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Latest revision as of 14:36, 17 May 2010

Patient Care Device Cochairs Weekly Meeting

Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Time: 3:00 pm, Eastern Time

Duration: 60 Minutes

Proposed Agenda

1. Review & Approve Agenda
2. Review previous Discussion Summary from 2009.11.24
3. MEM public comment resolution, Users Manual Review for Release for Public Comment
4. HITSP Cross Reference Table (PDQ, RMON)
5. AAMI Conference 2010
- Session
- Mini-Showcase
6. Recruiting, Other
- Continua members with regulated devices
7. Connectathon Update
- Continua PCD-01 testing at Connectathon (our responsibility?) and collaboration at Showcase
8. Showcase Update
- Need draft of Scenario/Messages/Themes for the four walls
o Meetings with Continua and with J Donnelly, Lisa, Elli
- Desire to emphasize Meaningful Use
o Larry Wolf's email
9. Detailed Profile Proposals - Updates
10. Funding Status update
- Federal funding
- Letter to ACCE
- Proposal from Jennifer
- Other opportunities / updates
11. HITSP ARRA/HITECH Status Update
12. IHE International
- Ioana's Recommendation for Improvement to Public Review Process
- Incorporation Status
- IP Management Process
13. IHE PCD - Asia, Europe
14. HITSP TN905
15. Meeting Dates
- PC Dec. 2, 16; TC Dec. 9, 23; what should we plan for the last two before the Connectathon: Dec. 30, Jan. 6?
- Pump F2F in San Diego
- Set city for Spring F2F (May 3-7)
16. Additional Business
17. Action Items

Attachments / Materials

The previous meeting was on November 24, 2009, PCD Cochairs 2009-11-24 Webex

See PCD Cochair Action Items page.

Significant changes, other than dates, will be in bold.

Meeting Summary


Cochairs: Todd Cooper, Steve Merritt, John Rhoads,
Meeting Chaired by: Todd
Technical Project Manager: Manny Furst


Item Topic Discussion
1 Introductions & Agenda Review
- Chair


Accepted proposed agenda with the addition of Ioana's recommended changes to the Public Review process.


2 Review Meeting Summaries
- Chair
  • No changes were requested in the summary of Nov. 24.



3 Action Items Review
- Chair
  • 55: Showcase Vendor Display Policy -
  • 61: Stakeholder survey -
  • 74: Clinician recruitment -
  • 77: HITSP RMON -
  • 78: Continua -
  • 82: CIMIT -
  • 83: Funding Possibilities -
  • 87: Recruiting Vendors -
  • 88: Cycle 4 -
  • 89: Stakeholder Survey -
  • 90: ASTM MOU -
  • 91: High-Level Architecture -
  • 92: TF Revision -
  • 93: V&V & IHE -



4 IHE International
- All
  • (Agenda Item 12) Board Meeting Wednesday should approve CareFusion and may address the start of IHE USA which is becoming an important issue.
  • (Agenda Item 12) Ioana sent an email with a detailed request for PCD cochairs to review and forward to the IHE Cochairs, She recommends improvements to the Public Review/Comment Process. John Rhoads will refine her request, assure that it is consistent with the PCD process and review with the PC on November 16 before submitting to the Domain Coordinating Committee. Manny to place it on the PC agenda for 12/16
  • (Agenda Item 13) IHE Japan, Korea should be on the IHE Board agenda tomorrow.



5 Spring F2F
- Manny
  • Postpone decision until (a) cochairs learn more about DCC's effort to coordinate meeting of domain cochairs and (b) we have a response from Ruth.



6 Profile/Work Item Update
- Todd
  • (Agenda Item 3) Users’ Manual Review and Ballot: 7 responses, approximately 11 required for quorum. Manny to seek exact number from Celina.



7 Announcements
- All
  • (Agenda Item 7) Connectathon Update: Manny anticipates that some vendors may not complete posting MWB results in Kudu by today's deadline. They will be encouraged to complete the testing even if it isn’t scored. They are encouraged to conduct NIST and Virtual Connectathon testing and in today's earlier meeting indicated another week should be sufficient.
  • (Agenda Item 8) Showcase Update: John and Manny will provide strawman for Wall 4, ARRA/HITSP. Todd reported that John Zaleski presented at HIMSS’ Medical Device Patient Safety Task Force. The Task Force wants to identify issues that are close to the messages we want to convey on the 4th wall and collaborate and supplement rather than overlap the efforts of PCD and ICE. This group is led by Jennifer Jackson.
  • (Agenda Item 11) HITSP: Todd reported on this morning’s HITSP Board meeting. This may have been the last HITSP Board Meeting. An RFP is anticipated regarding the future. The Meaningful Use matrix will be revised in December. ANSI is contributing funds to maintain the website and essential continuity until the RFP is out and the future determined. Elliot asked how continuity will be assured and existing work continuing. For PCD this should assure PCD’s ability to have the TN considered. PCD will likely not address some of the other issues (e.g., CmDC).
- Todd continued, summarizing the HIT review of their adoption/implementation recommendations.



8 Next Meetings
- CoChairs


  • (Agenda Items 15) The PC will meet Dec. 2, 16; the TC will meet Dec. 9; the first meeting of 2010 will be a joint PC, TC meeting Jan. 6.


  • Manny to poll the WG leaders to learn about their WG meetings the rest of this month and when they will resume in January.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be December 8, 2009 PCD Cochairs 2009-12-08 Webex

<For Decision Meetings, add review line here when minutes are approved; e.g., "(Reviewed & approved by PCD RTM Vent TG 2008-04-16)">

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