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===Closed Issues===  
===Closed Issues===  
# Where CareRecord and POIZ have different tags for the same elements, we have chosen to use the CareRecord tags in the templates and sample messages.
# Where CareRecord and POIZ have different tags for the same elements, we have chosen to use the CareRecord tags in the templates and sample messages.  The other possibility is to use the POIZ tags, which may be more meaningful to immunization domain experts.  However, we felt that the POIZ tag names and definitions within the HL7 POIZ HMD were not significantly more descriptive to warrant "breaking" software that currently parses Care Record messages and may expect Care Record tags.
=Volume I=
=Volume I=

Revision as of 21:59, 29 May 2008


This is a draft of the Immunization Registry Content Profile (IRC) supplement to the PCC Technical Framework. This draft is a work in progress, not the official supplement or profile.

Profile Abstract

The Immunization Content Profile (IC)

The Immunization Content Profile defines standard immunization data content for Immunization Information Systems (IISs), other public health systems, electronic medical records (EMR) systems, Health Information Exchanges, and others wishing to exchange immunization data electronically in a standard format.


Immunization Information System (IIS)
Preferred term of the American Immunization Registry Association for "Immunization Registry"

Issue Log

Open Issues

Public comment is solicited on all of the following issues:

  1. In preparation for the development of this profile, the compatibility of HL7 Version 3 POIZ and CareRecord were analyzed. The standards were found to be highly compatible. A few differences were identified and referred back to the HL7 Public Health and Emergency Response (PHER) Work Group for resolution through comments on both Draft Standards for Trial Use (DSTU). The approach taken in the Immunization Content (IC) Profile is to update the current PCC-2 Immunization Summary template to contain all the fields in POIZ that are also supported in CareRecord. The updated template is the equivalent of a POIZ template on CareRecord. This update needs to be completed by the appropriate means.
  2. It is expected that ballot comments on the CareRecord DSTU within HL7 will include requests to add elements available in POIZ but not accommodated in CareRecord. Assuming those elements are eventually added, this IC profile will have to be updated to also include them.
  3. Not enough is said about precisely how the HL7 Version 2 messages are to be used. HL7 Version 2 couples content more tightly with message syntax than Verion 3. Care Management (CM) provides the notification-based integration profile, and Query for Existing Data (QED) provides a query-based integration profile for the HL7 V3 portions of this profile. However, it is unclear how CM and QED will handle V2.
  4. This IC profile contains three options for each actor. This has been thought to be problematic because two systems implementing different options may not be able to communicate. Another approach would be to break this profile into two or even three profiles, i.e. , one for HL7 Version 2, and one or two for HL7 Version 3 (depending upon whether the Immunization Summary and Care Record options are combined).
  5. Implementation of this profile within PCC Volumes I and II will involve a two-part exercises: (1) update of the existing PCC-2 Immunization Summary template to reflect missing POIZ fields; and (2) creation of a new profile for the Care Record Option that includes Allergies, Problems, etc. - something that looks more like a discharge summary or a transfer of care summary, etc.
  6. We assume we can use the Simple Observation template of Care Record to record Vaccine Information Statement Given (VIS Given) and VIS Version fields. Is this the best approach?

Notes to Author/Editor (do not include in final drafts)

  1. V2.3.1 messages blend identity resolution with transmission of clinical data. Profiles such as QED and CM do not handle identity management; this is the purview of PIX and PDQ. How then is this aspect of HL7 Version 2.3.1 to be handled?
  2. Note that HL7 "V2" below refers to "V2.3.1". Note that an implementation guide for HL7 V2.5 is also under development in the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC).
  3. Address how to handle updates to referenced V2 Guides.
  4. Template for Advanced Directives needs to be fixed to include Immunization Refusal Reasons.
  5. Template for Immunizations needs to be fixed to include Lot #, Manufacturer, and Expiration Date.

Closed Issues

  1. Where CareRecord and POIZ have different tags for the same elements, we have chosen to use the CareRecord tags in the templates and sample messages. The other possibility is to use the POIZ tags, which may be more meaningful to immunization domain experts. However, we felt that the POIZ tag names and definitions within the HL7 POIZ HMD were not significantly more descriptive to warrant "breaking" software that currently parses Care Record messages and may expect Care Record tags.

Volume I

Add the following bullet to the list of profiles
  • Immunization Content - The Immunization Content Profile defines standard immunization data content for Immunization Information Systems, other public health systems, EMR systems, Health Information Exchanges, and others wishing to exchange immunization data electronically in a standard format.


Add the following row(s) to the list of dependencies
Integration Profile Dependency Dependency Type Purpose
Immunization Content ATNA


The Immunization Content Profile (IC)

The Immunization Content Profile (IC) provides a standard message, document and web service formats for exchanging immunization data. It is intended to facilitate the exchange of immunization data among multiple systems belonging to a single or to multiple organizations. Data exchange with and among the installed base of U.S. Immunization Information System (IIS) base was a critical consideration in formulating this profile. However, its intention is to go beyond data exchange among IISs, and facilitate immunization data exchange on a healthcare information network that includes electronic medical record (EMR) systems, Health Information Exchanges, other public health systems, Personal Health Record (PHR) systems, and other stakeholder systems. Thus, the profile specifies common data formats for exchanging immunization data only, or for exchanging immunization data along with medical summary data needed for the overall care of a patient related to immunizations.

To accomplish this, IC draws from two HL7 Version 3 message standards: Immunizations and Care Provision. Immunizations contains a message information model which handles detailed immunization information only. It includes history of administered vaccines with such details as lot number, who administered the shot, and so forth. Care Provision contains a message information model which handles immunization as well as other information related to the patient's care. For example, it includes medical history, medications, allergies, vital signs, and so forth. To provide for compatibility with the U.S. installed base of Immunization Information Systems (IISs), an HL7 Version 2.3.1 content option is also included.

The format of data is treated here as a separate topic from whether the data communicated in message, service, or document format, or whether an enclosing message is query-based or notification-based. By isolating content description from transaction description, the same content can be exchanged both in query and notification (unsolicited update) transaction styles, or in a service. IC is intended to be used in conjunction with integration profiles such as Query for Existing Data (QED) and Care Management (CM) to create architectures for immunization information exchange. It is also hoped that in the future, IC can be used in document-oriented profiles such as XDS. Finally, the IC Profile is also intended to pave the way for content to be passed to immunization-related decision support services. Decision support, however, is out of scope for the 2007-2009 IHE cycle and is on the IHE roadmap for the future.

Use Cases

The following progression of use cases is illustrated in the drawing below.

This text needs to be fixed-->>insert Drawing for Public Comment here<<--

Use Case 1: Immunization Information System Participation

Various provider organizations - airport flu shot clinics, storefront vaccine clinics, and hospital vaccine clinics - wish to submit immunization histories for patients to a regional Immunization Information System (IIS) with appropriate patient consent. The provider IT departments configure HL7 Verion 2.3.1 connections with the IIS. Each time immunizations are recorded, records of the administered vaccines are automatically sent to the IIS using an HL7 version 2.3.1 standard format.

This is representative of the present-state use case in the U.S.

Use Case 2: Immunization Yellow Card

A pediatrician's office produces official immunization records (sometimes called "Yellow Card") for patients. The provider electronic medical record (EMR) system retrieves demographic information and records of immunization its immunization repository. To supplement its records with immunizations that the patient may have received from other providers, it queries the regional Immunization Information System (IIS). It passes the immunization content to a software module or service that prints the information in the official Yellow Card format.

Use Case 3: Personal Health Record

The provider wishes to make the assembled immunization information available in the patient's Personal Health Record (PHR). The pediatrician's office EMR system includes the retrieved immunization information in its complete care provision information about the patient. The standard Care Provision information contains current conditions, allergies and past adverse events, medications, vital signs, past medical history such as disease history, and so forth, in addition to immunizations. Knowing that the patient also has visited providers in a neighboring state, the EMR system queries the neighboring state's Health Information Exchange (HIE) to retrieve additional care provision information in a standard format. Since the neighboring state IIS is also part of the HIE, the retrieved information also includes immunizations. The pediatrician's office EMR system combines the retrieved and local information and sends it to the provider's PHR system in a standard format.

Use Case 4: Vaccine Forecast

The pediatrician's office wishes to run an automated Vaccine Forecast Decision Support Service to calculate which vaccines due on the next visit, and to assist with reminder/recall. The service may be integrated within the EMR or may be accessed externally using a web service interface. The service accepts a standard XML-based payload in Immunization Content format. The pediatrician's EMR system submits the patients Care Provision data that it has previously assembled to the Vaccine Forecast Decision Support Service and receives a vaccine forecast care plan in return. It records the care plan and uses it in reminder/recall.


There are two actors in this profile, the Content Creator and the Content Consumer. Content is created by a Content Creator and is to be consumed by a Content Consumer. The sharing or transmission of content from one actor to the other is addressed by the appropriate use of IHE profiles described below, and is out of scope of this profile.

Immunization Registry Content Actor Diagram


Actor Option Section
Immunization Content Options
Content Consumer Immunization Summary Option (1)

Care Record Option (1)
HL7 V2 Option (1)



Content Creator Immunization Summary Option (1)

Care Record Option (1)
HL7 V2 Option (1)



Note (1): The Actor shall support at least one of these options.

Immunization Summary Option

The Immunization Summary Option is based upon HL7 Version 3. It includes information about immunization history of a patient.

Care Record Option

The Care Record is also based upon HL7 Version 3. It includes all of the requirements of the Immunization Summary Option, plus ancillary information to support decisions about the treatment of a patient related to immunizations. For example, it includes the patient's allergies, which may be relevant in deciding whether or not to give certain vaccines.

Hl7 V2 Option

The HL7 V2 Option is for backwards compatibility with existing HL7 Version 2 immunization messaging.

Volume II

Immunization Content

Immunization Content (IC) draws from two HL7 Version 3 message standards - Immunizations and Care Provision - and from one HL7 Version 2 standard.

Immunizations contains a message information model which handles detailed immunization information only. It includes history of administered vaccines with such details as lot number, who administered the shot, and so forth. The Immunization Summary Option of IC is based upon the PCC-2 Immunization Summary template, with additions to harmonize it with the HL7 Version 3 Immunizations standard (POIZ).

Care Provision contains a message information model (Care Record) which handles immunizations as well as other information related to the patient's care. For example, it includes medical history, medications, allergies, vital signs, and so forth. The PCC-2 Immunization Summary is contained within Care Record. The Care Record Option of IC is based upon a new template which includes existing PCC-2 Care Record templates, plus the enhanced PCC-2 Immunization Summary template of the Immunization Summary Option.

To provide for compatibility with the U.S. installed base of Immunization Information Systems (IISs), an HL7 Version 2.3.1 content option is also included. The HL7 V2 Option is entirely based upon the Implementation Guide for Immunization Data Transactions Using V 2.3.1 of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Protocol, referenced in Standards below. All document specification, data elements specification, and sample messages for HL7 V2 Option are as described in that Implementation Guide.


HL7 V3 Immunizations (Click on Universal Domains, Immunizations)
HL7 Version 3 Standard: Immunization, Release 1 DSTU Ballot 3 - May 2008
HL7 V3 Care Provision (Click on Universal Domains, Care Provision)
HL7 Version 3 Standard: Care Provision, Release 1 Last Ballot: DSTU Ballot 3 - September 2007
Implementation Guide for Immunization Data Transactions Using V 2.3.1 of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Protocol
Implementation Guide for Immunization Data Transactions Using V 2.3.1 of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Protocol.

Data Element Index

Immunization Summary Option

The table below gives the data elements to be used in the Immunization Summary Option. It shows the mapping between HL7 Version 3 Care Provision (CareRecord) and HL7 Version 3 Immunizations (POIZ) messages. The table shows where one standard has elements that are unavailable in the other.

In this profile, CareRecord tags are used in the message definition. The mapping here is given to show that most elements in POIZ are also included. In the future, if and when missing POIZ elements are added to CareRecord, this profile may be also updated to include them.

Data Elements Element from Care Record Root Element from POIZ Root Other Reference
Patient Elements for Immunization Content
Patient ID patient.id subject.id not required for Vaccine Decision Support
DOB patient.birthTime subject.birthTime only required for Vaccine Decision Support
Gender patient.administrativeGender subject.administrativeGender only required for Vaccine Decision Support
History of Immunizations
Immunization Record ID id id instance identifier
Negation Indicator negationInd negationInd
Description text text
Immunization Date effectiveTime effectiveTime
Confidentiality Code confidentialityCode not defined in Care Record
Uncertainty Code uncertaintyCode not defined in Care Record
Dose Quantity doseQuantity.value - units doseQuantity.value - units
Route routeCode routeCode
Approach Site approachSiteCode approachSiteCode
Vaccine Code consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. code consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. code CDC CVX code in US
Vaccine Name consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. name consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. name
Vaccine Lot # consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. lotNumberText consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. lotNumberText
Vaccine Expiration Date consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. expirationTime consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. expirationTime
Manufacturer ID consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. asMedicineManufacturer. manufacturer.id consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. asMedicineManufacturer. manufacturer.id CDC MVX code in US
Manufacturer name consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. asMedicineManufacturer. manufacturer. name consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. asMedicineManufacturer. manufacturer. name
Vaccine Lot # Recalled Effective Date consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. asMedicineManufacturer. entryRelationship. observation. effectiveTime consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. asMedicineManufacturer. entryRelationship. observation. effectiveTime Date Recall was effective
Vaccine Lot # Recalled Code consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. asMedicineManufacturer. entryRelationship. observation. code consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. asMedicineManufacturer. entryRelationship. observation. code SNOMED code for vaccine recalled
Vaccine Lot # Recalled Noted Time consumable. administerableMaterial. administerableMaterial. asMedicineManufacturer. entryRelationship. observation. value consumable. administerableMedication. administerableMedicine. asMedicineManufacturer. entryRelationship. observation. value Date Recall was noted
Adverse Event entryRelationship. observation. code entryRelationship. observation. code - Observation w/SNOMED code
Adverse Event Time entryRelationship. observation. effectiveTime entryRelationship. observation. effectiveTime
Adverse Event Severity entryRelationship. observation. entryRelationship. observation. code entryRelationship. observation. entryRelationship. observation. code
Performer ID performer. assignedEntity. id performer. assignedEntity. id
Performer Name performer. assignedEntity. assignedPerson. name performer. assignedEntity. assignedPerson. name
Performer Organization ID performer. assignedPerson. representedOrganization. id performer. assignedPerson. representedOrganization. id
Performer Organization Name performer. assignedPerson. representedOrganization. name performer. assignedPerson. representedOrganization. name
Author ID author. assignedEntity. id author. assignedEntity. id
Author Name author. assignedEntity. assignedPerson. name author. assignedEntity. assignedPerson. name
Informant Name informant. assignedEntity. assignedPerson. name informant. assignedEntity. assignedPerson. name
Informant Mode informant. modeCode written/verbal/electronic
Informant Source informant. informationSource. code patient/relative/provider
Informant Name informant. relatedEntity. assignedPerson. name Care Record also defines options for informant by electronic data transfer
Reason Not Administered reason. noImmunizationReason. reasonCode
Vaccine Information Statement Given observation. code observation. code
VIS Version observation. value observation. value
Shot Comments / Notes annotation. text annotation. text

Care Record Option

The Care Record Option includes additional data elements from existing PCC-2 templates. This table shows the additional existing templates that are included, along with the Immunization Summary data elements, in the Care Record Option.

Data Elements Other Reference Care Record Element
Existing Problem Record Data Elements use as-is templateId=
Existing Allergy and Intolerance Data Elements use as-is templateId=
Allergen Substance substance causing allergy (allergy to eggs must be noted) intolerances.participant.code
Allergic Reaction History intolerances.reactions
Severity intolerances.severity
Clinical Status intolerances.clinicalStatus
Comments intolerances.comments
Existing Medications Data Elements use as-is templateId=
Existing Simple Observations for Labs use as-is templateId=
Existing Vital Signs Data Elements use as-is templateId= templateId=
Observation Code LOINC: 8310-5 body temp (must be noted if reason for not immunizing) vitalSigns.code
Observation Value - Units vitalSigns.value
Existing Pregnancy Data Elements use as-is templateId=
Existing Advanced Directives Data Elements use as-is templateId=
Scope (Refusal Reason Code) <additions to list of SNOMED code(s) to include IZ Refusal Reasons> advanceDirectives.code

Document Specification

Immunization Summary Option

The following table shows the data elements used from the existing PCC-2 Immunization Summary Template, plus modifications required for use in this IC profile.

Data Element Opt PCC-2 Section Template ID
Immunization Summary Option - Updated Constraints
History of Immunizations R
Immunization Record ID R
Negation Indicator R
Description R
Immunization Date R
Dose Quantity R2
Route R2
Approach Site R2
Vaccine Code R /
Vaccine Name R2 /
Vaccine Lot # R2 needs to be added
Vaccine Expiration Date R2 needs to be added
Manufacturer ID R2 needs to be added
Manufacturer Name O needs to be added
Vaccine Lot # Recalled Effective Date R2
Vaccine Lot # Recalled Code R2
Vaccine Lot # Recalled Noted Time O
Adverse Event Code R2
Adverse Event Time R2
Adverse Event Severity R2
Performer Person ID R2 needs to be added
Performer Person Name O needs to be added
Performer Organization ID R2 needs to be added
Performer Organization Name O needs to be added
Author R2 no template -- see below
Informant R2 no template -- see below
Vaccine Information Statement Given R2
VIS Version R2
Comments about Shot R2

Care Record Option

The following table describes the Care Record Option. It includes the Immunization Summary Option just described in its entirety. It also makes use of other existing PCC-2 templates as indicated. These templates are used unmodified from their present form, except that optionality of fields is specified in the table below.

Data Element Opt PCC-2 Section Template ID
Care Record Option - Updated Constraints
Immunization Care Event R need new template ID
Patient ID C Not Required for Vaccine Decision Support
DOB C Only Required for Vaccine Decision Support
Gender C Only Required for Vaccine Decision Support
History of Immunizations R (updated - see above)
Authors and Informants R2 <use as defined in PCC-2>
Address R
Telecom R
Role Code R2
Name O
Informant Mode R2
Informant Source R2
Problem Entry R2
Problem began R2
Problem ended R2
Problem Type R2
Confidentiality Code R2
Uncertainty Code R2
Problem Code R
Severity R2
Clinical Status O
Health Status O
Comments O
Allergies and Intolerances R2
Intolerance Type R
Allergy Code R
Allergen Substance R2
Allergic Reaction History R2
Severity R2
Clinical Status O
Comments O
Medications R2
Description R2
Date Range R
Drug Code R2
Drug Name R2
Lab Results R2
Lab Code R
Description R2
Date R
Result R2
Result Interpretation R2
Test Method R2
Author R2
Vital Signs Organizer R2
Observation Date R
Observation by R2
Vital Signs Observation R2
Observation Code R LOINC: 8310-5 body temp vitalSigns.code
Observation Value - Units R
Pregnancy Observation R2
Observation Date R
Pregnancy Info Type R2
Pregnancy Status R2
Pregnancy Info Type R2
Estimated Due Date R2
Advance Directive Observation R2
Refusal Reason Code R <need to expand SNOMED list to include vaccines, refusal reasons, etc.>
Reason Code Permits Immunization? R2
Effective From Date R2
Effective Thru Date R2
Comments O

Summary of Document Specification

Immunization Summary Option

The table below summarizes the templates needed for the Immunization Summary Option. This already appears in PCC-2, in Section, but is repeated here for convenience.

Parent Template CCD 3.11(2.16.840.1.113883.
General Description This section shall contain a full description of the immunizations administered to the patient in the past. It shall include entries for medication administration as described in the Entry Content Module. It shall also contain all known medical information which is relevant to past and future immunization decisions for the patient.
LOINC Code Opt Description
Entries Opt Description R Immunizations

Care Record Option

The table below summarizes the templates needed for the Care Record Option. Note that it includes the Immunizations template discussed above in its entirety.

Parent Template CCD 3.11(2.16.840.1.113883.
General Description This section shall contain a full description of the immunizations administered to the patient in the past. It shall include entries for medication administration as described in the Entry Content Module. It shall also contain all known medical information which is relevant to past and future immunization decisions for the patient.
LOINC Code Opt Description
Entries Opt Description R Immunization Content
Sub-sections Opt Description R Immunizations
(if no immunizations have been given, that fact must be stated with negationInd = true, and NoImmunizationReason supplied)
Sub-sections Opt Description R2 Problems and Conditions
Sub-sections Opt Description R Allergies and Intolerances
(allergy to eggs must be specified, whether positive, negative, or unknown)
(any known reactions to vaccine events must be specified, and linked to the particular immunization event, if known)
Sub-sections Opt Description R2 Medications
Sub-sections Opt Description R2 Vital Signs Organizer
Sub-sections Opt Description R2 Vital Signs Observation
Sub-sections Opt Description C Pregnancy Observation
Sub-sections Opt Description R2 Advance Directives and Consent Observation
Sub-sub-sections Opt Description R2 Severity
(used in Problems and Allergies)
Sub-sub-sections Opt Description R2 Clinical Status
(used in Problems and Allergies)
Sub-sub-sections Opt Description R2 Health Status
(used in Problems)
Sub-sub-sections Opt Description R2 Comments
(used in POIZ, Problems, Allergies and Advance Directives)

Parent Template

This text needs to be fixed-->>do we need this?<<--

The parent of this template is CCD 3.11.


Sample V3 Message for Immunization Summary Option

<controlActProcess moodCode="EVN">

           <id root='903e67b1-3169-481e-b9e8-3fdfe84ceb8c'/>
           <statusCode code="active"/>
                   <id root=""/>
                       <streetAddressLine>987 Maple St.</streetAddressLine>
                       <streetAddressLine>Building 44-B</streetAddressLine>
                   <telecom use="WP" value="123-456-7890"/>
                           <id extension="NA5050" root=""/>
                           <telecom use="HP" value=""/>
                           <statusCode code="normal"/>
                               <name use="L">
                               <administrativeGenderCode code="F" displayName="Female" codeSystem='2.16.840.1.113883.5.1'
                               <birthTime value="19300102"/>
                   <substanceAdministration moodCode="EVN" negationInd="false" classCode="SBADM">
                       <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                       <templateId root=""/>
                       <id extension="63" root=""/>
                       <statusCode code="completed"/>
                       <effectiveTime value="20070911"/>
                       <routeCode nullFlavor="UNK"/>
                       <approachSiteCode nullFlavor="UNK"/>
                       <doseQuantity value="1"/>
                       <consumable typeCode="CSM">
                           <administerableMaterial classCode='ADMM' determinerCode='INSTANCE'>
                               <administerableMaterial classCode='MMAT' determinerCode='INSTANCE'>
                                   <templateId root="" /> 
                                   <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> 
                                   <expirationTime value='20080305'/>
                                   <asMedicineManufacturer classCode='MANU'>
                                       <manufacturer classCode='ORG'>
                                           <id root='2.16.840.1.113883.6.60' extension='SKB'/>
                                           <name>Glaxo Smith Kline Beacham</name>
                           <desc>influenza immunization has been administered</desc>
                       <entryRelationship inversionInd='false' typeCode='CAUS'>
                           <templateId root=''/>
                           <observation typeCode='OBS' moodCode='EVN'>
                               <templateId root='2.16.840.1.113883.'/>
                               <templateId root=''/>
                               <id root= extension=/>
                               <statusCode code="completed"/>
                               <effectiveTime><low value="20070911"></low><high value="20070916"></high></effectiveTime>
                               <value type="CD" code="xxx" displayName="Edema with fever" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.103" codeSystemName="ICD-9CM"></value>
                               <entryRelationship typeCode="SUBJ" inversionInd="true">
                                   <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                                       <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                                       <templateId root=""/>
                                       <text>moderately severe edema with moderate fever</text>
                                       <statusCode code="completed"/>
                                       <value type="CD" code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1063" codeSystemName="ObservationValue"></value>
                       <performer typeCode='PRF'>
                           <assignedEntity typeCode="ASSIGNED">
                               <id root='1.2.3' extension="MUNB23"/>
                               <telecom use= value=/>
                                   <name>ABC Healthcare</name>
                       <author typeCode='AUT'>
                           <assignedEntity typeCode='ASSIGNED'>
                               <id root=' 1.2.3' extension=' SMIM01'/>
                               <assignedPerson classCode='PSN' determinerCode= root=>
                       <informant typeCode='INF'>


Sample V3 Message for Care Record Option

<controlActProcess moodCode="EVN">

           <id root='903e67b1-3169-481e-b9e8-3fdfe84ceb8c'/>
           <statusCode code="active"/>
                   <id root=""/>
                       <streetAddressLine>987 Maple St.</streetAddressLine>
                       <streetAddressLine>Building 44-B</streetAddressLine>
                   <telecom use="WP" value="123-456-7890"/>
                           <id extension="NA5050" root=""/>
                               <administrativeGenderCode code="F" displayName="Female" codeSystem='2.16.840.1.113883.5.1'
                               <birthTime value="19300102"/>
                   <substanceAdministration moodCode="EVN" negationInd="false" classCode="SBADM">
                       <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                       <templateId root=""/>
                       <id extension="63" root=""/>
                       <statusCode code="completed"/>
                       <effectiveTime value="20070911"/>
                       <routeCode nullFlavor="UNK"/>
                       <approachSiteCode nullFlavor="UNK"/>
                       <doseQuantity value="1"/>
                       <consumable typeCode="CSM">
                           <administerableMaterial classCode='ADMM' determinerCode='INSTANCE'>
                               <administerableMaterial classCode='MMAT' determinerCode='INSTANCE'>
                                   <templateId root="" /> 
                                   <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883." /> 
                                   <expirationTime value='20080305'/>
                                   <asMedicineManufacturer classCode='MANU'>
                                       <manufacturer classCode='ORG'>
                                           <id root='2.16.840.1.113883.6.60' extension='SKB'/>
                                           <name>Glaxo Smith Kline Beacham</name>
                           <desc>influenza immunization has been administered</desc>
                       <entryRelationship inversionInd='false' typeCode='CAUS'>
                           <templateId root=''/>
                           <observation typeCode='OBS' moodCode='EVN'>
                               <templateId root='2.16.840.1.113883.'/>
                               <templateId root=''/>
                               <id root= extension=/>
                               <statusCode code="completed"/>
                               <effectiveTime><low value="20070911"></low><high value="20070916"></high></effectiveTime>
                               <value type="CD" code="xxx" displayName="Edema with fever" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.103" codeSystemName="ICD-9CM"></value>
                               <entryRelationship typeCode="SUBJ" inversionInd="true">
                                   <observation classCode="OBS" moodCode="EVN">
                                       <templateId root="2.16.840.1.113883."/>
                                       <templateId root=""/>
                                       <text>moderately severe edema with moderate fever</text>
                                       <statusCode code="completed"/>
                                       <value type="CD" code="M" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.1063" codeSystemName="ObservationValue"></value>
                       <performer typeCode='PRF'>
                           <assignedEntity typeCode="ASSIGNED">
                               <id root='1.2.3' extension="MUNB23"/>
                               <telecom use= value=/>
                                   <name>ABC Healthcare</name>
                       <author typeCode='AUT'>
                           <assignedEntity typeCode='ASSIGNED'>
                               <id root=' 1.2.3' extension=' SMIM01'/>
                               <assignedPerson classCode='PSN' determinerCode= root=>
                       <informant typeCode='INF'>


Sample V2 Message

See Implementation Guide for Immunization Data Transactions Using V 2.3.1 of the Health Level Seven (HL7) Standard Protocol, referenced in Standards above.