be reviewed, specifically the first interoperability testing results will be discussed. Finally the application to three specific workflows: eReferral, Multi-disciplinary tumor boards, and chronic care tele-monitoring will be presented.

c) level (beginning, intermediate, advanced)


d) suggested people to create and do the presentation.

To create the presentation: Charles Parisot and Eric Heflin, and two other volunteers from IHE PCC.

To deliver the presentation: Eric and Charles will co-present.

Consent management in a state-wide, network-of-network HIE


Proposed by Eric Heflin

a) general description

The IHE Basic Patient Privacy Consents (BPPC) profile is maturing in terms of industry support and live deployments. In this in-depth case study, the use of this profile will be explored. Specific topics will include: 1) a definition and basic backgrounder on BPPC including prerequisites and limitations; 2) development of policy vocabularies to enable automated consent-based access control decisions to be determined; 3) use for mental health (especially sensitive) related authorization; 4) the future use of more advanced consumer preferences based on BPPC such as advanced directives, language preferences, religious preferences, etc.

The latter part of the presentation will discuss implementation issues including: 1) storage and access to state-wide BPPC documents; 2) organizational structure; 3) supporting local HIE policy autonomy; 4) keeping PHI out of BPPC documents; 5) policy related to management of conflicts, updates to preferences, associations and folder structure; 6) use of Direct (S/MIME e-mail), sFTP, XDS.b, and XCA to interact with policy services; 7) creation of an implementation toolkit for Local HIEs to facilitate implementation.

b) learning objectives

Attendees will learn the use cases that were established to support state-wide automated policy deployment.

The progress accomplished to date will be reviewed along with problems encountered.

When BPPC is not the correct technology.

c) level (beginning, intermediate, advanced)


d) suggested people to create and do the presentation.

To create the presentation: Eric Heflin, and two other volunteers from IHE TC

To deliver the presentation: Eric Heflin (unless one else wants to co-present)

a XDS.b tutorial, based on the excellent French XDS.b paper

Proposed by Eric Heflin

A basic XDS.b visual tutorial

Proposed by Eric Heflin

a) general description

In spite of it's maturity, XDS.b (or just XDS) remains a mystery for many. The IHE profile provides a large number of capabilities, and components, that are flexible and can be employed in many different ways. The purpose of this presentation is to leverage the excellent French XDS.b implementation specification and to re-use many of their use cases and illustrations to explain such topics as submission sets, document entries, documents, associations, folders, key metadata attributes, and document lifecycle management options. The use of XDS.b to store policy documents (patient consents) for the State of Texas will be discussed at a high level.

b) learning objectives

Attendees will learn the use cases that were established to validate the XDS.b design.

The progress accomplished to date will be reviewed along with problems encountered.

A suggested XDS.b implementation roadmap (policy, requirements, implementation decisions, etc.).

c) level (beginning, intermediate, advanced)


d) suggested people to create and do the presentation.

To create the presentation: Eric Heflin, and two other volunteers from IHE TC

To deliver the presentation: Eric Heflin (unless one else wants to co-present)

Deferred to another venue

Developing a new IHE profile

A session on how to develop an IHE profile....aimed at getting new people/companies interested in getting involved in IHE

Propose as a subject for the 2012 Webinar series in June/July. Lisa to work with HIMSS to develop this.

Proposed by Lisa

CDA through theater

this is a theatrical idea: I would involve three presenters: one a lively story-teller who would express a lively and detalied story about a heathcare event...like she were really telling a life story that really happened. After each "act" in the story is told, the second presenter talks about the data in the CDA document that is recorded. The large screens would be used to actually show the XML that was tagging the parts of the story as it was being told/explained. The two parts are interleaved in a way that mixes like the left and right hand of a score for the piano. It is both entertaining and instructive at the same time. The third presenter acts as a "narrator", basically establishing the context for the story at the beginning and summing things up at the end (the sort-of "moral of the story part.) I would be willing to direct the "play" and fill the role of either the story teller or the CDA explainer. I have a couple of scenarios I could use, or I could even construct the "dramatization" around one of the use cases that will be shown on the Showcase floor. I'm just feeling my way through the idea right now..... There could even be additional actors....Like the physician and a lab tech......so we could show one document representing all this information together....capturing the rich, expressive story. I know it would be very "different", but it could be fun/memorable for participants.

Appropriate for a showcase venue.

Proposed by Lisa

Workgroup Members

Didi Davis, Karen Witting, Eric Heflin, Charles Parisot, Chris Carr, Laura Heermann, Emma jones, Vassil Peytchev, Lori Fourquet, George Cole, Derrick Evans, Lisa Nelson, Tone Southerland, Mike Henderson