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:* Reflection of organizations of the involved parties on the role of IHE Pharmacy
:* Reflection of organizations of the involved parties on the role of IHE Pharmacy
:* Switzerland
:* Switzerland
:** FHIR has resources but they are too much optionality.
:** FHIR has resources but there are too much optionality.
:** IHE Pharmacy should reduce the resources.
:** IHE Pharmacy should reduce the resources and put more constraints.
:** Geneva will contribute to this effort
:** Geneva will contribute to this effort
:** Oliver Egger is willing to cooperate, but will not invest in IHE Pharmacy
:** Oliver Egger is willing to cooperate, but will not invest in IHE Pharmacy

Revision as of 02:54, 3 March 2023


Meeting Venue

Oude Middenweg 55
2491 AC Den Haag
Virtual meeting room : Teams

10:00 Welcome, planning, approve agenda

  • Tie Tjee IHE NL vendor co-chair
  • Sylvia Stein GS1
  • Hernany Silva Costa Melo Nictiz
  • Michael Tan Woxingtan
  • Jose Costa Teixeira Path
  • Stephane Spahni Univ.hospital Geneva
  • Rutt Lindstroem ( Estonia)
  • Anne van Berkel Meier GS1 (on line)
  • Leonidas Tzimis EAHP( on line)
  • Sofia Franconi ( on line)
  • Marc Robberecht Dedalus (on line)
  • Alexander Berler ( IHE Europe)
  • Juergen Brandstaetter

Agenda topics

  • Brief updates from ISO, HL7 (Logical models, FHIR releases)
  • WHO Smart Guidelines and other work
  • Refresh current work items / roadmap overview (5m)
  • UNICOM (Alexander Berler & Sofia Franconi)
  • eHDSI, Gravitate (ePI?) project, JA09
  • Co-chair positions & elections, vacancy
  • Secretary position and activities (open since Simon left)
  • Call schedule (PATH can host future Teams calls)
  • Update Planning of season 2022-2023
  • Marketing and communication plan
  • How to use the input of IHE international
  • Financial topics of pharmacy (Sponsors)
  • IHE and EU specification maintenance
  • Repositories and change process (esp. for new authors)
  • Review DCC report
  • Approve NWI proposals?
  • Incoming CPs ?
  • Work items
  • Prescription / Dispense
  • Medication Record
  • Catalog/Product discovery

Reflection on Strategy and role of IHE Pharmacy

  • Reflection of organizations of the involved parties on the role of IHE Pharmacy
  • Switzerland
    • FHIR has resources but there are too much optionality.
    • IHE Pharmacy should reduce the resources and put more constraints.
    • Geneva will contribute to this effort
    • Oliver Egger is willing to cooperate, but will not invest in IHE Pharmacy
    • The government is thinking of enforcing regulations on the standards.
  • IHE Europe
    • Should align with European efforts
    • Focus on tracks where Connectathons could help with testing and certifying interoperability
    • For example Unicom. Should have a demonstration in September at the Connectathons in Rennes
    • Gravitate project. See how we can adjust available profiles in a testable profile.
  • IHE NL
    • misses the users. But in the scope of pharmacy the users are still unaware of what they are missing.
    • Netherlands do have a legal track called Wegiz. This could also lead to opportunities for Pharmacy.
    • Marc looks at the different European countries. Dedalus would like to have one integrated set of profiles, because now they have to conform to different flavors of each country.
  • Nictiz
    • Where does IHE fit in the program of Nictiz.
    • What can we do with the profiles.
    • Is Nictiz willing to contribute and provide experts to write the technical specifications?
    • Jurgen is will also contribute to e-P next generation.
  • Unicom
    • For UNICOM there are several milestones:
    • Milestone 1 : Connectathon 2023 in Rennes with the UNICOM day: Conference + more hands-on/hackathon (with Gravitate)
    • Milestone 2: Connectathon 2024 in Trieste (June 2024) UNICOM will be over so it will be more formally testable
    • Milestone 3: Look at the XeHealth and eHDSI eP/eD specifications to adapt them to IHE Methodology, and planning a support to the EHDS regulation (the eP and eD documents will have to be certified in 2025 or 2026?)Establish a collaboration between EU-Affairs Committee and IHE Pharmacy to align on the work.
  • Some specifications are already ready. Nno need to do everything from scratch
  • That's why the collaboration between IHE Pharmacy and EU-Affairs, we have budget for UNICOM, but yes there is the need to have someone that can write the specifications
  • EAHP
    • The hospital pharmacists are keen on publishing the supply profiles and make it testable.
    • Jose mentions that supply is also important for the supply in low income countries for example on the vaccinations.

12:30-12:45 Lunch

12:45 - 13:15 Planning

  • F2F a summer meeting. Either Porto or Chania
  • Call for elections for the position of IHE Pharmacy user co-chair in month of April.
  • There is no user profile.
  • Action Jose boradcast the call for co-chair
  • Also a call for a secretary ( since Simon Letellier left).

13:15- 15:30 E-Prescription/ CMPDm

  • eP/eD process in Austria (Jürgen) + Gemini project
  • ePrescription in Belgium (José)
  • CMPD is running in Austria
  • In Switzerland they are transferring to FHIR in 2 stages.
    • stage 1 intermediate fase (FHIR combined with CDA).
    • Stage 2 Full blown FHIR with RESTful concept.
  • The intent in Austria is a trial for stage 2, that will also include a HAPI server in the middel.
  • The role of pharmceutical advisor will be reviewed in the new environment.
  • Stephane argues that a medication treatment plan is necessary for the therapeutical evaluation.
  • the Gemini project will involve HL7 Pharmacy, HL7 Workflow, Unicom
  • Are there also transactions to request (for change) in a prescription? This is a requirement in some countries.
  • Which version of FHIR will Austria use (R3, R4 or R5)? This has to be investigated still.
  • You also need to think about the envelope and how you relate between prescriptions, dispense.
  • Is administration also in the picture? Not yet,
  • In Estonia a patient centric medication treatment platform is already available. This is used by hospital and community prescribers and it is called a medication schema. Belgium also calls this a medication schema.
  • The medication treatment ( as used in Switzerland) is actually a level higher. This is more or less comparable with Netherlands where they call the treatment a therapeutical component.
  • Proposition to start with 2 actors: an order placer and dispense placer.
  • If you have placer than you should have also consumer/filler. The business actor and the technical actor must be distinct.
  • we will finalize these naming conventions in the next call of this topic, combined with a diagram.
  • The intention is not to dictate strict workflows. Rather we will call the use case as patterns.
  • Next call will be on Monday 20th March 10:00-12:00.
  • Juergen will act as project manager and taking care of actions, minutes, agenda.
  • Juergen will organize the call.


  • The supply profile is available. Leonidas has reviewed the content.
  • See supply profile.
  • What we still need are capability statements.
  • Jose suggests to release the transactions without the inventory counting. This is only possible with FHIR R5.
  • The group agrees to proceed with the material that is now already published.
  • The next step is to make testable profiles, that could be used in a Connectathon. This is the tasks of IHE Catalysts. They will prepare the testmaterial.
  • We should think of demo material. The FHIR IG and profiles are suitable for internal orders.
  • It should not replace the existing GS1 standards. Action Anne, Sylvia, Jose.
  • The question is which user group are willing to implement these transactions?

Unicom/ eHDSI

  • UNICOM and eHDSI prescription work and specifications (José, João, Rutt)
  • Catalog / Product discovery - align with IDMP and recent FHIR evolution
  • Narrow the scope to implementable scenario's. An example could be the cross border exchange of Medication data ( IDMP).
  • In practiable sense: How do I identify the product.
  • Proposition to focus on 2 transactions
    • Update the master product tables.
    • Lookup of a comparable medication corresponding with certain parameters.
  • According to Rutt the first transaction is complex and should not be a priority. The first requirement is mostly for the query.
  • In Unicom examples have been set up using FHIR resources.
  • You can find the link her.
  • The problem is that the IDMP data is scattered over different FHIR resources.
  • A logical model has been set up for the IDMP data model. The link can be found here.
  • Each country have different rules for prescribing and dispensing. In Estonia and Netherlands it is custom to prescribe on generic levels, other countries have custom to prescribe on brand product level.

17:20 Adjourn