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(New page: Attendees: Bernd Becker Bruce Curran Christof Schadt Harold Beunk Koua Yang Scott Johnson Ulrich Busch Walter Bosch Paul Jacobs Stuart Swedloff John Sarafa Bob Philbin Bernard Becker Ashu...)
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Ashutosh Shirsat
Ashutosh Shirsat
== I.Call to Order - Set Agenda ==
Bernd Becker,
Bruce Curran,
Christof Schadt,
Harold Beunk,
Koua Yang,
Scott Johnson,
Ulrich Busch,
Walter Bosch,
Paul Jacobs,
Stuart Swedloff,
John Sarafa,
Bob Philbin,
Bernard Becker,
Ashutosh Shirsat,
:*Conntectathon Issues
I. Connectathon Issues Noted
:* What to do with data?
:*Observations regarding DICOM Transfer syntax, handling of FFP Patient position, support for 32-bit dose, Char sets, writing a combined CT series
3. Interim results
4. When/how to notify vendors
5. Post-mortem – improving the next connectathon
6. Beam types document
7. Integration Statements
8. Next efforts
9. ASTRO public demonstration
10. Future meetings
II. Connectathon Issues Noted
II. What to do with Connectathon data?
a. Observations regarding DICOM Transfer syntax, handling of FFP Patient position, support for 32-bit dose, Char sets, writing a combined CT series
:*Testing and Tools committee has suggested use of Apache license as a starting point for Tools and Data?
:*Vendors can submit data to ATC server for sharing
:*BHC to poll IHE-RO TC on ATC request for internal use of data
:*WRB to ask Steve Moore regarding data sharing policy in IHE
III. What to do with Connectathon data?
III. Interim results
a. Testing and Tools committee has suggested use of Apache license as a starting point for Tools and Data?
:*Per ASTRO, vendors may announce participation in IHE-RO Connectathon, but may not indicate results or details of Actors participating
b. Vendors can submit data to ATC server for sharing
c. BHC to poll IHE-RO TC on ATC request for internal use of data
d. WRB to ask Steve Moore regarding data sharing policy in IHE
IV. Interim results
IV. When/how will vendors be notified?
a. Per ASTRO, vendors may announce participation in IHE-RO Connectathon, but may not indicate results or details of Actors participating
:*Bruce needs the following before notifying vendors (Aug 18)
::*copy/link of Draft Integration Statement
::*full, final copy of Test Tool Results
:*Bruce to send evaluation of results to judges by Aug 18
:*Bruce will notify vendors individually with final results by Aug 25
V. When/how will vendors be notified?
V. Integration Statements
a. Bruce needs the following before notifying vendors (Aug 18)
• copy/link of Draft Integration Statement
::*Pre-Connectathon (non-released S/W)
• full, final copy of Test Tool Results
::*Post-Connectathon (w/results)
b. Bruce to send evaluation of results to judges by Aug 18
::*Released Software
c. Bruce will notify vendors individually with final results by Aug 25
VI. Integration Statements
VI. Beam types table
a. Phases
:*Bruce will post draft template of Beam Types by Aug 11
• Pre-Connectathon (non-released S/W)
• Post-Connectathon (w/results)
• Released Software
VII. Beam types table
VII. Next efforts / What is ready for 2009?
a. Bruce will post draft template of Beam Types by Aug 11
:*Treatment Delivery (Worklist)
::*Progress has been made, reasonable to demonstrate in 2009
::*Limit work in 2009 to Integrated Patient Positioning Profile
::*Outreach to independent PPD vendors to encourage involvement in 2010
VIII. Next efforts / What is ready for 2009?
:*Enhanced Treatment Planning (Beam Types Template)  
a. Treatment Delivery (Worklist)
::*Colin Sims and John Sarafa to backup Bruce Curran as Profile editor
• Progress has been made, reasonable to demonstrate in 2009
• Limit work in 2009 to Integrated Patient Positioning Profile
• Outreach to independent PPD vendors to encourage involvement in 2010
b. Enhanced Treatment Planning (Beam Types Template)  
:*Combining Dose
• Colin Sims and John Sarafa to backup Bruce Curran as Profile editor
::*Composite dose display (enhancement of Registered Dose Displayer)
:::*Register and add multiple dose plans
:::*Walter to write White Paper on Dose Compositing (with BCurran, SSwerdloff, JSarafa)
:*Can a dose compositor be constructed using existing profiles, plus application functionality?
:*Existing Actors/Transactions
::*TP Considerations
c. Combining Dose
VII. ASTRO Public Demonstration
• Composite dose display (enhancement of Registered Dose Displayer)
:*High profile location in exhibit hall
1. Register and add multiple dose plans
:*PC is moving on Demonstration – Mika has requested volunteers to man the booth
2. Walter to write White Paper on Dose Compositing (with BCurran, SSwerdloff, JSarafa)
:*Eight tables for demonstration of 2007 and 2008 profiles
a. Can a dose compositor be constructed using existing profiles, plus application functionality?
:*Vendors to rehearse demonstration
b. Existing Actors/Transactions
:*Slides may reference works in progress, may be demonstrated upon request
c. TP Considerations
IX. ASTRO Public Demonstration
IX. Post-mortem – improving the next connectathon
a. High profile location in exhibit hall
:*Need to test the same datasets for all actors/vendors
b. PC is moving on Demonstration – Mika has requested volunteers to man the booth
:*Earlier specification of test cases
c. Eight tables for demonstration of 2007 and 2008 profiles
:*Test data for pre-test and separate data for connectathon
d. Vendors to rehearse demonstration
:*Management resources:  Technical Project Manager, Connectathon Manager (Steve Moore does both for IHE).
e. Slides may reference works in progress, may be demonstrated upon request
:*Test Procedure / Results management software
X. Post-mortem improving the next connectathon
X. Future Meetings
a. Need to test the same datasets for all actors/vendors
:*IHE-RO Technical Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 7:00 9:00 AM  EDT (ASTRO Annual Meeting – Commonwealth A/B of the Westin Waterfront Hotel)
b. Earlier specification of test cases
:*TC Meeting @ ASTRO – Th – Sa
c. Test data for pre-test and separate data for connectathon
::*Review of PC proposals
d. Management resourcesTechnical Project Manager, Connectathon Manager (Steve Moore does both for IHE).
::*Review of Advanced Interoperability Templates (Enhanced TP)
e. Test Procedure / Results management software
:*Dec 15-19 location TBD
::*Work on profile document
XI. Future Meetings
XI. Adjourn
a. IHE-RO Technical Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 7:00 – 9:00 AM  EDT (ASTRO Annual Meeting – Commonwealth A/B of the Westin Waterfront Hotel)
b. TC Meeting @ ASTRO – Th – Sa
• Review of PC proposals
• Review of Advanced Interoperability Templates (Enhanced TP)
c. Dec 15-19  location TBD
• Work on profile document
XII. Adjourn

Revision as of 13:12, 14 August 2008


Bernd Becker Bruce Curran Christof Schadt Harold Beunk Koua Yang Scott Johnson Ulrich Busch Walter Bosch Paul Jacobs Stuart Swedloff John Sarafa Bob Philbin Bernard Becker Ashutosh Shirsat


Bernd Becker, Bruce Curran, Christof Schadt, Harold Beunk, Koua Yang, Scott Johnson, Ulrich Busch, Walter Bosch, Paul Jacobs, Stuart Swedloff, John Sarafa, Bob Philbin, Bernard Becker, Ashutosh Shirsat,

I. Connectathon Issues Noted

  • Observations regarding DICOM Transfer syntax, handling of FFP Patient position, support for 32-bit dose, Char sets, writing a combined CT series

II. What to do with Connectathon data?

  • Testing and Tools committee has suggested use of Apache license as a starting point for Tools and Data?
  • Vendors can submit data to ATC server for sharing
  • BHC to poll IHE-RO TC on ATC request for internal use of data
  • WRB to ask Steve Moore regarding data sharing policy in IHE

III. Interim results

  • Per ASTRO, vendors may announce participation in IHE-RO Connectathon, but may not indicate results or details of Actors participating

IV. When/how will vendors be notified?

  • Bruce needs the following before notifying vendors (Aug 18)
  • copy/link of Draft Integration Statement
  • full, final copy of Test Tool Results
  • Bruce to send evaluation of results to judges by Aug 18
  • Bruce will notify vendors individually with final results by Aug 25

V. Integration Statements

  • Phases
  • Pre-Connectathon (non-released S/W)
  • Post-Connectathon (w/results)
  • Released Software

VI. Beam types table

  • Bruce will post draft template of Beam Types by Aug 11

VII. Next efforts / What is ready for 2009?

  • Treatment Delivery (Worklist)
  • Progress has been made, reasonable to demonstrate in 2009
  • Limit work in 2009 to Integrated Patient Positioning Profile
  • Outreach to independent PPD vendors to encourage involvement in 2010
  • Enhanced Treatment Planning (Beam Types Template)
  • Colin Sims and John Sarafa to backup Bruce Curran as Profile editor
  • Combining Dose
  • Composite dose display (enhancement of Registered Dose Displayer)
  • Register and add multiple dose plans
  • Walter to write White Paper on Dose Compositing (with BCurran, SSwerdloff, JSarafa)
  • Can a dose compositor be constructed using existing profiles, plus application functionality?
  • Existing Actors/Transactions
  • TP Considerations

VII. ASTRO Public Demonstration

  • High profile location in exhibit hall
  • PC is moving on Demonstration – Mika has requested volunteers to man the booth
  • Eight tables for demonstration of 2007 and 2008 profiles
  • Vendors to rehearse demonstration
  • Slides may reference works in progress, may be demonstrated upon request

IX. Post-mortem – improving the next connectathon

  • Need to test the same datasets for all actors/vendors
  • Earlier specification of test cases
  • Test data for pre-test and separate data for connectathon
  • Management resources: Technical Project Manager, Connectathon Manager (Steve Moore does both for IHE).
  • Test Procedure / Results management software

X. Future Meetings

  • IHE-RO Technical Committee Meeting - Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 7:00 – 9:00 AM EDT (ASTRO Annual Meeting – Commonwealth A/B of the Westin Waterfront Hotel)
  • TC Meeting @ ASTRO – Th – Sa
  • Review of PC proposals
  • Review of Advanced Interoperability Templates (Enhanced TP)
  • Dec 15-19 location TBD
  • Work on profile document

XI. Adjourn