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::* Concerning 1st F2F meeting on October 23-24, 2012, Paris, France:
::* Concerning 1st F2F meeting on October 23-24, 2012, Paris, France:
Day 1, Tuesday 23 October: the meeting will take place in one of the rooms of Palais des congrès (room number to be precised), besides the congress of the French Society for Radiology. Metro station: porte Maillot.  
Day 1, Tuesday 23 October: the meeting will take place in one of the meeting rooms of Palais des congrès (room number to be precised), besides the congress of the French Society for Radiology. Metro station: porte Maillot.  
Day 2, Wednesday 24 October: the meeting will be held together with HL7 meeting in Phast premises, 17 rue du Louvre. Metro station: Louvre / Rivoli / Les Halles.  
Day 2, Wednesday 24 October: the meeting will be held together with HL7 meeting in Phast premises, 17 rue du Louvre. Metro station: Louvre / Rivoli / Les Halles.  
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The domain IHE Pharmacy had cast a vote to maintain the current logo.
The domain IHE Pharmacy had cast a vote to maintain the current logo.
The discussion has not been extended to the mailing list because of a very short time to vote.
The discussion has not been extended to the mailing list because of a very short time to vote.  
JS reports she was sollicited within the IHE Europe Steering Committee on this proposal for a new logo, which she did not like, based on her previous experiences in EAHP association, for 2 reasons: first, the proposed logo is a “static” logo – we should be looking for a “dynamic” logo, reflecting the dynamism of IHE - she says. The ancient logo looks more dynamic than the new one. Second, it is a monocolour logo, which gives a gloomy look compared with the old logo with its colourful point on the “I”. It is always nice to have a change, but careful attention should be payed to the result of this change, because somewhere, the logo carries our image to the outside world, she concludes.
:* Corporate website
:* Corporate website
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== Next meeting ==
== Next meeting ==
* It will be in Paris, porte Maillot, Oct 23th, 2012
* As mentionned above, the next meeting is a F2F meeting, to be held in Paris, porte Maillot, Tuesday Oct 23th, 2012.

Revision as of 08:59, 15 October 2012


  • Brandstätter, Jürgen (CodeWerk Software Services and Development GmbH, co-chair IHE Pharmacy for Vendors)
  • Costa Teixeira, Jose (Agfa Healthcare)
  • De Jong, Tom (Nova Pro, co-chair HL7 Pharmacy)
  • Demarmels, Marco (Lake Griffin, LLC)
  • Letellier, Simon (EAHP)
  • Parpart, David
  • Robberecht, Marc (Agfa Healthcare)
  • Robertson, Scott (Kaiser Permanente)
  • Surugue, Jacqueline (EAHP, co chair IHE Pharmacy for Users)
  • Tzimis, Leonidas (EAHP)
  • Zanardini, Mauro (Arsenal.IT)

Approval of minutes of TCon Aug 6th, 2012

The minutes were approved.

Schedule 2012/2013

  • Concerning 1st F2F meeting on October 23-24, 2012, Paris, France:

Day 1, Tuesday 23 October: the meeting will take place in one of the meeting rooms of Palais des congrès (room number to be precised), besides the congress of the French Society for Radiology. Metro station: porte Maillot. Day 2, Wednesday 24 October: the meeting will be held together with HL7 meeting in Phast premises, 17 rue du Louvre. Metro station: Louvre / Rivoli / Les Halles.

  • Concerning 2nd F2F meeting in March 18-19, 2013, Trevisio, Italy:

This meeting will be held at Arsenal.IT headquarters. Expenses are expected for this joint meeting, to be shared by the sponsors. JS enquired: more information to come.

  • Concerning 3nd F2F meeting in Jun 11-12, 2013

Besides these dates scheduled for a 3rd F2F meeting, attendance to the 2013 Connectathon (15-19 April 2013, Istanbul, Turkey) was raised by the users for the educational session on IHE Pharmacy to be held during this CAT event. For remembrance, after having experienced 2 days meetings during Connectathons these previous years, the IHE Pharmacy Group decided not to do so anymore, due to the too many meetings held in parallel, including CAT itself, which resulted in a poor availability of vendors. Users offer their help in the educational session on IHE Pharmacy in Istambul CAT, should it be confirmed. We will follow on this.

This will be done based on the [schedule available on the FTP ftp://ftp.ihe.net/Pharmacy/yr4_2012-2013/Planning_Committee/Schedule/].

Vendor co-chair election

Great success : Jürgen is reelected for 2 years with 100% of the votes (no vote was missing and nobody abstained). Congratulations.

Season 2011/2012 rollup: Profile publishing status

  • Profiles next versions
  • Community Medication Prescription and Dispense (CMPD)
  • Pharmacy Prescription (PRE)
  • Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Advice (PADV)
  • Pharmacy Dispense (DIS)
  • Hospital Medication Workflow (HMW)

New versions are under publication with the last CPs integrated. No new update expected without new CPs proposed in this new cycle.

  • Whitepaper
  • Use-cases Hospital/Community for PC

Call for proposals

  • Review of incoming proposals

No new proposal.

Work-item status

  • Hospital Pharmacy
  • Medication catalog (e.g. Formulary) (Simon, Jose)

Simon is still working on it and has to integrate a contribution from Jose : a new version will be announced on the IHE Pharmacy mailing list in the next 2 weeks.

  • Distribution and supply of items (Marc, Simon)

A conference call was held and another is scheduled soon. Usecases and transaction diagramms will be completed for the next TCon.

  • HMW Exceptional cases (Marc)::* Status

  • Community Pharmacy
  • CMPD Exceptional cases and Refinement CMPD workflows
  • CMPD: XDW at CPM

  • Cross-domain and other
  • Medication Documentation (Jose)
  • Use-case/CPs: Community – Hospital
  • Glossary work item

Updates on other businesses to take care of

  • Monitoring and Syncing with PCD: (Perfusion administration)
  • Marketing USA / NCPDP
  • Marketing International

Any other business

  • Logo

The domain IHE Pharmacy had cast a vote to maintain the current logo. The discussion has not been extended to the mailing list because of a very short time to vote. JS reports she was sollicited within the IHE Europe Steering Committee on this proposal for a new logo, which she did not like, based on her previous experiences in EAHP association, for 2 reasons: first, the proposed logo is a “static” logo – we should be looking for a “dynamic” logo, reflecting the dynamism of IHE - she says. The ancient logo looks more dynamic than the new one. Second, it is a monocolour logo, which gives a gloomy look compared with the old logo with its colourful point on the “I”. It is always nice to have a change, but careful attention should be payed to the result of this change, because somewhere, the logo carries our image to the outside world, she concludes.

  • Corporate website

IHE Pharmacy domain page is renewed and sent to be published on the new website.

Next meeting

  • As mentionned above, the next meeting is a F2F meeting, to be held in Paris, porte Maillot, Tuesday Oct 23th, 2012.